Above the Law

Gov. Newsom Signs Bill Allowing Victims of Gun Violence to Sue Gun Manufacturers [More]

Because he has usurped for himself the authority to overrule the law.

Not the first time

There’s talk of him running for president at a time when people are fleeing California.  Where will they run to if he makes it?

[Via Steve T]

So Will Anything Not Rendered Inedible by Bacteria and Mold

Meat will be a special treat. [Watch]

Unless a neighbor dies

They’re talking Marxism, of course, prettied up with the finest production values the globalist billionaire illusionists’ money can buy. The forced lowering of entitlement expectations will happen soon enough.

These are the evil minds behind the useful idiots demanding confiscation of your guns.

[Via Michael G]

In Other Words, Freedom is Slavery

[C]onstitutional thinking has evolved since 1787. Today, most new constitutions include far more enumerated rights than ours, notes David Law. The right to education, for instance, and to privacy, food, healthcare and housing. [More]

You know, the right to enslave and force others to provide.

I just got done talking about government “giving” rights…

Or as Marx advocated

Funny how that keeps ending up

What can I say but The Los Angeles Times…?

[Via Michael G]

Have Gun Will Travel

Why the Second Amendment Applies Especially to Travelers [More]

Good stuff. I’m surprised this was left out:

“It would give to persons of the negro race, who were recognised as citizens in any one State of the Union, the right to … keep and carry arms wherever they went.”

And yeah, I’m hip to “give.”

Always Room for Compromise

Student op-ed claims certain voting privileges should be revoked from ‘cis men’ [More]

So much for the people always hyperventilating over “our democracy”…

Maybe we could have a tradeoff, starting with people who don’t work having any say in the “redistribution” of money from people who do…

And then there are all those non-gun owners…

[Via Michael G]

So On Top of Everything Else, ‘Progressives’ are Deadbeats?

Ohio college racks up millions in interest on cash owed to bakery over false racism allegations – The school and a former dean were found guilty of libeling the bakery as racist [More]

I’ve been following this because false accusations of being haters are made all the time against cultural traditionalists and gun owners, I’ve covered  Oberlin’s anti-gun shenanigans in the past, I’ve posted plenty about the town’s “progressive” nonsense over the years, I admire the bakery owners’ courage to not resort to woke cowardice in the face of ginned-up media hostility, and I used to pass through there all the time on the way to my buddy’s airfield (since relocated).

We’re the Only Ones Fleeing Enough

Cops responding to the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting ran away from gunshots while 19 children and two teachers were left to die in their classrooms… [More]

I guess turning your back on the armed crazy and skedaddling to save your own precious hindquarters are time-honored tactics:

On the bright side, these are the guys they’ll send to confiscate the “20 million AR-15 style rifles.”


Ann Barnhardt calls it like she sees it.

[Via WiscoDave]

Hinckley Epitomizes Criminal Lunacy of Citizen Disarmament Advocates

It’s the way they feel. And who better to endorse disarming you than a “prohibited person”? [More]

This is madness. But then again, anyone who is both informed and sane instinctively knows that.

And for the record, I thought this photo would be perfect to use, but it turns out there are copyright issues.

And You Know Who the Villains Will Be

Expert on civil wars says the US is heading toward insurgency — the 21st-century version of civil war [More]

Wait for it:

“Watching what happened to the Republican Party really was the bigger surprise — that, wow, they’re doubling down on this almost white supremacist strategy,” she said.

Everybody ready to light the Reichstag? No? Gee, it’s almost like somebody is being pre-set-up.

The “expert” has no doubt been persuaded by all those lawless and destructive GOP race riots.

Burying the Lede

…after they made their way across the U.S.-Mexico border… [More]

That to me is the main story.

We know criminals have no respect for the law. What happens when productive citizens lose it?

If it doesn’t protect us, why would it protect anyone? Are they really arrogant enough to make it all about who can amass the most targeted force?

