Further Adventures in Baselessness

‘I WILL become governor!’: Arizona GOP hopeful Kari Lake insists she’s still on track to overturn Dem rival’s election win, as AG’s office demands explanation for polling day issues before certifying the result [More]

How long have eyes been focused on Maricopa County election shenanigans? Why does it seem like a serious team of investigative auditors empowered to compel the production of data, records, and documents could get to the bottom of things in a matter of hours?

[Via Michael G]


Or is it easier to smear fed-up citizens as terrorists?

[Via bondmen]

Adventures in Baselessness

Physical ballots and v-drives were reportedly taken to a closed building without observers present and kept there for six hours before being taken to the counting center. This would shatter the chain of custody along with breaking the law that the ballots go directly to the counting center. The plaintiffs say they can further show the county mailed official ballots to unverified voters and deleted at least 2,778 records of requests for mail-in ballots. [More]

Damn deniers.

[Via Michael G]

Further Adventures in Baselessness

A Georgia County Extends Deadline for Over 1,036 Absentee Ballots Due to ‘Human Error’ – How is this not suspicious, especially happening the day before Election Day? [More]

DEVELOPING: Pennsylvania Voters Line Up to Cast New Ballots as GOP Loses Lawsuit to Block Voters From Fixing Mail-In Ballots with Incorrect Dates [More]

Poll Worker Fired For Selecting Straight Democrat Ticket On Voter’s Ballot, Calling Republicans ‘Racist’ [More]

We know what all such allegations are!

I guess I’ll update this if more tips come in and I can get to them…


Arizona, New Jersey Electronic Voting Machines Already Causing Problems [More]

Katie Hobbs Did Not Recuse Herself From Election Duties In Arizona Despite Bi-Partisan Calls, Now We See Why [More]

[Via Michael G]

Disappearing Act

We have so far preserved more than 1.9 million “ephemeral experiences” – exposure to short-lived content that impacts people and then disappears, leaving no trace – that Google and other companies are able to use to shift opinions and voting preferences, and we expect to have captured more than 2.5 million by Election Day. [More]

Let me guess: “Baseless.”

[Via Michael G]

You’ll Just Have to Take her Word for It

Pelosi ‘won’t release home-security footage,’ Dems demand GOP take blame [More]

So then how do we know if what we’re being told are lies and conspiracy theories really are?

The DSM has already found a new use for “baseless”


U.S. Capitol Police had live video feed at Pelosi home but didn’t notice break-in [More]

And, of course, they can’t say anything…

A Detail in the Paul Pelosi Attack Story Makes No Sense [More]

Just one?

[Via Michael G]

Fox affiliate in SF retracts report that Pelosi and the suspect were found in their underwear. NBC News retracts report there were 3 people in the house. Politico retracts a third party opened the door to let cops in. Now the media calls us names for BELIEVING them. [More]

Adventures in Baselessness

“The Pennsylvania county boards of elections are hereby ORDERED to refrain from counting any absentee and mail-in ballots received for the November 8, 2022 general election that are contained in undated or incorrectly dated outer envelopes.” [More]

What if the problem is what’s inside the envelopes? And funny how a judge rules so often tracks with who a judge owes…

This ain’t over by a long shot.

[Via Michael G]

Parroting the Narrative

It’s impossible not to notice, though. When certain issues come up, anybody deviating from a certain position is viciously attacked and “cancelled.” [More]

So I haven’t just been imagining stuff like “baseless” or “botched gun sting“…?

[Via bondmen]

Adventures in Baselessness

Liberal Pro-Abortion Organization Files Lawsuit Over People Monitoring Ballot Drop Boxes in Arizona [More]

We know the fear of voter fraud is baseless. Just ask the media.

Besides, it’s not like the League of Women Voters has a leftwing political axe to grind on guns — is it?

[Via Michael G]

So Who’s ‘Ben’?

It’s unclear who’s behind the propaganda campaign… [More]

It hardly seems unfair to note which “side” is notorious for hoaxes designed to smear those they hate in the hair-trigger “minds” of the mob…

And it’s not like the mob isn’t showing us in “Comments” that they’re eager to pile on:

KSA – Meanwhile us republicans can vote democrat with no problem and that will make the difference.

Tom -I am republican and will vote democratic

Sure you guys are.

Meanwhile, Yahoo! News “real reporter” Elias Weiss ensures his place at the table by parroting the obligatory narrative:

… Dinesh D’Sousa’s discredited documentary 2000 Mules and the right-wing ecosystem of debunked ballot conspiracies that accompanies it … “I think it’s a pretty obvious attempt to intimidate people and promote completely baseless claims of election fraud”…

Note all he has to do is claim it. A unified “media” voice means he doesn’t have to prove it, not that his DSM employers would let him try…

The MidTerm Variant

Biden Administration Planning to Extend Covid Public Health Emergency – HHS Sec. Beccera’s warning about “midterm” variant shows that the real emergency involves Democrats’ political health. [More]

I’m sure any concerns about this are “baseless“– or at least I’m sure that will be the narrative to parrot.

[Via Michael G]

Adventures in Baselessness

Attorney General Mark Brnovich announced that Guillermina Fuentes of San Luis pleaded guilty on Thursday to one count of Ballot Abuse, a Class 6 Felony, for her role in an August 2020 Primary Election “ballot harvesting” scheme where early ballots from other voters were collected and deposited into a ballot box on primary Election Day. [More]

And the plea was apparently made after the much-dismissed 2000 Mules made denial impossible.

Yep, “baseless,” alright…

Hey, if it turns out the election was stolen, what happens to all the “insurrectionists”?

[Via Jess]

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