Some Lives Matter

Accusing the slogan of fueling violence, she also asked, “That he wants to see how far he can go and doesn’t really care about, or think about, the collateral damage in the meantime (including to those children singing at his feet), despite the violence this could feed?” [More]

What a load of dangerous, hateful ignorance.

Anyone who would commit violence over that is someone who can’t be trusted without a custodian.


Wing’s Twitter account also said, “[T]his lady actually had the CAUdacity to say that black people can be racist too… I had to stop the session and give Karen the BUSINESS… [W]e are not the majority, we don’t have power,” Wing said on Twitter. [More]

As in “caucasian,” and she’s not racist? Even when calling white women “Karens” ?

I suppose I’d never work in this town again if I offered a rejoinder about her having a sense of  … hey, did I just invent a word…?

Tangentially-related UPDATE

‘Implicit Bias’ Training Cost Me My Nursing Job – States are forcing medical professionals to make false confessions of racism. I refused to go along. [More]

So apparently, all that “power” and “privilege” the majority is supposed to have is manifested by being dragged in front of everyone for a humiliating public struggle session

I wonder what excuse they’ll use when the plan comes together and the majority becomes the minority? Or will excuses be unnecessary at that point?

[Via Michael G]

Or Said Another Way…

Joy Reid says DeSantis warning to looters in Ian’s aftermath is like racist threat from ‘segregationist’ [More]

So who is she saying they are most likely to be?

Funny thing about some of the biggest “equity” bellyachers…

Let me guess: She just had to work ten times harder than everyone with privilege.

A Lestering Sore

Dr. Phil guest claims ‘White supremacy is embedded in everything’ in segment on cultural appropriation  [More]

“Cultural appropriation” like hair straightening?

Here’s Lester cautioning us about racial slurs. What the hell does he think calling everyone who’s not a Marxist a “white supremacist” is?

At least those who know him best aren’t fooled. You can’t even graduate with a GPA like that. Figures they’d hire him to teach.

Life in the Retardocracy

Barnes once said he “really could not care less about a 2nd Amendment ‘right’” to bear arms. [More]

This just proves what a damned idiot and a tool he is, and how willfully ignorant his supporters must be.

What the “our democracy” string-pullers don’t seem to be taking into account is when you erode respect for a position by offering obvious boobs like this as placeholders, you replace it with contempt for the office. Or maybe they are taking it into account, and it’s all part of a plan to bring about the day when they can drop all pretenses because their rule will be unchallengeable.

[Via Michael G]

Real Fishwives of Denver*

Bizarre Documentary Showcases Affluent White Women Paying To Be Called Racists [More]

The good news is if these stupid, overprivileged cud-chewers bring about what they’re enabling things will kind of take care of themselves.

As an aside, calling them “Karens” no doubt has called untold hurtful harassment of women and girls who are named that and undeserving of the ridicule, aggression, and abuse– you’d figure “progressives” who posture themselves as champions of women’s rights would know that except that’s not what they really are.

It’s really no different than real racism — which is a form of collectivism used to discriminate against individuals.

[Via Michael G]


Inciting Mindless Mob Fury: There’s an App for That

New alert system launched to alert Black leaders about racially motivated crimes- New alert system for hate crimes [More]

Will they also get an alert to retract all the ones that turn out to be hoaxes?

“The FBI director has said the greatest domestic terrorist threat to the nation is white supremacists,” [Carl Snowden with the Caucus of African-American Leaders] said.

That’s because he’s a weaponized tool who Trump should have known better than to let The Swamp sucker him into nominating.

And you believe him, do you, tool-in-your-own-right Carl? When was the last time one shot up your neighborhood?

All you have to do is look to Google News, and all the prime hits are about one isolated incident committed four months ago by a lunatic who wrote in his manifesto “when I was 12, I was deep into communist ideology” and  “I’m not a conservative. Because conservatism is corporatism in disguise, and I want no part of that.”

Then look at the devastation to “the community” in just ONE city.  Now, look at the 12 Bloomberg/Democrat record-breakers.

How many “white supremacists” were involved, Carl? How many Republicans? How many NRA members? How many Oath Keepers and “Three Percenters”?

Get your head out of your @$$, Carl.

Or is it more lucrative and advantageous to your inflated sense of importance to keep it there, and the hell with the repercussions to those you posture to represent, and to your country?

[Via Sweet Babboo]

We’re the Only Ones Turning Enough

Campus police detain Turning Point USA protesters during Cultural Resource Center altercation … Turning Point USA called campus police for assistance… [More]

What did we learn?

Those privileged commie kids sure have hostile victim attitudes instilled in them by the cultural Marxists, don’t they? I kind of wonder if you got one of them alone and asked them to flesh out what specific overt acts of white racism have been committed against them personally, you’d get a lot of this:

[Via Michael G]

A Crying Shame

Who they really ARE –> White lefty woman with nearly 60K followers shames and lectures Black Americans who support Trump [More]

Someone can only shame you if you let them.

The racist who should be ashamed is her, except she’s too stupid and self-deluded to know she should be. Ditto for everyone who follows her.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Miscegenating Enough

A former Kansas City, Kansas, police detective who has long been accused of sexually preying on Black women during criminal investigations was indicted Thursday on charges that he sexually abused two women, the FBI said. [More]

The saying (evidently) worked out in this case: He’s never going back. And I’m guessing, based on the general incompetence and corruption throughout the penal system demonstrated by its failure to actually control those under its “control,” that he’ll have plenty of opportunity in the coming years to have (alleged) roles reversed.

That is if he doesn’t eat a gun first, adding to demands to disarm you and me.

