We’re the Only Ones Executing Enough

As mourners gathered outside a northern West Virginia funeral home on Aug. 24, two plainclothes officers with a fugitive warrant swooped in from separate vehicles, called Owens’ name and shot him dead, spattering his 18-year-old son’s shirt with blood as horrified loved ones looked. [More]

It’s a testament to authoritarian conditioning how many comment posters with no additional information are desperately speculating about excuses that would justify this.

[Via Jess]

Feeling the Cultural Vibrancy

Sources told KGO-TV that the victim and the suspect were in an ongoing relationship. According to authorities, the young woman filed a restraining order in April against the suspect, Jose Solano Landaeta. Sources informed the news outlet that there was a history of domestic violence.v [More]

What else was there a history of?

Would it be out of line to wonder if San Carlos being a self-declared “sanctuary city” played any part? I ask because no “real news” report apparently will.

[Via Jess]

No Safe Harbor

‘They’ Are Definitely Getting Prepared. Are You? [More]

Me, I think they’re building a trap for themselves.

I don’t think there’s any running. If the U.S. goes there will be no safe haven elsewhere. And anyone reliant on others to provide “security” need to ask themselves what’s to keep the help from taking over when there’s no one to stop them,  plenty of material incentives, and trophy wives and daughters to be passed around.

[Via bondmen]

We Had No Idea!

“People question, like, why do you need my driver’s license for ammo?” Adamski said. “I’m 70 years old, and why are you taking all this information? So, I mean, people are apprehensive about it. I mean, most people understand it. You know it’s not me, it’s the state. But you know there are some people that are just they don’t know why, it’s so absurd to them.” [More]

Yeah, well, where have they been? And how do they vote?

I honest to God think if I were an FFL and some self-imposed ignoramus asked me that I’d tell him to get the hell out of my store, I’m saving my inventory for those who deserve it.

This is the clueless-by-choice population the antis exploit when they tell us “x% of gun owners support” more infringements.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Reporting Enough

Officers sold fake police reports for cash: Prosecutor [More]

If I were in an accident, the last thing on my mind would be to set myself up for a bribery charge by making an offer to a cop I didn’t know, so my assumption is they were the ones who initiated talk of a deal.

You gotta wonder why they assumed they could get away with it. Especially with one of them being in his 50s…

You also gotta wonder about the character quality of those assuming up to lethal power over the rest of us.

The NICS Self-Incrimination Form

Thus, pursuant to 34 U.S.C. § 40901(e)(1)(D), we hereby notify you, and thereby make you “aware” that the “basis” on which signers of the NICS Indices Self-Submission Form have been reported to NICS “does not apply.” Thus, pursuant to you your duties under the statute, we respectfully request that the FBI: (i) identify and “remove” records from its “database” relating to those who have signed the FBI form; (ii) that the FBI (under the authority of the Attorney General) “remove” the offending records from the NICS system;4 and (iii) that the FBI halt its use of the illegal and unconstitutional NICS Indices Self-Submission Form. [More]

Funny, how the form doesn’t include a Miranda warning that anything they sign can and will be used against them in a court of law and that they have a right to an attorney. The workaround appears to be that the signers haven’t been convicted or “adjudicated” of anything (yet).

You’d think the FixNICSers would be focused on industry customers being tyrannized and coerced instead of cheerleading registration-enabling prior restraints imposed by their “partners.”

Any bets on getting the requested reply in 30 days, or do Christopher Wray et al. figure as long as Democrats control things there’s no danger of personal repercussions, they have an inexhaustible legal war chest at their disposal, and if the Republicans do manage not to blow it, the “leadership” won’t pursue things thoroughly enough to actually punish anyone?

Or will they get right on it as soon as the frog march Hunter Biden for lying twice?

Our Story So Far

A “reasonable gun control” endorsing Democrat has been arrested for murdering a reporter critical of his administration. [More]

Now we find part of the duties this Moms Demand Action supporter performed was selling guns.

And he’s (allegedly) not the only HSF (Homicidal Shannon Follower)

[Via President Non_Fudd]


Immigrant Citizenship Push Confirms what Gun Group Leaders Refuse to Acknowledge

Regardless, while they’re avoiding the issue using a phony “single issue” excuse that ignores the greatest threat to gun owners, the Democrats are pushing toward an unchallengeable majority. They’ll attain supermajorities in state and federal legislatures that will be able to pass whatever anti-gun edicts they want and nominate and confirm judges who will uphold them.[More]

So naturally, all the leftwing unions with documented communist ties are loudly behind it while our “gun rights leaders” are afraid to say a word.

Gunbroker Update

This situation was not a traditional data leak. No data was stolen by hackers or by any government agency. AMMO, Inc. confirmed that the misappropriation of data had nothing to do with any RifleRemedy2000 or any government operation. AMMO Inc claims no data has been transferred to any government agency. [More]

Well, we were right to wonder. Just the same, I’d feel better if someone explained how they know what the government knows. And there are still those disputing what others are assuring us.

And in any case, any data breach is unacceptable, and there are still too many unanswered questions, including what policies and safeguards are being implemented to protect customers and why they weren’t in place before now.

What a mess.

[Via Jess]


Go figure! Totally accidental ‘slip-up’ at Snapchat gave Dems a huge advantage over GOP when it comes to campaign ads [More]

If the Republicans manage not to blow it in November I’d like to see a serious investigation into federal election law violations, starting with subpoenaing all communications on this, both internal and external.

[Via Michael G]

A Noted Constitutional Scholar

The second amendment is a collective, not an individual right. Hamilton knew this (see Federalist paper 29) as did the courts for several hundred years. The modern version of the second amendment only exists because of decades of work by the gun lobby to change what 2A meant. [More]

Sure, Hamilton knew people had trades to ply, farms to tend, shops to keep, and to earn the status of “well regulated” and be able to compete with a professional army “would be injurious” due to the time commitment required. Here’s what he thought we should do about that:

“Little more can reasonably be aimed at, with respect to the people at large than to have them properly armed and equipped.”

Then they’d bring their weapons of war and muster once or twice a year to practice drill.

“You can disagree with this all you want. I’m entitled to my own opinion as are you,” he asserts in a later tweet.

“You are entitled to your opinion,” Daniel Patrick Moynihan (and no friend of 2A) famously said. “But you are not entitled to your own facts.”

Being ignorant is bad enough. Being arrogant about it is a real stool sample move.

[Via Jess]

Schwurhand Over Fist

“Military officers swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution, not an oath of fealty to an individual or to an office,” the letter explains. “All civilians, whether they swear an oath or not, are likewise obligated to support and defend the Constitution as their highest duty.” [More]

You know, the same reason these signatories engaging in some seditious conspiracy of their own hate Oath Keepers…

[Via bondmen]

Laissez les Bons Têtes Rouler

“The European governments and the European Commission speak of a ‘manipulation’ by Russia, but people perceive very well that the decision to stop importing Russian gas and oil was a European decision, taken by Brussels without even thinking of the impact it will have on the European economy,” he said. [More]

I’m thinking of investing in a tumbrel franchise…

[Via bondmen]

A Plan Comes Together

“A Dangerous Escalation”: Majority Of Americans Think Biden Speech Was “Designed To Incite Conflict” [More]

Of course, it was. Look at the apparatchik who helped write it.

And embedded administration enforcement provocateurs are working as we speak to incite the low-hanging fruit to do something headline-“worthy” stupid.

[Via bondmen]

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