Spicing Things Up

We could even encourage worried homeowners to buy bear spray for protection. I backpack, and it’s well known that bear spray is more effective against a charging grizzly than a handgun. Probably also more effective against a home invader. Think of it as harm reduction. [More]

That ought to go real well indoors.

As for outdoors, I’m thinking the Tueller drill shows a human can traverse 21 feet in a second-and-a-half and I’m guessing how long an 800 Lb. bear at 35mph would take and how close it actually has to get to be assured of a face-full, and wondering if that would be enough, and then remembering how some have been seen rolling around in pepper spray, and noting rangers carry guns, and then what he’d do against an armed home assailant, and… what the hell. It’s not like this chronic idiot is worth debating.

[Via WiscoDave]

Something in Common

Cities with the Biggest Homicide Rate Problems [More]


And as for “red cities,” note that’s based on the mayor’s political affiliation, and much of what he can do is predicated on the composition of the council.

Besides, Paul Helmke was a “Republican” mayor.

Now let’s look at homicides where city government honors the Constitution and encourages the Second Amendment. Anybody got a list?

If You See Something Say Something

Idiot troopers documented themselves manufacturing “assault weapons” while illicitly raiding my shop, violating 922(a)(1), NYPL 265.10 and 25 CFR § 11.440 fabricating evidence / we also got them and ATF on 210.35 sworn false statements to a grand jury in the 2nd as per the court’s dismissal decision [More]

So… if NY “Only Ones” AND ATF are involved, who should be told?

Lotta NRA “A”-rated Republicans here

Maybe ask the chairman what he thinks

[Via Full Wave Rectumfrier]

A ‘Progressive’ Backfiring

This is what is happening to our family—once vigorously anti-firearm and now reluctantly in possession of one. [More]

Good– Democrat-enabled crime is waking people up to the reality that they’re on their own. But unless he’s physically incapacitated, you gotta wonder what kind of man relies on his wife to defend him.

[Via Jess]

And They All Took Jets Over to Do It

Last summer, I reported that A British group of eco-zealots group called “The Tyre Extinguishers” were active in this country and claimed they’ve deflated tires on dozens of SUVs in several major cities, including New York, Chicago, and the Bay Area. The group appears to be back again this spring, and vandalized over 40 SUVs in the Boston area. [More]

In Democrat cities that embrace their nonsense…?

Tommy Lee…?

[Via Michael G]

Streisand Effect in 3…2…1…

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a federal bureaucracy with a vast jurisdiction, is testing a novel approach to crime and punishment. In a lawsuit against Townstone Financial, a small Chicago-area nonbank mortgage firm, the CFPB is signaling that it may attempt to punish anyone who complains about neighborhood crime. [More]

I’m in trouble now.

Or will be if they respond to baiting

[Via WiscoDave]

‘Safer,’ Opposite Day ‘Progressive’-Style

“It was astonishing that people did not do the research of what they were voting for, and they trusted the government to be honest to them when they said it was safe schools and safe streets, because everybody’s for that,” Bianco said. “But we were lied to.” [More]

Everybody moral and sane is for an end to crime, violence, war, poverty, world hunger, disease, immorality, and unhappiness, too. It’s just some of us have a way of going about working toward those goals that doesn’t involve lying and coercing hostages at gunpoint to feed a psychotic lust for power.

Those people put ruling over the rubble they cause above all else.

If It Saves One Life?

Louisville Shooter’s Manifesto Details His Intent To Push Gun Control [More]

Go with what works, right?

A former Los Angeles Police Department officer, the subject of an all-stops-pulled manhunt suspected of a double murder in Irvine and the shooting of three Inland Empire police officers, left a rambling “manifesto” threatening a campaign of targeted killings directed at LAPD personnel and their family members, and also demanding a renewed “assault weapons” ban.

Because you and I can’t be trusted.

Gillum Trial Highlights Ethics of Gun Prohibitionists & the Company They Keep

Curiously, he was not arrested, as anyone of lesser connections would expect to be, but was allowed to return home and later go through the motions of “entering rehab.” [More]

I’d like to say “Imagine what the law would do to us if you or I were found passed out in a hotel with stained sheets, a gay escort, and meth and other controlled substances,” but candidly, I don’t know anyone who would ever find themselves in that situation, including being immune to prosecution thereafter. Curious, though, that this gun-grabbing degenerate’s Democrat political supporters say we’re the ones who can’t be trusted…

Sanitized for Your Protection

Starting Saturday, anyone 15 years old or younger will need to have a chaperone that is 21 or older to be in Kings Dominion after 4 p.m… [More]

If they’re so interested in the “safety of guests and associates,” why force them to obey disarmament rules the predators necessitating the new policy ignore?

I don’t suppose the guy at the gate would be willing to sign one of these…?

[Via Mack H]

That Door Won’t Swing Both Ways

[A] New York state official made a series of thinly veiled threats to regulated financial entities to pressure them to sever ties with a politically disfavored group [NRA]…[More]

I wonder what would happen to someone who made “thinly veiled threats” to tyrannical “New York state officials”…?

That state really is run by arrogant extortionist thugs who believe themselves immune to personal accountability.

[Via Michael G]

Setting Up the Board

The upshot, according to the report, was that many of the recent accusations of LGBT intolerance allegedly promoted and fostered by the Central Bucks School District Board were more or less nurtured by him because of his opposition to the Republican majority elected in 2021. [More]

So he wanted more gays to be victimized to make his case.

That’s kind of like going on a shooting spree to get more “gun control.” I wonder how many times that information has been known and suppressed.

[Via Michael G]

Adventures in Baselessness

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said then-candidate Joe Biden wrongly made the letter from 51 intelligence officials claiming Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation “seem organic” despite allegedly knowing his soon-to-be State Department chief helped “strategize” it… that letter that became the basis for suppressing the story and keeping it from the American people just days before the most important election we have”… [More]

So Democrats did steal the election…?

Somos los Únicos que Roban lo Suficiente

Former police officer William Cintrón-Rivera, a.k.a. “El Kid/Kid” pleaded guilty to the theft of 54 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition from the Puerto Rico Police Bureau, Guayama headquarters on July 17, 2019. On January 20, 2021, a federal grand jury charged the defendant with multiple counts of firearms violations and tampering with witnesses. [More]

“Only Ones” being the same the whole world over or algunas manzanas podridas…?

[Via Jess]

Manifesto Destiny

‘Cover-up’: Where’s the Nashville ‘trans’ mass-murderer’s manifesto? [More]

I won’t be surprised to see what they eventually release with key redactions.

Those are some “core values” of “de-escalation and transparency” you’re showing the world, Chief Drake.

So: Who in Tennessee Republican World has the weight to light a fire under this political stonewaller, and why haven’t they?

As Groomer Has It

Ex-Planned Parenthood Director Commits Suicide Amid Child Pornography Investigation [More]

He must have hated himself even more than he did children.

At least he showed you don’t need a gun:

The Chief Medical Examiner’s Office confirmed Yergeau died by suicide and the cause was asphyxiation due to oxygen displacement by nitrogen.

So… nitrogen violence…?

And what is it with “Only Ones” and wrong house raids?

[Via Jess]

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