On Target

New Jersey Target employee thwarts 3 women stealing shopping cart full of merchandise: police [More]

He’s lucky they didn’t go violently entitled on him.

Or that Target doesn’t fire him.

In general, when the grabbers say women are endangered by a gun in the home, these are the types — whose chronic poor choices include with the males they attach themselves to — that they’re talking about.

But if they admit that, they won’t be able to spread risk equity, and diversify it to include women who have made better choices.

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before

This year, grants will be prioritized for organizations that focus on youth diversion and mentoring, and violence interruption, among other related areas, according to a news release. [More]

And we quickly saw the dividends from 2023 “effort”s…

It’s working about as well as it does in St. Louis.

And it depends upon what the meaning of the word “decline” is.

[Via JG]

All in the Family

A DNA test identified the suspect as Alvin Campbell Jr., a burly 43-year-old with a long criminal history and a prominent relative. Campbell is the brother of Andrea Campbell, then a Boston city councilor and now the state’s attorney general. [More]

Alvin demands his Moms defenseless, does he, Sis?

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Diverse, Equitable, and Included Enough

To sum up: A Secret Service agent who was fast-tracked through the vetting process due to the color of his skin or his sexuality or some other identity group had a mental breakdown and started punching the commanding officer before his fellow agents restrained him and wrestled away his gun. [More]

And he was “armed during the flight.”

Anybody see him ID’d anywhere?

Why not?

[Via Michael G]

Gun Banning Democrat Charged with Burglary Could Become ‘Prohibited Person’

Perhaps it’s natural for people who know they can’t trust themselves to project their moral defects onto everybody else. [More]

Hoist with her own petard…

The Cover-Up Continues

Gifting the documents to the parents of the victims is odd. But for the parents of the victims to then assert that they hold some kind of “copyright” on those documents is twisted on its face and one cannot help but wonder what really is behind this enormous effort to withhold information about Audrey Hale. [More]

Why does every indicator say this is more than about their grief?

[Via bondmen]

Grabbing More Than Your Guns

Why would anyone be surprised that rights thieves don’t feel the same way about property?

[Via CP]

My Kind of Razzmatazz

Got that? No more traffic stops in Chicago. This is insane — a demand to end enforcement of traffic laws, because Dexter Reed got killed after he shot first in a confrontation with five police officers. Do these people think it’s irrelevant that Reed shot first? Do they care nothing about the facts that (a) Reed was packing a 9mm pistol despite (b) being out on pre-trial release for a 2023 weapons charge, and (c) this shooting happened in one of Chicago’s most violent neighborhoods? [More]

Yes, of course they’re members.

Forget it, Jake. It’s Chi-Town.

[Via Michael G]

Bizarro World DGU

Grand Jury Dismisses Murder Charge Against Teen Linked to Store Clerk’s Death — Attorney Claims the Teens Acted in Self-Defense After Clerk Chased Them [More]

So much for “during the commission of a crime”…

And no, of course they don’t know where he got the gun, but his attorney agrees there are “too many on the street” and his client ius “upset about what happened.”

Once is happenstance

That said, there are too many factors that make chasing after some scumbag self-defeating.

[Via Michael G]

Bringing a Snake to a Gunfight

This time, however, the store employee responded by drawing a firearm in self-defense, leading to a standoff that ended with Cook’s arrest as police arrived minutes later. [More]

On drugs? IQ 0f 60? Both?

As for the tolerant clerk, he’s further proof that moral people use the amount of deterrence necessary to stop aggression. Working nights because that’s what’s needed and having to deal with aggressive parasites, he showed admirable consistency of principles regardless.

No wonder lying communists call such people Concealed Carry Killers!

[Via Keith B]

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