Demand for ‘Commonsense Gun Laws’ is the Road to Citizen Disarmament

We’ve seen the same list before and we know that citizen disarmament has always been and remains the goal. [More]

Right out of the “progressive” totalitarian apologist playbook: Dust off the same old sh!+ and present it as new–all the while masking what you really want and counting on a critical mass of useful idiots to believe it’s for their own good.

Muhmi Get Your Sword

EUSOG puts on gender neutral production of the musical ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ [More]

So have the white Christian nationalists we’re told are the most dangerous and violent threat against Western culture declared a fatwah for blasphemy yet? I notice the “performers” still all have their heads, so my guess is “No.”

And as with all things “progressive,” the “idea” is hardly new. But at least back then it didn’t take itself seriously.

[Via Steve T]

I Wouldn’t Pull That String if I Were You Guys

Top legal newspaper publishes opinion calling for open defiance of SCOTUS and abrogation of the RKBA [More]

Unfortunately, it’s behind a paywall:

But what little I can make out leads me to believe this is typical Opposite Day “progressive” lawless “law” from lefty lawyers who believe their ivory tower rises above it all.

On Thin Ice

NHL player scolded for skipping Pride event launches debate over forced activism: ‘I think it’s ridiculous’ [More]

This is no different than communist scum coercing diners into a BLM fist salute. Any way you look at it, that’s a hostile workplace environment.

It doesn’t matter if it’s “voluntary”– by forcing him to make a decision that has nothing to do with playing hockey, he has been “outed” to include those who would make it mandatory or else, like frostback Nazi Sid Seixeiro.

God only knows what “legal” repercussions there’d be if he refused to participate in a Toronto game.

Burn Baby Burn

Just Let the Democrat-Run Hellhole Cities Destroy Themselves [More]

In a seemingly unrelated story, I see over 70% of her constituents voted for AOC over a Republican challenger. Ditto for Sheila Jackson Lee.

You can’t save people from themselves. And in those cases, why would I want to?

[Via Michael G]

As the Lynch Mob Forms

“We must not allow citizens to become judge, jury and executor,” the group, which consisted of Dr. Candice Matthews (Texas Coalition of Black Democrats/Rainbow/PUSH Coalition/New Black Panther Nation), Quanell X (New Black Panther Nation), family members of the deceased and other civil rights organizations, said in a statement. [More]

Or threateners of doing just that unless you submit to their demands…

And “executor…”? So they don’t want the shooter to manage the robber’s estate?

[Via Michael G]

I’ll See Your 40 Acres and a Mule and I’ll Raise You Perpetually Unlimited

San Francisco Reparations Panel Now Recommending $5 Million for Each Black Resident – “The committee also proposed wiping out all debts associated with educational, personal, credit card and payday loans for black households.” [More]

How’s that saying go, you can wish in one hand and…?

In any case, I’m with Bugs.

Bring it, racist communist scum.

[Via Michael G]

Adventures in Baselessness

While Turner’s alleged crimes present a striking example of problems with the integrity of U.S. elections, the story will almost assuredly be ignored by Democrat-friendly nonprofits and corporate media. For years, such entities have worked overtime to dismiss concerns related to fraud and ballot harvesting. [More]

They do more than that. They redefine attempts to prevent fraud as racist disenfranchisement of minorities.

[Via Michael G]

Deal with the Devil

Now, a district judge has awarded a summary judgment against a Maryland Catholic hospital for refusing to remove the healthy uterus of a patient who identifies as male. But there is an unusual twist here that may not apply in other such cases being filed all over the country. St. Joseph’s is owned by the University of Maryland Health System, meaning it is a public hospital. [More]

Well, there’s your problem right there. What did they think would happen when they sold their souls?

[Via Michael G]

I Like to Be in America, O.K. By Me in America, Everything Free in America

You’re Welcome: Illegals in NYC Tossing Free Food [More]

Hold our cervezas.

Building an entitled government-dependent Democrat voter base one in-your-face outrage at a time.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority.

[Via Michael G]

And There Was War in Heaven

His talk at McGill University in Canada titled “The Sex vs. Gender (Identity) Debate In the United Kingdom and the Divorce of LGB from T Event” ended abruptly after about 100 demonstrators “stormed the room … unplugged the projector and threw flour at the speaker, and the walls inside the faculty building were vandalized as well”… [More]

Thanks, Mensheviks. Us Bolsheviks will take it from here.

[Via Michael G]

Making You an Instant Enemy of the State!

HB50 was filed today by Representative Caballero. Under the proposed legislation, owning a magazine that holds 10 or more rounds would make you a felon the moment the law goes into place. The bill even includes a $1.5 million appropriation to “carry out the provisions of the act.” [More]

When communists are in power, they assign the treasonous domestic enemy label to you.

I Got Them Lügenpresse Blues

Liberal media are trying to protect the feds from the much-needed House weaponization committee [More]

Hence my continued use of “DSM.”

Duranty/Streicher Media.

Funny, how real national socialists want to smear anyone calling them what they are as Nazis to scare them out of using it.

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Over at the Birthplace of Liberty

Disgusting. Inexcusable. Shameful. This is what Democrats reduce once-great cities and cultures to. And rather than being thrown out and prosecuted for criminal negligence, those responsible are secured to advance themselves politically.

Anybody see anything or anyone worth fighting and dying for?

That’s part of the plan.

That Mr. Adams, him plenty smart fella.

Funny, how we who try to live up to that are designated the enemy by the destroyers.

[Via Jess]

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

Chair of California’s Reparations Task Force Says Black People are Really Owed $1 Million Each – Meanwhile, a black activist warned the committee in an interview: ‘Comply or it’s going to be a serious backlash’ [More]

As if that will be the end of it. What do we know about paying extortionists?

Backlash sounds like the way to go.

[Via Michael G]

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