[Via Jess]

Thanks to ‘Commonsense Gun Safety Laws’

So is this what the insulated UC Davis Fauciette was referring to when she assured everyone that the real problem was “structural racism”?

[Via WiscoDave]

And We’re the Haters

How Blatant Anti-White Racism Won Acceptance in Elite America [More]

The useful idiots will be encouraged until such time as they’re redesignated useless eaters.

In the meantime, don’t delude yourself that such as these don’t hate you and want you dead, because what more do they have to say to convince you they do?

What gets me is how anyone can be surprised, especially since they told us years ago in no uncertain terms what their plans were.

[Via Michael G]

Memphis Belle

Tucker Carlson: “Our Entire Country Will Be Memphis if We Don’t Put a Stop to This Insanity Right Now” [More]

I’m debating with myself on whether I want to write more on this or not. There are some points frequently made here that I don’t see anyone else hitting very hard on, if at all. In any case, there’s already stuff in the pipeline that comes first.

[Via bondmen]

Chippie Off the Old Block?

“I have 4 daughters that play the game, 3 at the college level. We’ve always had that occasional idiot in the crowd, but never an atmosphere like this.” — Marvin Richardson, father of Duke volleyball player Rachel Richardson who was called racial slurs during a match at BYU [More]

So what, actually, was said? Be nice if there was– you know — evidence to back up the accusations. Which there apparently isn’t.

Kinda makes you wonder if ol’ Marvin is this fast and loose with dangerously prejudicial allegations in his capacity as a highly placed administration ATF mucky-muck — and why he wasn’t so identified by the CNN “Authorized Journalist.”

[Via Andy M]

And There Was War in Heaven

The leader of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation has been accused by former colleagues of stealing more than $10 million in donations from the organization for personal use, according to a lawsuit filed in court this week. [More]

Which side do I need to root for to not be called a racist?  How about if I don’t root for either?

Oh, God, what do I do…?

[Via Michael G]

Another Hate Cri… uh… Never Mind

Atlanta police got 911 calls: Someone was spray-painting swastikas on the rainbow crosswalk in the predominantly gay Midtown district. The LGBTQ community, not only in Atlanta, but nationwide, was prepared to launch a 24/7 media circus over this atrocity, but then police released surveillance video of the suspect, and suddenly the activists got so quiet you could hear the crickets chirping. [More]

Do you even need to click on the link to know why?

And now is as good a time as any to bring up a tangentially-related point. For an earlier post today I wanted to make sure I was spelling “Requiescat in Pace” correctly so looked up “RIP” on Google. This was the second hit:

Reflecting on how Google makes sure “Traditional American” sites are buried to make them unlikely if not impossible to find, and how non-“woke” ideology is demonetized or outright banned on those platforms, it’s curious to see the values they give top billing to. It’s also curious that I could go right to that video with no “potentially sensitive content” warnings.

The thought also strikes that this is all being done because those pulling the strings find it useful for everyone to accept that the biggest problems facing minority communities are systemic racism and white supremacists.

[Via Michael G]

Doesn’t Fit the Preferred Profile

But because the alleged shooter in this new case is black, and because our media only cares about skin color and not truth, I don’t think we’ll hear much about this riveting and horrific tale in the months to come. [More]

So she shot unarmed white men? Meaning it’s not just the media that’s keeping a lid on things…

Would it be unfair to suppose she favored Abrams and Warnock?

[Via bondmen]

Rough Around the Edgewater

With only one dissenting vote, the city of Edgewater has officially banned the open carry of firearms, with at least one city council member attempting to tie the carrying of guns to white supremacy… At a June 7 meeting, Councilmember Hannah Gay Keao — who doubles as a Mom’s Demand Action gun control activist — suggested language be added to the ordinance stipulating that gun violence can be mostly attributed to white supremacy, a trait at least one other council member then connected to right-of-center political ideology. [More]

So that explains Chicago, DC, Baltimore, St. Louis…

And don’t worry: She doesn’t want to allow concealed carry, either.

These people just open their mouths and spew and it doesn’t matter what erupts. They have a ready audience of cultists ready to lick it up and gulp it down.

Naturally, she also demands power.

[Via Michael G]

Lunatics Running the Asylum

The American Psychological Association on Thursday released a study claiming a link between racism and support for the Second Amendment. [More]

That’s right, we’re not just haters, we’re crazy haters! No leftist agenda there, right? Even when the useful idiots know they’re spouting crap?

There’s a reason why they call us “gun nuts.”

And for all our “moderate Republicans” backing “red flag laws” and mental health blanket dragnets (I’m talking to you, Marco, and to you, John):

How will rights be restored when there is no longer a compelling mental health reason to deny them? Who are the psychiatric evaluators, the risk management administrators, and the insurers who will be both sympathetic and willing to subject themselves to malpractice liabilities if they guess wrong?

Chuck gets the final word on this:

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Stealer’s Remorse

Shaun King defends buying $40K guard dog, complains he can’t get a gun [More]

Whines the racist moron who endorsed the old commie who threatens to mandate this

And hats off to whoever coined “Talcum X.”

Too bad he returned the dog, no doubt because it scared the hell out of him. I wanted to see his utter incompetence at maintaining consistent control of his own excitement-triggering emotions prompt it to react predictably and end up costing him a lot more than 40 grand.

[Via Jess]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise…

“The head of RAF recruitment has resigned in protest at an ‘effective pause’ on offering jobs to white male recruits in favour of women and ethnic minorities, defence sources have claimed.” [More]

That’s OK. Thanks to foreign entanglements, America will be happy to send young people over to die in a war invited by embedded subversives!

[Via Michael G]

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