New Student-Led Red Guard Installed in Maine School District Causes Fury at Board Meeting [More]
How else are they going to find struggle session candidates?
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance
“You see it in the discourse in the country right now. You see it in the divide that we have, just going to school meetings. You see that hate that is out there. We’ve got to step up and speak out and we’ve got to call out the cowards out there,” he continued. [More]
Yeah, ordinary fed-up Americans who stand up against perverts and racists in power grooming their children while filling the white ones’ heads with self-loathing and the black ones’ with unearned entitlements– and knowing the DSM and the highest levels of government are going to smear them to the world as Nazis — are cowards.
He’s right about one thing, though. The hate that is out there is unmistakable and clear.
There can be no peace with sanctimonious elite pieces of crap. And that’s on them.
[Via Michael G]
They not only don’t even try to hide it anymore, they rub faces in it and smear anyone not just tolerant, but unsupportive, as a hater to be canceled and worse.
Look at me, Damian! It’s all for you!
That and there’s never a herd of swine around when you really need one.
New York City’s Department of Education (NYCDOE) is currently investigating racist, anti-white text messages that were allegedly sent by Marion Wilson, the black superintendent for schools in District 31. [More]
They can’t be racist. She’d need power over others for that.
[Via bondmen]
Santa Rosa student, 16, fatally stabbed in Montgomery High School classroom; 2nd student injured [More]
The two older attackers ganged up on him? And the school board has ensured everyone in the schools is a soft target?
Unless there’s more to this story, what did the kid do wrong?
And why do they still have that racist Viking logo, and what did Vikings do to people?
[Via Steve T]
Teacher confiscates student’s Nintendo Switch during class. Student then attacks her, kicking and punching her, leaving her unconscious. [More]
Take a wholly undisciplined mental defective and drill into him from the start that he’s a systemic victim and that anyone not immediately surrendering whatever he feels entitled to is disrespecting him, and what other result does anyone expect?
I don’t suppose suggesting that being immersed for their formative years in unnatural woke school indoctrination could have an impact on weak minds that snap and go on killing sprees would be received well by the folks who say the answer is citizen disarmament…?
Or would anyone inquiring be wished dead?
Dem official denounced for complaining of school budget costs for disabled children who weren’t aborted [More]
It’s a national socialist tradition!
[Via Michael G]
Middle school teacher claims it’s ‘white supremacy’ to oppose thievery: ‘Burn this motherf—– to the ground’ [More]
Who wants to find common ground with this?
Y’ever notice there never seems to be a Chilean helicopter around when you really need one?
“There was never a danger other than the obvious,” Stuteville claimed. [More]
That wasn’t enough?
Still, you’ve got to admit it’s impressive, how a mere “civilian” managed to achieve a feat generally limited to trained professionals.
[Via Steve T]
Radicalisation could occur from reading C.S. Lewis, Tolkien,
Huxley or Conrad. I kid you not [More]
But object to school libraries carrying pornography and you’re Hitler.
The two worldviews are irreconcilable. No wonder they want our guns.
[Via Michael G]
I thought this was a human rights violation…???
In 30 schools in Illinois, not a single student can read at grade level, 22 of which are in the City of Chicago… In 53 schools, not a single student can do math at grade level, 33 of which are in Chicago.[More]
Now tell us about “underfunding.”
Forget it, Jake. It’s Chi-Town.
Besides, those behind the plan that’s coming together think Pedro is worth every penny.
[Via bondmen]
‘Education Crisis’: 23 Baltimore City Schools Have No Students Proficient In Math [More]
I thought we’d already established that math is racist.
I guess you get what you pay for…
You know what would fix everything? More money from the productive…
[Via bondmen]
Miami preschool teacher paints kids in blackface for lesson. ‘You should know better’ [More]
But their intentions were good– just like the useful idiots’ are with “commonsense gun safety laws.”
What I want to know is, when is the systemic racism mob going after Iran…?
The complaint alleges that in Sept. 2022, just two days after A.B.’s teacher, Tom Griffin, covered students’ free speech rights in government class, A.B. was suspended from school for wearing a shirt that said “What part of ‘shall not be infringed’ do you not understand?” and featured an image of a rifle. [More]
Actually, this whole business of compulsory public education seems ripe for Bill of Rights challenges. The government, instituted among men to secure the Blessings of Liberty, is teaching our Posterity to be suspects and inmates, whose bodies are the property of the state, rather than sovereign Citizens.
And ol’ Tom sounds like a real piece of…work.
[Via Remarks]
School districts consider demanding parents reveal their gun-storage plan [More]
What guns?
I wonder where they stand on groomer control…
Concerned staff warned administrators at a Virginia elementary school three times that a 6-year-old boy had a gun and was threatening other students in the hours before he shot and wounded a teacher, but the administration “was paralyzed by apathy” and didn’t call police, remove the boy from class or lock down the school, the wounded teacher’s lawyer said Wednesday. [More]
In fairness, it’s not like he bit the shape out of a Pop-Tart or anything…
[Via Jess]
The same day that a 6-year-old boy shot his teacher in a Newport News, Virginia classroom, a school staff member searched his backpack on a tip that the child might be packing heat … “The firearm was displayed from his person, not from his backpack”… [More]
No, we still don’t know.
[Via bondmen]
6-year-old used mom’s gun to shoot Virginia teacher [More]
No picture? No name? No way to independently find out more about her?
At least until internet footprints are scrubbed?
My money’s on a Democrat. Bonus points for a Moms Demand supporter…
Inspector Report Found Hundreds Of Chicago Teachers Allegedly Sexually Groomed, Raped Students [More]
That must be one of those “perks” they’re talking about.
Since hatred and revenge seem to be common motivations, I wonder if anyone has ever done a study on the impact abusive teachers and administrators have on increases in school shootings…
[Via Michael G]
Former NFL Player Jack Brewer: School Gun Violence Won’t End Until Paddle & Prayer Return [Watch]
I had a teacher try to hit me once in high school. I blocked it and told him if he wanted to hit me he’d have to call my Dad first to get permission.
Yes, I realize the young worthies Brewer is referring to may not know who to tell the teacher to call, but I can’t help feeling assigning corporal punishment powers to public school union leftists is an invitation to abuse and to more insidious “hands-on” experiences.
That, and who gets to lead the “prayer”?
There are alternatives beyond trying cosmetic fixes on an intentionally corrupt system. Yeah, I know “progressives” do their best to undermine those alternatives.
There is a way to if not stop, then greatly reduce “school gun violence,” but the same subversives that are mass-producing sexually confused and politically brainwashed victims don’t want to hear it.
[Via bondmen]