America’s fight to save handwriting from extinction as IQs begin to fall for first time ever and teachers warn some 20-year-olds can’t sign checks anymore [More]
But, as with the fraudulent excuse given to take our guns, “Murder isn’t a nationwide problem. It’s a problem in a small set of urban areas…”
Then add millions of unvetted Third World invaders and what does anyone with an IQ capable of critical thinking expect? You know, that manipulation-resistant segment of the electorate it doesn’t serve the interests of those who crave power to do anything but demonize as a threat…
The goal is to maximize herd compliance.
It would be interesting to plot a graph of lowering intelligence levels and test scores against transferred wealth poured into school systems and teachers’ union troughs.
The object here is for the same “intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic” that have systematically organized and mandated the breakdown of social order to fabricate a demand for more money, more control, and more power. That, of course, will have a planned opposite effect.
And if any are left who understand why — and dare to point fingers at those who are to blame — guess what the parroted narrative will be.