A Fighting Chance

My husband was killed in a ‘gun free zone.’ Arm teachers for safety and to save lives [More]

I’d say “train teachers.” And get out of the way of them arming themselves.

I did note one loudmouthed self-identified Marxist punk saying it would “turn schools into war zones.” If I could remember where, I’d link to it.

No surprise he prefers them to remain killing fields…

[Via Michael G]

Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad

Every day is Opposite Day with these totalitarian hive insects.


And this is known as “false authority.”

On top of that, he’s full of $h!+. His handwringing is no different than the “Dodge City! Blood in the streets!” hysteria the antis have been consistently proven wrong about on concealed carry.

The FASTER program for armed school staff is a proven success.

F-in’ leftist moron…

Critical Mas

End Gun Free Zones – Massad Ayoob & the Solution to Stop Mass School Shootings. [Watch]


The only point I would presume to add any kind of caveat is on the identities of the killers. We need to know them so that we aren’t entirely dependent on police and media to find out more, especially about their political views, as we’ve seen it become SOP to take down their social media accounts when they don’t fit the narrative profile.

I don’t have a solution except maybe to have some standard of grading media coverage to incentivize not going overboard in rewarding the aberrations with “fame” — and that doesn’t seem likely as the focus with the latest atrocity is on blaming Christians for the latest monster being driven to slaughtering children because of their “intolerance.”

[Via bondmen]

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