Marxist-Raised Raskin Proposes Starting Civil War by Denying Trump Election Eligibility

While he’s the one bemoaning civil war if he succeeds in denying half the country its choice for president, he dismisses the Second Amendment being an ultimate check against tyranny as “a constitutional joke”. [More] Red Jamie says turn in your guns. And no, you don’t get to vote on it.

I’m Just Surprised She Didn’t Invoke the 5th

Defiant Secret Service Director Stonewalls Lawmakers at Oversight Hearing [More] We expected anything else? Meanwhile, the execrable “Red Jamie” exploits the opportunity to demand disarming you and me… That CNN headline could be read another way… Cheatle: Trump assassination attempt ‘most significant operational failure’ in decades [Via Michael G]

‘Paramilitary Ban’ Just Another Democrat Plot to Secure Monopoly of Violence

The issue as far as Raskin and Markey’s latest affront to liberty goes, is that nowhere in the Constitution is the federal government delegated authority to ban paramilitary activities. They are usurping power – or trying to. And though Raskin cites authority including the Supreme Court’s admission in Heller “that the Second Amendment ‘does not … Continue reading “‘Paramilitary Ban’ Just Another Democrat Plot to Secure Monopoly of Violence”

We’re the Only Ones Illegal Enough

The Los Angeles Police Department recently implored the federal government for permission to give guns to illegal aliens who are set to be awarded police powers to detain and arrest American citizens. [More] Who needs blue helmets? What kind of hellish tyranny employs illegal foreign nationals as a standing army against its own citizens, and … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Illegal Enough”

The Criminalizing Any Chance of Organizing Against Domestic and Foreign Tyranny Act

The “Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act” is being introduced by Senator Ed Markey from Massachusetts, and Congressman Jamie Raskin of Maryland, both Democrats. [More] Both traitors… Boy, Tess Owen of Vice really buys into their subversive crap, right down to calling Oath Keepers a “militia” and hyperventilating over the unarmed J6 protestors… Here’s the proposed … Continue reading “The Criminalizing Any Chance of Organizing Against Domestic and Foreign Tyranny Act”

Why, Indeed?

Why Raskin wants Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from potential Trump ruling [More] Because he’s the legacy forwarding heir of a treasonous communist, of course… Not that the statist apologists at USA Today (a Gannett Publication) will tell you that. [Via Jess]

Do as I Say, Not as I Do

U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., was a key player behind ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s snap impeachment of President Donald Trump… Now Raskin is insisting that Joe Biden be considered exempt from even being investigated for impeachment… [More] That second-generation communist subversive again… I don’t suppose this could be a “Please don’t throw me in the … Continue reading “Do as I Say, Not as I Do”

Speaking of ‘Debunking’…

To debunk MAGA’s “insurrectionist” theory of the 2nd Amendment, just read the Constitution. Everywhere it rejects insurrection, including in the 14th Amendment which bans insurrectionists from ever holding office again. The Constitution does not provide for its own destruction. [More] True. It provides for its restoration after oath-breaking insurrectionist officeholders push the people beyond their … Continue reading “Speaking of ‘Debunking’…”

A Predetermined Outcome

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes was convicted Tuesday of seditious conspiracy for a violent plot to overturn President Joe Biden’s election, handing the Justice Department a major victory in its massive prosecution of the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. [More] You know the questions I haven’t seen answered? What order did he give to attack the … Continue reading “A Predetermined Outcome”

Speaking of Disturbingly Persistent Ideas…

“Elegant and important essay by @RepRaskin debunking the disturbingly persistent idea that the 2nd Am gives citizens the right to take up arms against the government.” [More] For being an “LATimes Legal Affairs Columnist. Former US Attorney, DOJ official. Teach con law at UCSD& UCLA” you’d think this f***ing idiot would know the Second Amendment … Continue reading “Speaking of Disturbingly Persistent Ideas…”

Ye are Many — They are Few!

Our Entire Civilization Is Structured Around Keeping Us From Realizing We Can Do This [More] Gosh, do you think that might have something to do with tyrants incessantly pushing citizen disarmament? I don’t know why they think they have to, seeing as how they have nukes and everything… I know: Let’s ask Jamie Raskin! [Via bondmen]

Speaking of a Constitutional Joke…

“My friend from Texas, Mr. Roy, advances the so-called insurrectionist view of the second amendment, that the second amendment’s purpose is to give the people the right to overthrow or fight our government or fight the police or threaten armed resistance if the government is somehow being unfair or unjust,” Raskin said. “This reading is … Continue reading “Speaking of a Constitutional Joke…”

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