Every Terrible Implement

M-16 Era Ends: Army’s 101st Airborne Division Receives Next-Gen Assault Rifles [More] You and I can’t have those either, because they’re not “in common use.” As long as we allow that to be defined by what’s popular for “self-defense” and sport as opposed to arms that soldiers bear, we’re giving the prohibitionists an out to … Continue reading “Every Terrible Implement”

Every Terrible Implement of the Soldier

Review: The History of Bans on Types of Arms Before 1900 [More] In short, if the grabbers are looking for something from the Founding Era to support “historical context” to justify an “assault weapon” ban, they’re not going to find it. It figures that the lame argument that no one considered the Second Amendment to … Continue reading “Every Terrible Implement of the Soldier”

Speaking of ‘Every Terrible Implement’…

Large-capacity magazines are not “arms” protected by the Second Amendment because they are not essential to the use of firearms… Additionally, large-capacity magazines are not protected “arms” because they are not commonly used for self-defense. [More] Since that directly follows an “Overview of Bruen’s text-and-history standard for analyzing Second Amendment claims,” I wonder what Tench … Continue reading “Speaking of ‘Every Terrible Implement’…”

Every Terrible Implement

CONNECTICUT CITIZENS DEFENSE LEAGUE AND SECOND AMENDMENT FOUNDATION SUE CT OVER BAN ON MODERN SPORTING ARMS [More] I dunno– “in Common Use for Lawful Purposes Throughout the United States” seems to exclude everything that’s not, including what will be developed in the future. As noted: The Supreme Court, in its infamous Miller decision, nonetheless recognized … Continue reading “Every Terrible Implement”

Speaking of ‘Every Terrible Implement of the Soldier’…

No longer science & technology projects, high-energy laser weapons are now operational [More] So when power packs shrink and individual infantry weapons become a reality…? This is why, understanding core purpose, “in common use at the time” has to be applied not to what is “popular” with sportsmen, but to what is available on conventional battlefields … Continue reading “Speaking of ‘Every Terrible Implement of the Soldier’…”

Bait and Switch

Guns now deadlier due to tiny attachments made by 3-D printer [Watch] They say that like it’s a bad thing… And like the Founders didn’t consider “every terrible implement of the soldier” to be “the birthright of an American,” and “necessary to the security of a free State.” See, here’s the thing– I know I … Continue reading “Bait and Switch”

Automatically Lying

New Mexico’s Governor Claims An AR-15 Is An Automatic Weapon That No One Should Own [Watch] She knows she’s lying. MSNBC knows she’s lying. It’s an old lie, one that “our side” has exposed ad nauseam, and one the grabtards use repeatedly and shamelessly in spite of that. The other lie is that We the … Continue reading “Automatically Lying”

The Second Amendment is Not a Sporting Arms Popularity Contest

CALIFORNIA CAUGHT! 700,000 Machine Guns Claim Exposed in Duncan v. Bonta Case… [Watch] Sorry, Mr. Smith, what you, and evidently every prominent voice on “our side” continually miss is that if “in common use at the time” does not cover what is in common use by the infantry, then the Second Amendment is meaningless and … Continue reading “The Second Amendment is Not a Sporting Arms Popularity Contest”

If Wishes Were Fishes

Celebrity YouTuber cites Supreme Court gun ruling in bid to dismiss machine gun charges [More] I’m not seeing how the most effective arguments can be considered with zero mentions of “militia.” That makes me wonder about the Second Amendment law track record the attorneys have achieved. Don’t get me wrong: I think “shall not be … Continue reading “If Wishes Were Fishes”

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