Speaking of Elections…

This guy won. [More]

At least this flake didn’t. Interesting that he was endorsed by DeSwine. Looks like he’s on again.

LaRose continues to demonstrate the uninspiring flaccidity that characterizes an Ohio GOP establishment that seems dead set on turning the state blue. He’s the reason I stopped working the polls.

Conspicuously Absent

GOP Governors Support Texas Gov. Abbott’s Efforts to Secure Border [More]

Well, not ALL GOP governors

[Via Michael G]

Tangentially Related UPDATE:

Evidently he’s got other priorities to explain his lack of b@lls, which the Ohio legislature just kicked him in…

[Via Bill M]


Joe Biden Faces Growing Calls to Federalize Texas National Guard [More]

Notice every Democrat calling for CW2 also wants out guns…?

[Via Jess]


Agents ‘Absolutely’ Don’t Want To Cut Greg Abbott’s Razor Wire, Border Patrol Union President Says [More]

I’m sure there were Germans who didn’t want to round up Holocaust victims and guard camps.

So… how many of these reluctant agents will just follow orders and abet treason, anyway?

[Via bondmen]

A Man of Principles

Governor Mike DeWine has vetoed HB 68, a bill that would protect women’s sports and prevent child mutilation. Fortunately, Ohio has the votes to override the veto. @GovMikeDeWine is a spineless coward that needs to be removed from office. [More]

But wait…

The Brady Campaign called him a “principled statesman”

But who can sort through all the on again/off again with this weasel…?

[Via Michael G]

One Small Step

Ohio House Bill 99 Goes into Effect; Teachers Can Now Carry Firearms to ‘Try and Protect Our Kids’ [More]

There’s a lot of happy talk here to give cover to the obvious:  DeWine signed this because he had to, but still backdoor badmouthed it, and Democrat-dominated school boards can still nix the idea:

“It is important to emphasize that the bill does not mandate the arming of school staff members but leaves the decision entirely to local school boards, which have the best understanding of the needs of their individual districts.”

Sure they do, Mike. Care to elaborate on the magic qualifications urban apparatchiks have to decide whether another human being can claim his unalienable rights? Or comment on how the same ones saying “No” are also hot on indoctrinating children into all other kinds of destructive, racist, and perverted leftist nonsense?

Sure, this is an improvement. But it hardly calls for cartwheels.

Bottom line: Don’t look for any improvements in high-population areas. Most of the schools in the state will remain predator empowerment zones.

[Via Robert J]

An Open Dialog

Some Shortcomings of Open Carry [More]

He makes some good points.

So do some of his critics. The angry and rude hostility that comes out in some of the responses though, when people believe they are anonymous and therefore not accountable, makes me wonder how many behave like that face-to-face.

For the record: I have written to Mike DeWine and the two governors before him in my state, Ohio, to get the “Only Ones” trained to stop threatening and assaulting open carriers. But I don’t personally open carry for the same reason I won’t rack a shotgun slide to “scare away” an intruder.

Mike DeWine on ‘School Safety’

Arming school personnel is a serious decision that is left up entirely to each school. [More]

So why couldn’t you say the same about cities, and do away with preemption?

Besides, this is misdirection: The true issue is that of a free citizen’s unalienable right to arm himself. Since when are local bureaucrats legitimately qualified and authorized to dictate that?

And why did this come in via email, necessitating posting on my placeholder site, instead of being published in “News Releases“?

Speaking of Better Options

“Arming school personnel is a serious decision that is left up entirely to your school. It is optional,” DeWine wrote. [More]

So in spite of all the hoop-de-doo, the great majority will remain “gun-free zones.” So much for “preemption” when you codify a “patchwork quilt.”

This guy never fails to prove himself a weasel trying to play all sides, does he?

Tangentially related, Pursuit of Patriotism wonders about school district liability in mass shootings. I’ve long maintained the failure is not so much one of unthinking negligence as it is outright hostility and deliberate indifference.

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