Commie Police Statist Spits on Independence on Independence Day

Philadelphia shooting: Democrat mayor rips Second Amendment, says only the police should have guns – Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said the US should be more like Canada [More]

Because the “Only Ones” have proven over the years just how right he is, right?

I mean, Jim Kenney said it, I believe it, that settles it.

Just what the hell was it this subversive swore an oath to when he assumed office?

As for being like Canada, armed citizens refusing to bend to tyrants were the “only ones” who kept that from happening or we would have been.

Oh, Look, a ‘Right-Wing Extremist’!

YouTube, Instagram, Discord appear to pull pages belonging to Illinois shooting person of interest- He also had Spotify and Apple Music pages under an apparent rap alias [More]

Gee, why would the information controllers erase his trails? Especially when they’re simultaneously dropping hints that he was somehow affiliated with Donald Trump supporters?


Highland Park shooting suspect was ‘known to law enforcement’ [More]

No surprise there. And tell me those feeding him didn’t know he was broken.

I note the “real reporter” mentions an association with a “far-right European group” but never fleshes that out.  I guess “mission accomplished” is what mattered.

[Via bondmen]

  • Daily Beast, of all sites, helps clear that up (along with reporting that in addition to Trump references, the freak “also liked a Twitter video of President Biden”):

On most of Crimo’s social-media pages, and embedded in several of his videos, is a symbol that roughly resembles that used by Suomen Sisu, a far-right Finnish organization. Crimo, however, does not appear to mention the national group in his postings.

Wiser than the Founders

“We need to reform or do away with the whole thing, for the sake of the planet,” the “Squad” member added. AOC’s office did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for clarification about whether she was referring to the filibuster or the Supreme Court itself. [More]

Spoken lie a true wannabe dictatress.

If the Republican “leadership” doesn’t blow November, watch Democrats pull a 180 on filibusters.

[Via Jess]

Citizen Disarmament They Can Agree With

They say that the current restrictions for concealed weapons (schools, bars, stadiums, government buildings) are justifiable and constitutional, but the ban on carrying while on public transportation is not. [More]

Well, there goes any sympathy I might have had for them…

What’s with the impulse to give away the rest of the store as long as they get the item they came in for?

[Via Andy M]

She CAN Have Her Cake and Eat It Too?

I’m a New York City Liberal, and I Want a Gun … In May, I filed for and received a temporary order of protection against a former partner… I support background checks, waiting periods, assault weapon bans and gun control proposals that make it harder for people to obtain guns. [More]

Yeah, well **** you.

Never assume a late-to-the-party Gun Culture 2.0er is your friend or even educable. If they are, fine, but discern for yourself by their comments and actions if they’re worth your time to try.

If I were an FFL, I’d tell this stupid, entitled “progressive”  to get the hell out of my store and next time use better judgment when choosing “partners.”

[Via Jess]

¿Armas para Que, Eh?

Most owners of what Canada calls “military-style assault weapons” would be required to turn over their firearms to a government buyback program under legislation introduced on Monday, which would tighten the country’s already stringent control of firearms. [More]

Obey or be destroyed.

Fidelito’s a chip off the old block, isn’t he?

[Via Jess]

Follow the Judas Goat!

@97percentorg On the Season 2 premiere of #TAG we’re joined by Jonathan and Geneva Solomon, the husband & wife co-owners of @redstonefirearms: California’s only Black-owned gun shop. [More]

You folks do realize 97percent is a millionaire-funded anti-gun front designed to divide the gun owner community and you’re helping to “legitimize” that among the uninformed?

It’s no coincidence their name is the antithesis of the Three Percent.

Gun Owners Can Make an Example Out of GOP Turncoats

To utterly reject Lisa Murkowski and send her packing will send shock waves through the Swamp and let the rats who betrayed us know that we’re coming for them when it’s their turn in the barrel. [More]

Kelly Tshibaka appears to be a viable alternative to the wretched Lisa Murkowski around which gun owners can provide an object lesson to the GOP. I encourage you to check her out.

Hitting the Ground Running

This legislative package enhances licensing requirements for concealed carry permit applicants, adds new provisions for sensitive areas where the permit holder is prohibited from carrying a concealed firearm, enhances safe storage requirements to apply if a minor under the age of 18 lives in the home, and makes technical changes to the Body Armor Law. Additionally, this legislative package establishes New York as a “point of contact” state. [More]

As WoG regulars know, I rarely post on weekends except to publicize my new articles. In this case, this release from the New York State Senate warrants an exception because it shows they were ready for the Bruen ruling and it gives a blueprint for other Democrat states to follow.

It’s yet another reason why suggesting potential infringements in c0ncurrences does nothing but help the enemy.

Here’s the bill.

[Via Jeremy C]


Washington Post Intentionally Conflating Lawful Defense with Criminal Violence

In the examples the influential paper chose to highlight, the posters were not calling on initiating violence against their political opponents. They were calling on supporters of churches and pregnancy centers to defend themselves against violent attackers with mayhem on their minds. [More]

One of the violence monopolists’ go-to lies is conflating self-defense with vigilantism.

Mystery Solved

Remember the reason I left Blogspot and started this site?

I have an old gmail account I never use and found Google’s reply in there:

Your post titled “Further Adventures in Baselessness” was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL, making it unavailable to blog readers.

In other words, some twitching leftist saboteur snitched me out just to get me censored and Google encourages that. It’s not like that surprises me, but I did want to just create a record of it.

Axis Sally 2.0

Instead, Cheney and fellow truth-telling Republicans — such as Rice, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) and Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker — can form a coalition for democracy with Democrats, independents and other patriotic Republicans. That’s right: They should work to defeat Republicans who perpetrate the “big lie” and threaten future democratic elections. [More]

Well, if “conservative” Jennifer Rubin and The Washington Post think so…

Advance Republicans by electing Democrats! It sounds like there’s an Orwell slogan in there somewhere.

[Via Mack H]

A Black and White Issue

News audiences are clearly meant to associate white pro-gun protesters with a dangerous and probably organized national race-hatred movement, while black pro-gun protesters either don’t exist or are a fringe movement not worth covering. [More]

Well, there are certain requirements if you want to be a “real reporter,” and if you can’t parrot a narrative and keep quiet about what’s not, you have no place in the business.

[Via Michael G]

Endorsements You Can Trust!

“Derek Schmidt is a staunch supporter of our Second Amendment freedoms and he will continue to fight to protect our fundamental right to self-defense,” said Jason Ouimet, chairman, NRA-PVF. “Kansans can trust Derek Schmidt to protect their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.” [More]

Unless they get placed on a secret government list with no due process

Has Fletcher made an appearance here on the new site yet?

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