Unhatched Chicken Counting

The Dubious and Doomed ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban That the House Approved Today May Cost Democrats This Fall – Recent polling suggests that Americans are starting to recognize that such laws make no sense. [More]

I wish I could share the enthusiasm but I think all it would take is one gun-free zone exploitation the magnitude of Beslan and you’d see a whole different set of survey results, not to mention a panicked Republican red wave-blowing scramble to get out of the water.

Now is no time to relax like the overconfident hare. Press on in earnest like the tortoise.

[Via bondmen]

It’s Ronnie Barrett Time

I spent this am contacting every gun manufacturer I do business with and asking them to PICK A SIDE and go full Ronnie Barrett on every state and agency presuming to infringe on Heller, Bruen and the constitution generally. It is time for the industry to stand up for their customers and NOT SELL GUNS TO AGENCIES AND STATES ADOPTING & ENFORCING RED FLAG LAWS and passing rebound statutes to piss on Bruen. [More]

Longtime WarOnGuns Correspondent Dave Licht is doing the job NSSF won’t do.

The thought strikes: If someone had the wherewithal to create an auto emailer like what GOA does with our elected reps– but this one going to all gun, ammo, and gear mfrs. —  this letter could be used as a customizable template or you could write your own.

The next thought strikes: If someone put that together, how many gun owners would send one?

A Superior Observation

[T]he Court is unaware of historical precedent that would permit a governmental entity to entirely ban a type of weapon that is commonly used by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes, whether in an individual’s home or in public. The Court also notes that the Town’s justifications are somewhat undermined by the other subsections of this very provision. Specifically, subsection (b)(1) provides that “[a]ny person holding a valid federal firearms license from possession of any firearm authorized pursuant to such license” will not be subject to the prohibition of 10-9-40. The following subsection, (b)(2) likewise exempts any “firearm for which the U.S. Government has issued a stamp or permit pursuant to the National Firearms Act.” The National Firearms Act, referenced in the latter subsection, provides for permitting such firearms as short-barreled shotguns and rifles, machineguns, and silencers. Each of those weapons is arguably even more deadly than the semi-automatic weapons that the Town of Superior seeks to ban, yet these provisions would permit individuals to possess, sell, or otherwise transfer them. [More]

Let’s see if any of the NAGR critics are willing to grudgingly admit they’re doing good here.

[Via Antigone]

I Sent You Two Boats and a Helicopter*

“The last thing I’m going to do is take a free tri-tip sandwich from a right-wing extremist group,” said one resident, who asked not to be named because she feared provoking “armed and dangerous” people. [More]

Right– because if they knew they’d come kill you, you stupid goose.

Ignorance begets bigotry begets fear begets hate begets violence.

Knowledge begets rationally understanding how to defend yourself against all that.


[Via  An Hour of Wolves]

Win Against Woke

To better arm you for the fight, I’ve created a seminar entitled “Win Against ‘Woke’: Defeating Leftists in Daily Life,” which focuses on beating the “woke” mob in daily life. From school boards trying to indoctrinate your children with “Critical Race Theory” to “woke” employers forcing you to use gender pronouns inconsistent with your Faith, “Win Against Woke” will give you the tools you need. [More]

Not eligible for the seminar discount?

Why not?

And the Winners Are…

2022 BFA-PAC Grades and Endorsements for the August Ohio Primary [More]

Not a single Democrat made the list, which if you think about it, is the way it should be since with everything else they must do to advance party interests and candidates, it is literally impossible to be a “pro-gun Democrat,” Jorge & pals notwithstanding.

I’m presenting this list as a starting point. I know who my pols are and suggest everyone else know theirs as a minimal citizenship standard rather than just following anybody’s list.

GRNC Alert

The legislature passed SB43 (Church Carry) last session, but Governor Roy Cooper reflexively vetoed it. In light of new, known threats to churches it is imperative you take the necessary action to bring SB43 (Church Carry) back for a veto override vote. [More]

If you’re from North Carolina, why not take a second here…?

AzCDL: Arizona Legislature Adjourns

This weekend, the 55th Arizona legislature, second regular session adjourned “sine die.” The terms is Latin for “without a day,” and means that no further work is scheduled for the body this year. Any bills that were still in progress when the legislature adjourned are now dead. AzCDL bills that suffered this fate are … [More]

For those of you who live there or are considering moving…

AzCDL: Save $$$, Renew Your Membership Now!

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As mentioned in the May, 2022 AzCDL newsletter, for the first time in our 17 year history AzCDL dues will be increasing on July 1st. We have managed to hold the line on dues for the better part of two decades, but even AzCDL is not immune to the ever more damaging impacts of Bidenflation. If your membership is up for renewal this year, you can save money by renewing now. New and renewing memberships purchased before July 1st will be at the current price. [Click here to renew your membership before the price increase.]

OFF Alert

Things are getting crazy, and we are going to need your help. There is just no way around it. [More]

You can never give them enough. The prohibitionists just keep coming back for more and more and…

That’s why they’re called “totalitarians.”


AzCDL Legislative Update

The Arizona legislature remains focused on the state budget and has done little to advance the pro-rights bills AzCDL supports. This is not unusual late in the session and we remain hopeful that some or all of these bills will receive attention before Sine Die, when the legislature adjourns for the year. [More]

If your rep owes gun owners for his position of extreme privilege, let him know you supported him before because you expected proactive leadership in return.

And if my masculine pronoun default offends anyone, good.

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