Blast from the Past Part II

We talked a few month back about  George Gramlich, Editor of the Sangre de Cristo Sentinel sending me one of the few remaining signed magazines from Mike Vanderboegh’s smuggling exploits. [More]

I wasn’t sure how I was going to preserve it and decided over the weekend to put it in a hangable shadow box along with a sample of Threeperware from years gone by.

Arts and crafts were never my strong suit, but I like what I put together just fine:

I’ll get an engraving plate to affix to the bottom to read “Defy. Resist. Evade. Smuggle.” and my project will be complete.

I think my friend would have gotten a kick out of this, and I found the perfect place to hang it.

Blast from the Past

From George Gramlich, Editor of the Sangre de Cristo Sentinel, via email:


I don’t know if you remember but Mike’s last Smuggler’s episode was him going up to NY or Conn with a bunch of 30 rounders and give them out at a rally. Well, he got too sick to do that and he called me up (or email, I can’t remember) and asked me if I had any options.

This was before July 4 so I said mail them to me and we will give them out at our 2nd Amendment section before the parade (with a little speech about where they came from. Everybody remembered when he marched with us a few years before). That give away was Mike’s last official action.To make the mags special, I asked him to write something on each one and he did.

Each mag read, first line, “MBV III” with the 2nd line saying, “Smuggler Prod. Co.”. In white magic marker.

I grabbed three that day. I have one at the office and one in my man cave but just found the third one yesterday. I had forgotten about it.

I want it to go to somebody who would value it.

Though you might want it. If so, please send your USPS address and I will ship it out shortly.

The wife just came in with the mail. Guess what I got:

Thanks, George! You’re the best!

Jeepers, Creepers, Where’d You Get Those Threepers?

Seddon’s vision for AP3 was novel for the time: a national organization, with chapters across the country operating under his command. [More]

Compare that to what Three Percent founder Mike Vanderboegh intended and didn’t want to see happen:

The Three Percent idea, the movement, the ideal, was designed to be a simple, powerful concept that could not be infiltrated or subjected to agents provocateurs like many organizations that I observed in the constitutional militia movement of the 90s. In this I was both correct and dead wrong, as I have been battling folks almost since the beginning who have misunderstood, deliberately or not, what the Three Percent was in history, what it is today and what its aims are for the future.

If you call yourself a Three Percenter, stop it if this is the first time you’re hearing this.

It looks to me like Joshua Kaplan and ProPublica are trying to amplify Garland and Wray’s “greatest threat” bull$h!+ by blowing some self-promoting low-hanging fruit up to scary boogeyman proportions. You’ll note so many who claim the title “Three Percenter” never even mention Mike on their websites, or post the catechism to articulate how to embrace the concept’s true meaning.

Don’t argue with me. Argue with him:

[Via DDS]

SEO Irregular

While looking for a link to my Points question, I noticed something again today I’ve been meaning to mention for a while: Type in “Sipsey Street Irregulars” on Google and the first link that comes up goes to an SPLC post about it closing down after Mike’s death.

That means either algorithm ranking results have been manipulated to make one post outweigh Mike’s life work, or the majority of Mike’s readers didn’t regularly help him promote his work by sharing links. Noting how many of his thousands of readers didn’t step up when asked to, I’d be hard pressed to pick a reason.

Noting the importance of that work — and the way it’s now being misapplied exactly as he warned against — either reason, censorship from without or apathy from within, is one hell of a demotivator.

Gotta Serve Somebody

The two letters show opposite assumptions about reality and the role of governments. The NY letter assumes guns are bad, and ordinary citizens should not have guns, because ordinary citizens do bad things with guns. The letter from the 28 states assumes government is subordinate to the people, government must defend the nation, and an armed population aids the government in defending the nation against all enemies. These two assumptions about reality are in direct conflict. [More]

Like Mike always said:

We are, in fact, two countries divided by the fundamental difference of principle on the question: Does the government serve the people, or do the people serve the government?


Received via email:

Everybody here knows about BIDS, right?

I set that blog up in 2007 to keep the information from disappearing off the internet and have not had occasion to be back since. To keep it from being erased, I’ve transferred the information over to my WOG Placeholder blog.

That got me to thinking that another Blogspot blog has not been updated in years and won’t be: Mike Vanderboegh’s Sipsey Street Irregulars, a repository of priceless information, including his groundbreaking work exposing Operation Fast and Furious gunwalking corruption.

Fortunately, it looks like the Internet Archive Wayback Machine has crawled it, but I can’t tell how thorough of a capture it is or what that does to internal links without spending major time I will never have.

Anyway, I’m just throwing this out there fyi. I expect in a few years Google will decide no activity means it’s time to free up some disk space.

It also tells me at some point the same will happen to the original War on Guns.

Triple Con

Neocons in the 80s and 90s used to warn people off of the CoS rout always bringing up the runaway convention argument. Amendments proposed by the CoS still have to be ratified by 38 states, thus killing worries for runaway conventions. We all know congress will NEVER vote to limit themselves, so lets try a CoS. We are already quickly headed down the path the late great Mike Vanderboegh warned us about repeatedly. [More]

I’d be careful about invoking Vanderboegh’s name to make your case.

