Buried News

Pamela Geller Discussing Massive Corruption in the FBI on OAN [More] Seeing how hard Google tries to suppress and discredit her before its search engine will allow you to find her website is instructive. [Via bondmen]

Encouraging Words?

Authorities believe the former agent – believed to be from Texas – was one of at least six individuals who regularly communicated with accused gunman Payton Gendron in an online chat room where racist hatred was discussed, the two officials said. [More] My bet is the question is broader than “What did he know?” [Via bondmen]

Paper Tigers

Fears of a Chinese invasion have Taiwanese civilians taking up target practice [More] Just not with anything that would work. I hope a country that won’t let its own people defend themselves doesn’t expect anyone else to… [Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Mulling It Over Enough

‘Let’s rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything’: Parents frustrated with ‘unprepared’ police outside Texas massacre school debated storming the building THEMSELVES while gunman was holed up inside for 90 minutes [More] So when seconds count, police are 90 minutes away from actually doing anything? In a secure society, engagement would be effectively immediate … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Mulling It Over Enough”

Blast from the Past?

Two teens arrested in ‘mass casualty’ plot targeting a Uvalde middle school – One of the students had numerous writings and drawings which depicted weapons capable of causing mass destruction. He wrote about being “God-like” and killing police and other persons. [More] That’s from 2018.  I never have understood keeping extreme public danger reptiles like … Continue reading “Blast from the Past?”

A Better Ending

69-yr-old Florida woman says she warned home invader to ‘back off dude’, but he didn’t. Now, he’s dead. [More] Fact: Every single gun ownership and “stand your ground” opponent would rather she and her partner had been slaughtered in their home than armed. [Via bondmen]

Doesn’t Seem Like They’re Leaving Much Room for Peaceful Coexistence…

House Passes ‘White Supremacism’ Domestic Terrorism Bill After Buffalo Shooting – The bill only mentions white supremacy and neo-Nazis because obviously, those are the only people who terrorize others. [More] And: Data Shows White Supremacists Are Not The Most Likely Mass Murderers [More] I wonder what people who demonize whites would do if they controlled … Continue reading “Doesn’t Seem Like They’re Leaving Much Room for Peaceful Coexistence…”

A Positive Punch

Guns down, Gloves up! Leon Calvin Boxing Gym packs a positive punch in the community [More] Funny– amidst all the gushing,  the “real reporter” doesn’t mention the shooting that happened at another one… Hey, isn’t accepting the glove gift some kind of ethics violation? [Via bondmen]

You Paid For It

Former St. Louis Health Commissioner Dr. Frederick Echols is taking over as the CEO of Cure Violence Global. Taxpayers in St. Louis City are spending millions of dollars on the program that’s supposed to curb violence. [More] The trough-feeders just hop from tax cow-financed failure to tax cow-financed failure. Might as well flush it down … Continue reading “You Paid For It”

Great Expectations

On May 22-28, 2022, ultimate control over America’s healthcare system, and hence its national sovereignty, will be delivered for a vote to the World Health Organization’s governing legislative body, the World Health Assembly (WHA). [More] Well, how else are we going to usher in the “Great Reset“? And how soon will criticizing that be condemned … Continue reading “Great Expectations”

Better Not Call Saul

The easily modified semi-automatic AR-15 used by the white supremacist shooter who killed ten people in Buffalo on Saturday was two hundred times more lethal than the revolutionary muskets that helped win the American Revolution. [More] Dude, take a breath. Or a Midol. More hysteria from the Slippin’ Jimmy of the revisionist history movement… [Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Too Late Enough

NYC woman calls 911 three times as she’s terrorized, slashed by ex-boyfriend, but cops don’t show up until next day [More] What does that tell us about our national media, its priorities for promulgating useful knowledge, and its motivation for ignoring anything that doesn’t advance approved narratives that most people are unaware of this most … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Too Late Enough”

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