For the Children

What incapable rabbits they make our politicians, “educators,” gun-grabbers, and parents who fall for the avoidance lies look like.

Meanwhile, Argentina is begining to face adult responsibilities.

So, while other parts of the world are reacquainting themselves with reality, U.S. Democrat enclaves in the land of the Second Amendment are on a neverending “whack-a-mole gun control” quest to undermine the right and return the people to the serfdom their ancestors fled, all in the name of “progressivism.”

Shell Game

The deputy sheriff told school officials that J.S. had committed no crime by possessing spent shell casings. The youth, the deputy said, had done nothing wrong. However, the principal ignored the deputy’s claims and called the student’s parents, who arrived about 40 minutes later. The parents were told to take their child home and wait for a phone call. [More]

That kid just got an education that’ll stick with him.

[Via Michael G]

The Five Pillars of Tyranny

Hallmarks of Tyranny in an Evolving Social Democracy [More]

Dr. Miguel Faria shows us the fundamental commonalities shared by despotic regimes, all of them recognizable and in various stages of imposition in our own society.

If you read one thing today, make this it. Then do the people within your sphere of influence a great service by sharing it with them.

Old School Politics

Illegal Alien Gangs Taking Root In Our Schools [More]

I’d argue that mandatory education laws requiring attendance in a high risk environment create special circumstances and duty to protect.

And Trump will be in a position to shape policy on federal funding exclusions for any the deportation orders miss…

[Via bondmen]

Teach Your Children Well

New data coming out of the Issaquah Police Department in Washington have revealed a 350% increase in fights among juveniles since the start of August this year, compared to last year. [More]

Don’t expect school authorities and union teachers to look into what it is about the way the childtren are being indoctinated.

Being consistently bullied by woke adults and powerless to fight back no doubt makes some desperate to lash out as somebody…

[Via bondmen]

A Symbolic Gesture

In an email addressed to “The Phantom Lake Elementary Community” Monday, the principal described a swastika as a symbol of hate and as a symbol of peace. She apologized for not acknowledging sooner that a swastika in some cultures is a symbol of “peace and prosperity,” including she said in ‘Buddhism and Hinduism.’ Several parents took exception to the principal’s comments calling them “unacceptable” and “ill-informed.” [More]

I remember learning years ago– and I don’t have time to research it now– that my Uncle Nick’s Army unit was originally established as a Native American unit and their symbol was the swastika, but it was changed after Hitler rose to power.

[Via Steve T]

Rope-Selling Capitalists

The “jobs Americans won’t do” theory of immigration is one of the most pernicious lies of the past half century. [More]

As is “the jobs Americans can’t do.”

That’s just a way to make excuses for the subversive scam of teachers’ unions, where incompetence is a feature, not a bug. Create chaos and dependency through indoctrination and ignorance, and add in importing pathway-to-citizenship foreign nationals whose countries can somehow churn out employees with superior technical abilities on a pittance of what we spend per capita on students, and you have all the ingredients for control — of all kinds.

Cheap labor Republicans play right into leftist hands. I’m still shaking my head at supposed “gun rights leaders” making excuses for Grover Norquist, and deliberately sticking their heads up their @$$es with the “single issue” red herring.

[Via WiscoDave]

Arm the Teachers?

Moran, a 59-year-old teacher at Mason Clark Middle School, made the statement on May 9 to another teacher, saying he “ought to bring a gun to school and shoot them all in the name of God.” He was allegedly referring to the students. [More]

I’d be interested to know what triggered him.

I’m also wondering how strongly I’d fight a proposal to add Democrat public school teachers to the “prohibited persons” list…

[Via bondmen]

Putting Hudson Schools on the MAP

Ohio Community Outraged After School District Allegedly Withholds Information on Student Accused of Raping 9-Year-Old — Suspect Still in Class, Playing Sports [More]

That’s my town and that’s the high school feral sons Uday and Qusay graduated from. I wonder if the outrage will affect voter inclinations to approve school levies. Experience says “No.”

Then again, while the crime he’s acccused of is inexcusable and heinous, legally, he’s innocent, and we’re supposed to have due process. I just wonder what the school’s position would be had he been accused of having a gun.

[Via Lawrence P]

A Fighting Chance

My husband was killed in a ‘gun free zone.’ Arm teachers for safety and to save lives [More]

I’d say “train teachers.” And get out of the way of them arming themselves.

I did note one loudmouthed self-identified Marxist punk saying it would “turn schools into war zones.” If I could remember where, I’d link to it.

No surprise he prefers them to remain killing fields…

[Via Michael G]

Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad

Every day is Opposite Day with these totalitarian hive insects.


And this is known as “false authority.”

On top of that, he’s full of $h!+. His handwringing is no different than the “Dodge City! Blood in the streets!” hysteria the antis have been consistently proven wrong about on concealed carry.

The FASTER program for armed school staff is a proven success.

F-in’ leftist moron…

Tales Out of School

America’s fight to save handwriting from extinction as IQs begin to fall for first time ever and teachers warn some 20-year-olds can’t sign checks anymore [More]

But, as with the fraudulent excuse given to take our guns, “Murder isn’t a nationwide problem. It’s a problem in a small set of urban areas…”

Then add millions of unvetted Third World invaders and what does anyone with an IQ capable of critical thinking expect? You know, that manipulation-resistant segment of the electorate it doesn’t serve the interests of those who crave power to do anything but demonize as a threat

The goal is to maximize herd compliance.

It would be interesting to plot a graph of lowering intelligence levels and test scores against transferred wealth poured into school systems and teachers’ union troughs.

The object here is for the same “intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic” that have systematically organized and mandated the breakdown of social order to fabricate a demand for more money, more control, and more power. That, of course, will have a planned opposite effect.

And if any are left who understand why — and dare to point fingers at those who are to blame — guess what the parroted narrative will be.

Maine AR-15 Class Canceled Because a Handful of Fudds and Prohibitionists Squawked

A handful of antis and Fudds repeating tired old lies was enough to get the Department to cave. As for their excuse that it was too soon after the Lewistown shooting, the question not being asked is what does a known nutjob going ballistic after being left alone by fearful authorities have to do with peaceable citizens and their lawfully owned rifles– and will the time ever come when prohibitionists don’t object to such training? If the maniac rammed his car into a group of people, would Maine cancel drivers ed classes? [More]

Ceding to prejudice, ignorance, and fear is no way to run a department.

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