Ron DeSantis picks Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody to fill Marco Rubio’s Senate seat [More]
I’ll take any gift that p!$$e$ off Gabby’s handlers.
And it won’t be hard to be an improvement.
[Via Jess]
Notes from the Resistance
Ron DeSantis picks Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody to fill Marco Rubio’s Senate seat [More]
I’ll take any gift that p!$$e$ off Gabby’s handlers.
And it won’t be hard to be an improvement.
[Via Jess]
Florida’s “stand your ground” provisions won’t give them a pass from prosecution if there’s a question of legality, or if a Democrat DA decides there’s ginned up anger they can exploit. [More]
But when it’s all said and done, “I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by six” applies.
Hurricane guns: DeSantis orders no suspensions, no limits on gun sales during storm [More]
It’s ridiculous that this is even an issue, but government…
What kind of absolute statist moron would disarm the people at the time they needed to protect themselves the most?
Ol’ Don Hagan sure made a permanent name for himself, didn’t he?
And if you think Helene exposed FEMA, Milton is just getting warmed up.
[Via Jess]
Recent operations by the FBI and prosecution by the U.S. Department of Justice has led to federal convictions for Florida residents accused of buying high-powered guns to arm the gangs in Haiti… “These international gangs and these criminal organizations have very sophisticated means and networks to be able to facilitate smuggling, whether it’s through shipments, out of the ports, airlines, different things like that…” [More]
I notice how it is “international gangs” are in this country in the first place is left unexplored.
Better to let NBC News of rigged flaming truck notoriety blame DeSantis…
[Via Jess]
This puts journalists in an interesting position. If I reach out to the neighbor for her side of the story, a judge can jail Jeremy. In essence, a judge in Florida is restricting the right of the press to get to the heart of a story through threats of removing the liberty of the subject of the story… One of the worst things the judge has done to Jeremy and his girlfriend is to restrict Jeremy’s movements on his own property without hearing the facts of the case…Worse, his Second Amendment rights have been removed with no evidentiary hearing to decide if he is actually a threat. Meanwhile, he says he’s been threatened by the neighbor and her associates with all manner of bodily harm. He is also prohibited from hiring security due to the injunction, as he cannot be around anyone with guns. [More]
That would be Judge Craig C. DeThomasis, a DeSantis appointee.
At least we know where to turn up the heat.
[Via WiscoDave]
Ron DeSantis ends his struggling presidential bid before New Hampshire and endorses Donald Trump [More]
There can be only one.
Ron DeSantis Holds Rally At Iowa Gun Store, Vows Big Changes For FBI “Culture” [Watch]
4:26:29 is too long for me to watch, but you get the idea.
I just wish one of these people promising us how good they’d be would put it in writing.
[Via Jess]
[Via Jess]
White gunman who shot three Black victims legally acquired weapons after Ron DeSantis recently allowed permitless carry [More]
Yeah, I remember how thrilled we all were when Ohio passed a similar law saying “Constitutional carry” meant we could also murder groups we hate after being involuntarily committed and released!
[Via Jess]
Nolte: Ron DeSantis’s First Act as a Presidential Candidate Was to Ignore Establishment Media [More]
I know everybody is laughing at the technical glitches. That’s to distract focus from how revolutionary bypassing the DSM and making them come to you on your terms is, and how that terrifies those who are starting to realize the implications.
Ron DeSantis staff eating cake while Floridians are in crisis. [More]
Sometimes ignoring an aggressive dog and letting it know you don’t think it’s important enough to notice can make it rethink if it really wants to attack you. Of course, if you’re going to try this, I recommend also being able to kick its @$$ if that doesn’t work.
I just wanted to equate these subversive losers with dogs.
And I guess that means an apology will be expected: to dogs.
[Via Michael G]
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday backed an effort to lower the statewide age requirement to purchase a rifle, calling a current law that bars 18-year-olds from buying firearms “unconstitutional.” [More]
I wonder how many Democrats howling in indignant rage over this support lowering the voting age to 16…
[Via Jess]
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Endorsed by George Soros [More]
No, he didn’t. But he did sow seeds of divisiveness that those saying he “endorsed” him picked up like idiots.
The way this is being propagated is very misleading and irresponsible.
And from the looks of things, intentional.
[Via bondmen]
DeSantis Slammed for ‘Next-Level’ Hypocrisy After Trying to Ban Guns at Event and Buck Blame [More]
See, you pull sh!+ like this and more than your friends notice…
[Via Remarks]
They didn’t want Constitutional Carry nor Open Carry to pass because the idea of their minority neighbors being armed scared them. [More]
Sound like anyone we know…?
[Via Remarks]
Caught On Tape! Florida’s 2A Committee Chair Against Constitutional Carry w/GOA’s Luis Valdez [Watch]
And on top of that, he’s got an insufferable “Only Ones” mentality.
With the latest DeSantis disconnect it seems like Florida Republicans are going out of their way to alienate gun owners.
And not just Florida Republicans…
[Via Jess]
Firearms News has the whole story direct from GOA.
Someone inside the event didn’t like the sign Mr. Rose was holding and had the City of Alachua Police approach Mr. Rose to tell him to leave because it was a private event. [More]
I guess if you don’t have to respect the Second Amendment, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t feel free to ignore the First.
So some tight-@$$ed Vichycon at a DeSantis event, rather than doing the right thing and living up to that fidelity to the Second Amendment he makes such great political hay over, decided instead to channel their inner “progressive” snitch and sic the jackboots on a patriot?
And we’re supposed to just forget about this?
[Via Jess]
DeSantis creates illegal gun-free zone during Alachua fundraiser [More]
Someone should have gone armed and forced the issue, perhaps by calling the sheriff and issuing an on-the-spot complaint against private security violating Florida law.
Mark Walters and I talked about this, and we both agreed DeSantis had it in his power to make everything right. He had time to do just that and instead opted to hope nobody noticed and/or the ones that didn’t wouldn’t be showstoppers.
That he did not rectify things should be considered a huge strike against him. It’s curious that none of his starry-eyed supporters wanted to reply:
Concealed Carry Illegally Banned at Upcoming DeSantis Event [More]
So go armed. Accept no weasel-worded excuses.
What he does then will be on him and the Republicans.
Joy Reid says DeSantis warning to looters in Ian’s aftermath is like racist threat from ‘segregationist’ [More]
So who is she saying they are most likely to be?
Funny thing about some of the biggest “equity” bellyachers…
Let me guess: She just had to work ten times harder than everyone with privilege.