[Via Michael G]

From the Department of ‘You Must Have Me Confused with Someone Who Gives a F***’

Where else would we tolerate any athlete drowning during a sporting event without a serious investigation? [More]

Noting my strong NFL and NBA sentiments, that’s probably the one thing that could get me watching again.

I don’t know whose publicity release list I ended up on, but this is the second “wrong number” today.

Looks Like He’s Going to Get the Chance to Raise His Hand and Lie

I understand the vote will be this afternoon and will update this accordingly.


  • It’s happening as I type this on CSPAN 2.

We’re the Only Ones Distant Enough

A new state law in Arizona will soon make it illegal for people to film a police officer from 8 feet or closer without the officer’s permission … As part of the law, an officer can also stop someone from filming on private property, even if the person has the owner’s consent. [More]

See, that to me is more objectionable than the eight-foot permission rule, which I’m wondering why that wouldn’t apply to all people, not just “Only Ones.”

My rationale here is I don’t want someone I don’t know getting up into my personal space and can recall a time I stuck a stiff arm out with an extended hand signaling “Stop,” and warned a deranged-looking transient to back up. If he’d kept approaching I intended to treat that as a physical attack and respond accordingly.

On the other hand, if I’m in the driver’s seat and one of Canton PD’s attack dogs is screaming through the window like a mouth-foaming maniac at me, that phone is going to be on “Record.” I guess a lot of it depends on circumstances, which is why one-size-fits-all is not a solution.

[Via Jess]

New York, New York, It’s a Wonderful Town!

Girlfriend of thug who was stabbed to death by New York City bodega worker WON’T face charges for knifing him three times because ‘prosecutors say she was defending her beau’ [More]

The poor worker is not so lucky.

And the productive sector not only puts up with it, they vote their collectivist oppressors in.

At least tell me she’ll still be able to get all the abortions she wants…

And tangentially-related:

NYC releases PSA for residents in the event of a nuclear attack [More]

Radioactive flesh-eating zombie apocalypse to follow. People on the other side are going to block off the bridges, right?

Does kinda make you wonder who knows what…

[Via WiscoDave]

Ask the Experts!

While most experts say comprehensive gun control is still the best solution to mass shootings… [More]

Well, that right there tells me I can’t trust a thing that follows. That and blocking access to what AoL considers “extreme,” blaming “racism” i.e. traditional American culture, and adding in a dash of “equity” collectivism…

Besides, when they emphasize “young men and boys,” how are we supposed to define either?

I don’t suppose beating unforgiving woke culture into young skulls from an early age perverts minds and instills an obsession for exacting revenge against institutions perceived as sources of torment…?

And how are you going to “combat” $h!+ when you don’t even mention the only deterrent proven to stop manufactured monsters in their tracks except to say we need to prohibit that?

[Via Jess]

At Issue

Particularly after Heller and McDonald, as recently reaffirmed by Bruen, the government certainly cannot prevent Petitioner from exercising his Second Amendment right to keep firearms in the home. And the Second Circuit may not use Torvicia’s exercise of that constitutional right to render him vulnerable to government searches and seizures of his
firearms which violate Fourth Amendment protections but for some atextual, judge-invented special needs exception. [More]

“Single issue” apologists and flat-out deceivers take note.

[Via Jess]

This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

One is Portland the other is Phoenix, but they could have bounced in from anywhere. There’s also no way to tell if these are just routine scumbag predators or if these are directed agenda-driven attacks. And no, I don’t know what that file is.

Either way, some people sure are @$$holes.

And ditto for anyone who can’t be trusted with a keyboard…


Jan. 6 ‘investigators’ caught in ‘pack of lies’ – Oath Keepers founder wants to confront partisan team [More]

That would pretty much mean the whole purpose of all this is to persecute and eliminate political enemies, continue with the steal, and manipulate the next election by feeding the voters lies…

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Jan. 6 Committee Admits It Isn’t Even Trying To Verify ‘Bombshell’ Claims [More]

Why would they, if the goal is not to prove but to sway the electorate with malicious innuendo?

[Via Michael G]


Boy, has this guy got a wrong number!

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