Now Reverse the Roles

After the argument was over, the stranger, later identified by Irmo police as 23-year-old Christina Harrison, allegedly pulled out a gun and shot Borys in the back… [More]

So on top of everything else, the stupid c*** is a coward.

Special thanks to all those race hustlers and “woke” DEI enablers stirring up sentiments of entitlement, resentment, and hate among the low-hanging fruit!

And speaking of entitlements and rage

Because she’s the victim, no doubt, and in a way that’s true. Of Democrats.

Radical Oregon Ruling Declares Defense of Second Amendment Racist and Antisemitic

“Intervenors came before this court and referenced UN mandates, which … is a well-documented trope meant to invoke white supremacist, antisemitic fear of a takeover of our country by outsiders and minorities who are manipulated by an elite class of supervillains,” Egan wrote. The Columbia County ordinance (and by implication, all Second Amendment sanctuary resolutions throughout the Republic) has “antisemitic and racist origins,” he declares. [More]

With judges adopting Antifa’s rhetoric, can communist “people’s courts” for counterrevolutionaries be far off?

Doesn’t Sound Like a Democrat…

“The Constitution is a GLORIOUS LIBERTY DOCUMENT.” These words were delivered by a former slave. The all-caps emphasis was his. In an 1852 speech entitled What to the Slave is the Fourth of July the inimitable Frederick Douglass called out the evil of slavery while praising an undeniable instrument of liberation: the U.S. Constitution. [More]

So… he wasn’t black?

Speaking of White Supremacy

A document reportedly linked to black students at numerous universities refers to white people as “maggots,” “vermin” and “roaches.” [More]

Are you vermin? Because we know what can be done to those.

You gotta wonder what kind of special accommodations were made to admit some moron who doesn’t even know how to spell “monkeys” into an academic program.

[Via Michael G]

Living Wild, Wild Life

Academics Discover Lack of Wildlife in Cities Is Racist [More]

What is this “lack” of which they speak?

Besides, it depends upon what the meaning of the word “wildlife” is. (Let’s play “Tally Up the Number of Bloomberg Cities!)

Oh, look: White privilege!

And I know that’s the way you like it, oh-oh

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Feral Cowards…

Philadelphia robbery suspects caught on camera kicking, stomping on woman in city street… [More]

I’ve got a corollary: Anyone who can’t be trusted with fists and feet can’t be trusted with oxygen.

Tell us about the victim.

Does she believe such perpetrators are “overly represented” in the criminal justice system and thus deserve “no bail” and alternative sentencing? Does she vote Democrat and believe in “commonsense gun safety laws”?

Now tell us about the craven savages trying to murder her. What kind of criminal actions have they been forgiven for before? Would they be outraged and join in the “mostly peaceful protests” because “black lives matter”?

If one of them ends up shot by a white self-defender or a cop, will newspapers and TV reports promote their innocent and smiling third-grade portrait?

Tell me this isn’t all about systemic racism.

I’d say it is. Democrat systemic racism that makes this obscenely intolerable state of conditions inevitable…

And the cold and evil minds pulling the useful idiots’ strings know exactly what they’re doing.

[Via bondmen]

Location, Location, Location

A recent back-and-forth crime spree involved three St. Louis County teens reportedly stealing cars, which culminated in a shooting. The trio was arrested in on the eastern side of the river, where they were not going to be prosecuted. So, police brought the teens to the other side to get charges filed. [More]

And why weren’t they going to be prosecuted there?

That’s a rhetorical question.

[Via bondmen]

No Justice No Peace?

Authors demand US government issue $14 trillion in reparations over role in slavery, voter suppression [More]

Let’s just say for the sake of argument they got it (which would be impossible for a number of reasons as well as casus belli, but I’m making a point here).

Look at the reaction to a California proposal:

[O]ther critics have suggested the steep price tag isn’t enough.

No “reparation” would ever be enough, there would always be a resentful and entitled demand for more, and if anything, the hatred would be magnified and more widespread. And cowards who submitted to it would become slaves and targets.

Look at the angry scowl on that well-dressed, well-fed, overcompensated and overprivileged bitter, and stupid motherf****r– do you think he’ll ever be satisfied?

Do you want him to be?

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to a Dacian Liberation Front meeting to demand reparations from you Italians for what Emperor Trajan did to my people — and no, I won’t use “Romanians,” because that’s a slave name.

Opposing White Genocide is Racist

College slammed for firing prof who allegedly said killing all whites would end racism… “In Professor McPhail’s case, it appeared to have been downright hostile, as evidenced by the presence of racist tropes of incompetent, angry, and physically violent Black men in the language used to justify his dismissal,” the report read. [More]

Meanwhile, Whoopi adds to ABC/Disney family values by saying they only need to be beaten up so they’ll care enough to effect change.

The Cognitive Dissonance… It Burns

Democrat freshman rep deletes tweet calling Tyre Nichols’ killing the ‘result of white supremacy’ [More]

Afro-Cuban,” and the young idiot “thinks” police like those who did the beating are the “Only Ones” who should have guns.

I wonder what he attributes the Revolutionary National Police execution of Hansel Hernández to…

Hey, “¿Armas para Que?” right, young fool and leader of fools?

And I see the theme is becoming a meme.

A Diller, a Dollar, A Ten o’Clock Scholar

Professors argue K-12 science lessons should prompt activism… Grapin is an assistant professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning and Lee is a professor in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. [More]

So neither of them are, you know, scientists…

Thank goodness! Then they’d be racists!

[Via Michael G]

Our Diversity Makes Us Stronger?

Then why are they doing this?

Another proposal would remove outdated language from the government’s current racial and ethnic data policy, including “Negro” as a term to describe the “Black” category…

Somebody wanna tell these folks…?

And when are they going to add boxes for the 31 flavors or however many there are these days…?

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