We’re the Only Ones Diagnostic Enough

When gun owners apply for concealed carry permits in Mecklenburg County, sheriff’s office background checks have sometimes turned up sensitive health information, including whether a person has had an abortion or has a sexually transmitted disease… The sheriff’s office, through a spokesperson, said the agency has no control over what information health providers choose to send. In a statement, MCSO said the records sent are dependent on the provider’s discretion. [More]

They can’t specify the information they want? And the providers don’t have policies and procedures in place approved by their risk managment departments to only provide what is required by law?

And why the hell is this required by law anyway?

[Via Jess]

A Right Deliberately Delayed

As the saying goes, ‘A right delayed is a right denied,’ and the state has denied untold numbers of citizens their right to obtain firearms for almost two weeks. This amounts to a mass deprivation of civil rights under color of law. [More]

Let’s hope one of the functions of the Trump Justice Department will be to go after such violations– like we tried to get phony John Ashcroft to do many years ago.

I’ll have to include that thought in a Firearms News piece I’m working on about a Trump to-do list.

He Puts the ‘Sap’ in Sapraicone

Gillibrand vs. Sapraicone: The Race for US Senate forum [Watch]

So. Mike is for “red flag laws and background checks”?

Then why should I believe someone who doesn’t understand the Second Amendment won’t betray us on semiautos the first chance he gets to distance himself from another “gun-free zone” exploitation?

Just like Kirsten did…?

She has such a huge lead anyway, why should the gun owners in her district who aren’t Fudds bust their humps on a losing battle to push for a betrayer with an (R) after his name, and what message would that send the GOP on acceptable candidates?

A Numbers Game

We have breaking news. We now know the firearm, according to reports, that was used by the anti-Trump guy who tried to assassinate President Trump on Sunday, that apparently the serial number has been obliterated or partially obliterated. Now this is a big deal because it’s going to play a role in the October 8th oral argument in the Vanderstok case before the US Supreme Court, so let’s connect some dots. [Watch]

If he was a prohibited person, a serial number wouldn’t trace to him anyway.

Don’t expect the Democrat DOJ, politicians, and DSM to acknowledge that when they have an opportunity to spook the herd and guin up hysteria.

He also make a good point about including such information on 4473s that the BIDS system exposes. The antis lie about why they want “background checks,” too.

[Via Jess]

Here to Stay

Since assault weapons bans aren’t coming back and AR-15-style rifles are here to stay, the most important thing we can do is modernize the background check system, around which there’s a modicum of bipartisan consensus. [More]

What, you mean the system that the National Institute of Justice says requires registration to be effective, and that criminals won’t subject themselves to anyway…?

Still, nice of him to admit they don’t have the juice to get rid of them. In The New York Times, no less…

[Via Jess]

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