We’re the Only Ones Victorious Enough

Nearly a dozen guns taken off Austin streets in Gun Surrender Program [More]

That’s pathetic when you can’t just say “11” and have to blow it up by one.

Nice of the moronic “Only Ones” functionary to admit “buybacks don’t work.”

Besides, “surrender” makes them sound so much more awe-inspiring. And it’s closer to what government has in mind anyway.

[Via Jess]

Ohio Gun ‘Buyback’ Posturing Will Mask Democrat Failures, Endanger Public

Here’s my challenge for the County Council and Sheriff Featheree: You’re enticing people of unknown abilities to handle and transport guns. You’ll no doubt tell them to make sure it’s not loaded. How will you ensure they know how to first safely handle it and then safely do that? [More]

What could ensure more “commonsense gun safety” than enticing novices who don’t know the rules to handle and transport guns they may not know how to clear?

As an aside, there must have been a copyright issue I didn’t know about because I picked a different photo than the stock one they used– those guns don’t look like pieces of rusted and worn-out junk at all.

The Buyback Menace

In fact, the study said a 7.7% increase in crimes involving a gun occurred in those cities and counties in the immediate two months after a buyback. [More]

The Philadelphia Inquirer Iditorial Board has an about-damn-time epiphany of sorts, then wrings its hands and wails “Something must be done,” all the while clueless as to what that something needs to be.

[Via Jess]

A Huge Success!

Together they created Richmond’s first drive-thru gun buyback program where people drove up with their unloaded guns in their trunks for officials to evaluate. [More]

If people like widows who know nothing about guns want to participate, how do they safely determine they’re unloaded? And as for the contention that “research into whether the efforts led to a reduction in gun violence remains unclear,” how many more decades and thousands of events need to be observed and analyzed before we have a testable hypothesis? And before proponents can honestly claim “success,” huge or otherwise?

On top of everything else, it appears you and I paid for it.

[Via Jess]

And They Say There are No Stupid Questions

Will Richmond’s gun ‘buyback’ curb violent crime? [More]

No. Of course not. Any fool could see that it won’t.

Even the feds have admitted it.

But it gets headlines, giving kneejerk Democrat voters ignorant enough to give power to incompetent frauds like Stoney a false sense that they are “doing something.”

[Via Mack H]

We’re the Only Ones Endangering Enough

Firearms must be transported unloaded and inside a trunk or cargo are of your vehicle. Firearms should be either wrapped, cased or boxed. Magazines and ammunition must be in a separate area of the vehicle (such as the backseat). Firearms must be in working condition. [More]

So how is an elderly widow giving up her late husband’s gun and who knows nothing about them supposed to safely determine all that?

[Via bondmen]

No Questions Asked!

So bring in those stolen guns and let the government be your fence!

A felon caught with a gun near the city? No worries– just tell them you were bringing it into the “buyback,”  didn’t understand the transport requirements, and you thought it was “No questions asked.”

Speaking of which: Are you a widow with absolutely no gun training so you don’t know how to check if your deceased husband’s gun is loaded, or anything at all about safe handling or transport? Well, come on down!

Any questions?

Hey, uh, everybody knows private sales are legal in Texas, right? Is that a public sidewalk I see in front of 3826 Wheeler?

[Via Lane]


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