This Should End Well

The L.A. County Board of Supervisors has quietly added a proposal on Tuesday’s agenda that seeks to “decarcerate” and “depopulate” LA jails by directing law enforcement & courts to vastly expand the use of “cite and release” & return to COVID emergency bail schedule. [More]

What else would we expect from four Democrats and a Vichycon, privileged women all…?

[Via WiscoDave]

LASD Gang Charges Underscore Threat of Enforcers Being ‘Only Ones’ with Guns

“There is at least a half dozen, and possibly more, Deputy Gangs and Deputy Cliques currently in the Department, primarily at patrol stations,” the report elaborates. “They include the Executioners, the Banditos, the Regulators, the Spartans, the Gladiators, the Cowboys and the Reapers.” [More]

Sounds like the most dangerous gang is the LASD because they’re the ones empowered by “law” to enforce citizen disarmament diktats…

No One Spends Like Gascón

Los Angeles Prosecutor Wins $1.5 Million in Retaliation Lawsuit Against D.A. George Gascón – The prosecutor union VP said “there were as many as 16 other civil suits pending against the district attorney.” [More]

Don’t worry– the settlement won’t come out of his pocket or George Soros’.

That’s part of the plan.

[Via Michael G]

Communist Sympathies in Line with Bass Affinity for Citizen Disarmament

Who better to trust to “control” our guns than politicians with a history of communist radicalism? [More]

These are the domestic enemies the Founders warned us against.

What’s in a Name?

L.A. DA Gascón Suspends Prosecutor for ‘Deadnaming’ Transgender Child Molester Accused of Murder [More]

I had to look the word up to see if it meant what I thought it did.

I find it curious and more than a little telling that it didn’t even appear in Merriam-Webster until late December 2019, and now it’s considered by the societal shapeshifters a heinous offense worth destroying someone over.

[Via Michael G]

Blessed are the Peacemakers?

The shooting death of Los Angeles Auxiliary Bishop David O’Connell — known as a “peacemaker” — is being investigated as a homicide, sheriff’s officials said Sunday. [More]

Sounds like he should have had a peacemaker…

And it sounds like there’s a lot more to this story. I wonder if we’ll ever hear it.

[Via Michael G]

Commonsense Law-Abiding Citizen Control

Supervisors Lindsey Horvath and Hilda Solis have proposed a motion that would direct the County’s legal counsel to study the feasibility and legality of implementing a countywide gun registry. [More]

Tell me these people aren’t shaking in their boots.

Everybody else? Well, is there a DROS file that could be used to identify scofflaws?

[Via Jess]

Cat Got Your Young?

“I don’t want anything bad to happen to P-22,” said Jimenez. “I just want people to be safe out there so that nothing like this happens again.” [More]

You can’t have one without the other, pal. Especially now that it knows humans are no deterrent.

Take care of the problem or wait for the “Only Ones” to do it and a child will be next. Time was the sheriff would have led a posse of armed volunteers to eliminate the threat.

Gentlemen’s Agreement

Before she knew it, the gentleman in the black shirt, black backwards hat (as seen in the video), basically football tackles my mom and my mom just remembers flying and that’s it,” Nicole said. [More]

Why, when telling reporters about violent and cowardly sociopathic scumbags, do so many people call them gentlemen?

As to why the victims were defenseless, well, maybe they backed the wrong “Only One.”

What I’m actually most curious about: Did old groomer “Sir Elton” trot out more cub scout strippers?

This is Intentional

Police told Fox Los Angeles they cannot do anything about the situation unless someone is blocking a sidewalk, active driveway or business. [More]

No property taxes, no permits– the city could shut this parasite down in a heartbeat on those and on health and safety violations if it wanted to.

The question here is why doesn’t it want to?

Los Angeles Democrats Unmasked

Calls for Los Angeles City Councilmembers Nury Martinez, Kevin de León and Gil Cedillo to resign continued to mount on Monday, as the fallout from an incendiary leaked conversation radiated through the city…  Martinez said Councilmember Mike Bonin handled his young Black son as though he were an “accessory” and described the son as “Parece changuito,” or “He’s like a little monkey.” And she referred to Oaxacans in Koreatown as “little short dark people.” Speaking about Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. George Gascón, Martinez said, “F— that guy…. He’s with the Blacks.” [More]

Gun-grabbing, open-border Marxists all, just like the useful idiots who vote for them…

A Historical Understanding

A witty and informative email reply by attorney Donald Kilmer to a  discussion on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors banning .50-caliber handguns:

As long the ban doesn’t exceed the .64 caliber U.S. issued smoothbore flintlock boarding pistol, we have nothing to worry about. Maybe the Board of Sups should read a little history.

Case Closed?

Two men are in custody in connection with a burglary at the Los Angeles home of Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., Los Angeles police confirmed Wednesday. The two men, identified as 42-year-old Patricio Munoz and 24-year-old Juan Espinoza, were arrested Tuesday after detectives witnessed them getting into a vehicle that had been parked at Bass’ home during the Saturday burglary. [More]

That answers one question, but it still sounds pretty hinky.

What with L.A. being a self-identified “sanctuary city” ‘n all, dare I ask one more?

Maybe They Didn’t Hear Right

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Tuesday directed its attorneys to draft a series of ordinances aimed at regulating gun sales and possession in the county, including a ban on the sale of .50-caliber handguns and ammunition in unincorporated areas. Another proposed ordinance would require “buffer zones” between gun/ammunition dealers and “sensitive areas” such as schools, day care centers and parks in unincorporated areas. Another would ban the possession of firearms on all county property. [More]

SCOTUS said “historical understanding,” not “hysterical understanding”…

[Via Jess]

Gun Theft Highlights Cognitive Dissonance of Democrat L.A. Mayoral Candidate

That “cash, electronics and other valuables” were “left behind” suggests that the object of the break-in was to get the guns, making fair the question of who knew Bass had them and how it is that they knew. [More]

It sounds like there’s a lot more to this story than has been revealed, but even if there’s not, the in-your-face hypocrisy alone ought to disqualify this self-serving hypocrite from office. Which means L.A. Democrats will be lining up to vote for her in droves…

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