Los Angeles police shoot, critically injure 15-year-old who allegedly opened fire on officers [More]
[Via Steve T]
Notes from the Resistance
An officer then allegedly pulled a sealed emergency release button that shut the MRI machine down, deactivating it, evaporating thousands of liters of helium gas and damaging the machine in the process. The officer then grabbed his rifle and left the room, leaving behind a magazine filled with bullets on the office floor, according to the lawsuit. [More]
All while in the wrong place.
Good thing taxpayers haven’t had to surrender all their money…
So, what do the cavemen get– paid leave?
[Via WiscoDave]
LA County Sheriff’s Department announces policy formally banning deputy gangs [More]
When it comes to gangs, they’re going all Highlander on us.
[Via Steve T]
LAPD officers allowed to carry guns at Paris Olympics after France makes exception [More]
As Bryant always said, “Si vous n’êtes pas flic, vous êtes de petites gens.”
[Via Steve T]
LAPD issues warning about residential burglars using WiFi jammers to disable alarms, cameras [More]
I wonder if some day carjackers and robbers will go high tech…
[Via WiscoDave]
Los Angeles Hires And Arms Foreign Criminals To Police U.S. Citizens [More]
With Foreign Nationals Empowered to Disarm Americans, Who Needs Blue Helmets?
Yet to be unexplained is how a foreign national can credibly take the Article VI required oath — not that LAPD ever paid it no nevermind anyhow…
Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.
[Via bondmen]
The one who watched is the “good” one.
The Los Angeles Police Department recently implored the federal government for permission to give guns to illegal aliens who are set to be awarded police powers to detain and arrest American citizens. [More]
Who needs blue helmets?
What kind of hellish tyranny employs illegal foreign nationals as a standing army against its own citizens, and what CAN they take an oath to? Meanwhile, the other pincer is closing in with communist traitors Markey and Raskin outlawing citizen militias.
There’s no longer any pretence of securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity and there can no longer be any pretense of consent of the governed except for those who surrender to this.
They’re just going to keep pushing, aren’t they?
[Via Antigone]
As for Lozano… he says he called 911 but was surprised the police never showed up. “I dialed 911, called the operator, explained to the operator what had just happened… she said ‘OK,’ put me on hold, they transferred me to the non-emergency number, which I was there for almost 45 minutes.” He even called his local LAPD station and left a message. “They have a recording, I left the recording on the machine, explained who I was, what the situation was, and I haven’t heard a call back from anybody. [From video here]
He’d have heard back if he’d done this, especially if he’d hit one.
And look who’s being primed to wear the crown.
[Via WiscoDave]
Wealthy LA father who pulled gun on masked intruders as they tried to break into his luxury home while his baby was inside reveals he has been STRIPPED of his firearm permit ‘because he yelled at cops when they arrived’ [More]
Does he think he’ll get a new one in the Bronx?
Dashcam footage released by the Los Angeles Police Department captured two former police officers ignoring a robbery call to play Pokémon Go. Officers Louis Lozano and Eric Mitchell were fired in 2018 after an internal investigation and disciplinary review panel ruled they violated department policy by failing to respond in 2017 to multiple backup calls for a robbery, “despite being parked directly across the street.” The officers then lied about playing the popular mobile phone game… [More]
What took so long to release it?
From the department that enforces disarmament laws against you…
Meanwhile, their shameless lawyer complains “The right to privacy of the officers is really what was at issue here.”
Cops Visit Britney Spears for Welfare Check After Disturbing Knife Video [More]
The important thing is she doesn’t want you armed.
The officer who made the allegations against LAPD’s Assistant Chief Al Labrada said she found the tracking device in a waterproof Pelican box inside of her vehicle and that the device was traced back to his city-issued smartphone. [More]
Well, Al, you did ask for snitches…
[Via Steve T]
[T]he Mission Division gang unit has effectively been disbanded, with members transferred elsewhere amid accusations that officers were routinely turning off their body cameras — and possibly stealing from the people during traffic stops … Sources … said the gang unit officers are also suspected of slipping Apple AirTags into some of the vehicles they stopped, allowing police to track them without a court-issued warrant. [More]
Just the guys to surrender those guns to…
Don’t worry Angelenos. You still have the LASD.
Keep voting Democrat, suckers!
Section 6 – Agreement to Restrictions and to Hold Harmless I accept and assume all responsibility and liability for, injury to, or death of any person, or damage to any property which may result through an act or omission of either the licensee or the agency that issued the license. In the event any claim, suit or action is brought against the agency that issued the license, its chief officer or any of its employees, by reason of, or in connection with any such act or omission, the licensee shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the agency that issued the license, its chief officer or any of its employees from such claim, suit, or action. [More]
That’s one way to scare people off from applying.
LAPD chief accused of feeding personal data to anti-police activists: ‘Bounty on our officers’ [More]
At first, I was thinking Sheriff’s Department and wondering how big of a reward…
So they don’t like subjecting individuals to scrutiny…?
[Via bondmen]
The horse and pony show press conference is a tacit admission that California gun laws, the ones garnering “A” grades from the prohibition lobby for being the “best” in the land, aren’t working. So the confiscators say they need more. They always will. It will never end until the totalitarian-minded have it all, and then they’ll turn to what they want next from those under their heels. [More]
It’s not like Chief Moore and his oath-breaking boobs have Clue One as to what would really work– or would be allowed to implement it by their Democrat masters if they did.
LAPD: No evidence of planned mass shooting by man found with cache of weapons in Hollywood high-rise [More]
A spokeswoman for the department explains.
So the threat was even smaller than his cache?
Still, the ungulates are bleating sighs of relief.
[Via Bill B]
The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) has been pushing a plan to unleash dog-like military robots in our communities, and it’s highlighting the power of well-funded police lobbyists to purchase influence in local governments. [More]
Back to the question at hand…
[Via CDT]
The data included personally identifying information about hundreds of officers and thousands of suspects, such as geographic coordinates of suspects’ homes and the time and location of raids, demographic and contact information, and occasionally even suspects’ Social Security numbers. [More]
Kinda like what the state did with gun owner data?
LAPD detective accused of trying to buy silencer online [More]
So if we’re to believe the commies over at the Center for American Progress (and why wouldn’t we?), he “pose[d] a unique risk to public safety”…?
As an aside, that’s a lot of “Only Ones” groups backing infringements. Remember that the next time some “law-abiding” über alles chump tells you “Back the Blue!” with a straight face.
[Via Steve T]