As for the “38 states” redirect/deferral, I see nobody’s considering what’s happening all around us, every day, with no end in sight…

Speaking of Toxic Masculinity…

During a traffic stop in Florida, deputies caught Kevin Deane Jones, 50, with a plastic water gun full of the highly toxic substance ricin while on his way to Texas, where his ex-wife lived in December 2021, court documents show. After he was read his Miranda rights, he admitted to making the ricin as part of a murder plot to kill his ex, according to investigators. [More]

Ol’ Kevin doesn’t sound like the brightest bulb. What must his “current fiancee” be like?

Hey, maybe they can blame this on Mike!

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of Domestic Enemies…

SPECIAL REPORT: How the Southern Poverty Law Center Quietly Pivoted to Gun Control [More]

And to think I had such a good opinion of them.

I’m going to need to up my game. Searching for my name on their “Hatewatch” site only yielded two entries, both associated with Mike Vanderboegh, and none of them actually accusing me of anything.

Of course why Mike, who properly equated racism with collectivism, would be filed under “hate” is also left unexplained.

My guess is because they hated him.

Speaking of Trust and Safety


That seems libelous against anyone who has identified as a Threeper, especially since anyone who actually understands what Three Percent founder Mike Vanderboegh advocated knows it is an idea, not an organization:

The Three Percent idea, the movement, the ideal, was designed to be a simple, powerful concept that could not be infiltrated or subjected to agents provocateurs like many organizations that I observed in the constitutional militia movement of the 90s… The Three Percent idea, being an idea, is internalized and finds expression in action when required without any top-down organization issuing orders.

Here’s another media lie:

She said a lot of the extremism in the U.S. is being driven by white supremacists and anti-government extremists, such as those following the Three Percenter ideology.

Vanderboegh was a Constitutionalist who rejected racism on religious, moral, and ideological grounds, identifying the judging of individuals based on that as collectivism.

Real racists and anti-government extremists hated his guts and took joy in his cancer and his death.

You don’t insult a man, and in lying about him libel others who share his beliefs, and then wish him “all the best,” all the while representing yourself as being your company’s arbiter for customer trust and safety.

[Via Jess]

Blast from the Past

On a side note to the last post, the video of my interview has been “disappeared” along with the rest of the terminated YouTube account.  When looking to see if it’s posted anywhere else, I happened across this years-old commie hit piece about the Las Vegas murders that I’d been previously unaware of, which included Alex Jones and me among its targets:

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, the other far-Right trolls, ISIS, were quick to claim that not only the attack was carried out in it’s name, but that also the shooter had converted is Islam months ago. However, according to both the FBI and other law enforcement, this is simply not the case. In the past, ISIS was also claimed other horrific acts in it’s name, despite there being no connection. Many on the Right however refused to accept this. Writing for the Oath Keepers militia, David Codrea wrote:

News services are scrambling to uncover what happened in last night’s massacre in Las Vegas, to be first in revealing some unknown dimension to a story that has the attention of the world. That’s led to conflicting accounts about the shooter—or in some accounts “shooters, and about motives (ISIS has already claimed responsibility, which the FBI denies) and about practically everything.

The blame and hatred coming from the citizen disarmament camp is palpable. Celebrities are piling on. Politicians and gun-grab zealots are dancing in the blood, which they blame on NRA, on “conservatives,” on whites, and on anyone else the collectivists choose to smear as “Nazis” and “fascists.”

Codrea’s rant ends with stating that the “hard left” (by this he means, the Democratic Party), will soon move to take away guns from American citizens, a common refrain from the militia movement, and a central concept within white nationalist literature, such as The Turner Diaries.

Nothing I wrote was untrue. Yet according to this anonymous “anarchist,” presenting both sides equates with refusing to accept, and citing tactics, smears, and documented citizen disarmament end goals equates with a racist rant.

According to them, a fascist is someone who wants to limit government power. A racist is someone who advocates for the most egalitarian power-sharing arrangement ever conceived.

Consider the source:

It’s Going Down is a digital community center from anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements. Our mission is to provide a resilient platform to publicize and promote revolutionary theory and action.

Kurt Hofmann’s adage comes to mind.

So Much for ‘Let the Punishment Fit the Crime’

Alex Jones ordered to pay nearly $1 billion to families of Sandy Hook massacre victims [More]

I’ve never particularly been a Jones enthusiast– I know Mike didn’t much care for him but I was on his program once and was happy for the opportunity. That said, what you or I think of the guy is irrelevant to this, the most absurdly disproportionate, dangerous, and un-American verdict order I have ever heard of. That it would be countenanced in a U.S. court shows how serious the power structure is to shut down forbidden speech.

How many of Jones’ “millions” of followers committed an illegal act? How many “threats” were actually sentiments? How many transitioned into actual meatspace attacks?

And as long as I dragged Mike’s name into this, he knew what it was like to be blamed for the actions of others.

Who does the Jones verdict and sentence chill and discourage? Who is turning cartwheels?

Time was the left at least pretended to be all about free speech. That’s for the benefit of the useful idiots and to accelerate social degradation — until there’s the confidence that masks can be dropped, as just happened with this order.

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