
A little over a month ago, merchant category codes for guns were still a little-discussed backdoor ploy.

Now they’re pounding on the front door with ISO announcing a global standard. (I know a bit about the process from a past life, back when everybody thought it was just about quality standards.)

Just a month and a half since my initial Firearms News warning, look at how this is dominating the narrative. Bottom line, if you want to do business, bureaucrats in Geneva say you have to turn snitch.

Funny thing about all those headlines spreading the same talking points: None of them are documenting the communist front groups behind the demand for this.

[Via several of you]

Proposed Banking Merchant Category Codes Latest Backdoor Ploy to ID Gun Owners

The software would know “prohibited person” status? How? Are banks now going to tap into NICS and perform after-the-fact “background checks”? How is such data sharing with private parties authorized by law? [More]

Rope-selling phony “capitalists,” that is, embedded Marxists and economic fascists, are banking on disarmament.

And Now a Word from the Rope-Selling ‘Capitalists’

Edelman CEO on gun safety: 2nd Amendment ‘is just kind of an excuse for delaying’ [More]

Says the multimillionaire heir to a propaganda empire notorious for Astoruturf campaigns.

You “believe in the Second Amendment” my…eye.

You and the rest of you Dick’s.

The pitchforks are coming, overprivileged douchebag.

[Via Jess]

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