The string of home invasions has one common denominator: Social media. [Watch]
[Via 1Gat]
Notes from the Resistance
The victim suffered a skull fracture, broken cheek bone and bleeding in the brain… [More]
This animal can’t be trusted with hands.
[Via bondmen]
A former Clay County Sheriff’s Department Deputy was arrested Wednesday following accusations of using another individual’s identity on social media. [More]
I’d love to know what they mean by “derogatory comments.”
With that felony charge, it looks like he’ll be going to more than Facebook Jail…
An ex-FedEx driver from Middleboro has been charged in federal court for allegedly stealing packages containing firearms and then selling the guns. [More]
And remember, “Our Most Important Package is Yours.”
[Via Jess]
Venegas moved forward and attempted to steal another vehicle near the intersection of Desert Inn and Jones, according to police. The woman driving that car backed away from Venegas who then fired at her vehicle. [More]
That’s pretty damn irredeemable.
A dangerous sociopathic animal like this has shown he can’t be trusted without a custodian. Releasing him should not be a matter of time “served,” it should be a matter of establishing trust through restitution and penitence, things so-called penitentiaries fail miserably at achieving.
If it turns out he’s never ready, that’s tough. What’s the priority here?
Right: Using the results of not doing that as excuses to disarm you and me.
[Via 1Gat]
Sorry, I do typos too. It just struck me as funny. [More]
It also strikes me that an “A” grade from Giffords is no indication of what someone who wants to ignore their infringements can do.
[Via Jess]
The man behind the beating hasn’t been identified in the media, and it’s not clear what kind of criminal charges he’s facing as a result of the incident. [More]
His victim was an old man?
How about attempted murder? (Figures Facebook would try to censor that and Politico would try to qualify it.)
[Via Robert J]
Medical investigator rules Baldwin set shooting an accident [More]
So what about the chronic and habitual lies?
[Via bondmen]
Arizona Gunmen Raid Home While Falsely Claiming to Be U.S. Marshals, Says Sheriff [More]
As I’ve noted before, it wouldn’t hurt to be aware of The Fauxnly Ones Files. You never know when an “I was afraid he might not be a real cop” defense could use some validation that it’s a widespread and frequent enough phenomenon to be a legitimate concern.
[Via bondmen]
If anything, our criminal justice system is anti-racist, in that blacks are incarcerated at a lower rate than would be explained by their crime rates. [More]
You’d figure antisemitic racists would say something like that.
[Via bondmen]
‘Gun-Free’ Oz: Shooter Opens Fire in Australian Capital’s Airport [More]
Ha-ha-ha! Ho-ho-ho and a couple of tra-la-las…
They ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
[Via bondmen]
“The recommendation is that he be released,” Day said. [More]
“Trail of violence” notwithstanding.
[Via Michael G]
A St. Louis convenience store clerk who fatally shot a customer during a dispute over a candy bar was sentenced Friday to nine years in prison. At a bench trial in March, U.S. District Judge Henry Autrey found Taleb Rebhi Ali-Jawher guilty of a charge of being an undocumented immigrant in possession of a firearm. [More]
[Via bondmen]
Card deck featuring victims of unsolved Richmond murders upsets families: ‘Victimized all over again’ [More]
And what if a King identified as a Queen?
In any case, they’re focusing on the wrong cards.
[Via Mack H]
Per capita murder rates in major U.S. cities such as Chicago, Baltimore and St. Louis are outpacing Ukraine’s recorded civilian death rate from Russia’s invasion. [More]
You mean Bloomberg cities run by Democrats…?
[Via bondmen]
The “altercation” began inside the gym, on or near basketball courts, and carried out into the gym’s front parking lot where it “escalated,” police said. At least two people pulled out guns and fired multiple shots, police said, citing surveillance video. Several people fled the scene, police said. [More]
Rightwing extremists? NRA members?
Whoever they are, they don’t follow policy…
[Via Jess]
A deputy sheriff in Calaveras County was arrested last month for allegedly being an addict in possession of a firearm… Ball has a history of alcohol and opiate abuse, investigators say, adding that he’d recently relapsed. [More]
So they knew he was an out-of-control armed junkie who by law is not allowed to have a gun? And turned him loose on the rest of us?
The sheriff is saying “investigators discovered…” about multiple rehab attempts, but the way this is carefully worded avoids the question of if they were in the dark about his condition from the outset.
Authorities are in a standoff with an armed suspect who tried to enter the FBI’s Cincinnati office [More]
It’s too early to assume anything. We’ll see if he fits any narrative-exploitable profile. If I had to bet I’d say he won’t. And if they do try to tie him in with heightened “anti-FBI rhetoric” by “conservatives,” there’s nothing being said that they don’t own.
[Via Steve T]
A former Boston Public Schools academic dean who led a double life as a member of the Latin Kings gang and shot a student pleaded guilty to racketeering charges Tuesday, the U.S. District Attorney for Massachusetts announced. [More]
Yeah, that’s what we need… more tax-funded “youth mentoring programs“!
[Via bondmen]
My wife is a free lance journalist and has a journslist [sic] friend in MSM that gives her access to their aggregate feed where all this stuff daily flows. She sets up searches for me in that. [More]
I’d love to believe your stats, pal, I really would, but you’re going to have to be more specific than that. I also wish we were living in a society where there is no need to wonder if you’re just trolling to see who bites and spreads fake stats. Because, like I said, I’d love to believe this.
[Via Remarks]
Meet Philly’s new director of nightlife [More]
Somehow, these “patrons” don’t strike me as The Cars fans…
[Via Steve T]
DA mulls charges against teens arrested for attack on Chinese UW-Madison student [More]
What’s to mull? Channeling his inner Mr. Benny, is he?
Good thing it’s impossible for the teens to be racist!
We know whose fault it really is!
[Via Michael G]
Nine killed in Kansas City metro last week, including five Sunday. Here’s what we know [More]
It’s a Bloomberg City run by anti-gun Democrats?
In fairness, Giffords gives them an “F,” so if it really is the guns like they say, you’d expect to see that reflected in higher Republican and NRA member violence rates, right?
Unless Democrats are lying, and their policies are what make this inevitable and predictable…
[Via bondmen]
Bloody Sunday in Atlanta: Argument at baseball game turns DEADLY when one person is shot dead and five more are injured – including 6-year-old left in critical condition – while shooting across town claims life of another child, 4 [More]
Lemme guess: “Gun Sense Candidate” Abrams and Warnock supporters?
[Via bondmen]
The city with the highest per capita murder rate may not be the one you think [More]
It’s still a Bloomberg city.
And those lying bastards use the numbers in high population Democrat criminal enclaves to attack the state’s “lax gun laws” as somehow being responsible.
[Via bondmen]
A convicted burglar was arrested for murdering an elderly couple, a mother and her 15 year-old daughter then taking to Facebook to claim they’d been controlling his mind by using telepathy. [More]
So he was a prohibited person?
And not to add to the conspiracy craziness, but what’s up with his creepy video, and why does it suggest some kind of poor deepfake CGI…? Anybody else get that vibe?
[Via Steve T]
Gun Shop Owner Wants ATF Auditor Investigated for Using Her Personal Phone to Photograph Documents [More]
As I’ve surmised before, we’re going to need two things to happen: First, the Republicans are going to have to not blow the “red wave” and reclaim House Oversight and Senate Judiciary, and second, unlike with “Gunwalker,” they’re going to have to strap ’em on and get serious about investigating and prosecuting all the way to the top.
[Via bondmen]
Man arrested after 3 killed in China kindergarten stabbing [More]
When will their government admit that knife ownership in China is a human rights violation?
[Via bondmen]