Add One More to the Enemies List

Witthoeft is certainly no fan of the J6 Committee, and with good reason – despite all of their histrionics about J6, no effort has been made by the committee to find out why Ashli was murdered that day. When I ask her mom how many times she has been contacted by the committee, she tells me, “none.” [More]

Sounds like one of those semi-fascist extreme threats to democracy the president warned us about…

Hasn’t she learned we can execute her kind with impunity and no one will care?

Survey SAYS…

Support for Biden recovered from a low of 36% in July to 45%, driven in large part by a rebound in support from Democrats just two months before the November midterm elections. During a few bleak summer months when gasoline prices peaked and lawmakers appeared deadlocked, the Democrats faced the possibility of blowout losses against Republicans. [More]

Psyops to demoralize? Are the Republicans blowing the vaunted “red wave”? A little bit of both?

What If You Seized Power by Fraud and Nobody Minded?

The FBI Paid For Russian Disinformation To Frame Trump—And 7 Other Takeaways From Durham’s Latest Court Filing [More]

Funny. Not a word about this on CNN

That average Democrat voters don’t know and don’t care and won’t be persuaded to vote against those ordering and encouraging this pretty much tells us what we can expect.

Try it yourself. Tell one and see if their response isn’t one of subject-changing and counter-accusation.

[Via bondmen]


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With the 2022 General Election around the corner and American freedoms literally under attack, now is the time for you to get involved.

To equip you in defense of liberty, NRA-PVF just posted its candidate ratings and endorsements. They are now up and running at

These ratings and endorsements are updated in real-time, so we encourage you to check back regularly for any updates.


How Do They Say It and Not Get Sued?

An independent panel of experts on computer systems and election security issues has concluded a lengthy investigation into the voting systems currently in place in the state of Georgia and sent recommendations to the State Election Board and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. [More]

I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Besides, look what we all stand to gain!

[Via Michael G]

Immigrant Citizenship Push Confirms what Gun Group Leaders Refuse to Acknowledge

Regardless, while they’re avoiding the issue using a phony “single issue” excuse that ignores the greatest threat to gun owners, the Democrats are pushing toward an unchallengeable majority. They’ll attain supermajorities in state and federal legislatures that will be able to pass whatever anti-gun edicts they want and nominate and confirm judges who will uphold them.[More]

So naturally, all the leftwing unions with documented communist ties are loudly behind it while our “gun rights leaders” are afraid to say a word.


Go figure! Totally accidental ‘slip-up’ at Snapchat gave Dems a huge advantage over GOP when it comes to campaign ads [More]

If the Republicans manage not to blow it in November I’d like to see a serious investigation into federal election law violations, starting with subpoenaing all communications on this, both internal and external.

[Via Michael G]

Operation Demoralize

“The media swarms and lies. Tells you it’s over, wants you to give up. Happens every single time.” Don’t fall for it. [More]

Think of it as a coordinated buzzkill. Just look at what all the  Google News hits on “red wave” are suddenly and in unison telling us, and then look at the same term on prior publication dates.

None of which means the Stupid Party isn’t trying its best to blow it.

[Via Michael G]

On Further Reflection

But it looks like the media is starting to change its tune on the theory that our elections are secure and can’t be stolen. There’s just a tiny caveat: only Republicans can steal elections. [More]

Yeah, and it’s racist, too, because we come in with our government-issued photo IDs that only people with white privilege can obtain and ruin everything!

[Via Michael G]

On Second Thought

They are looking for an excuse to indict him…..and keep him under indictment. While indicted he won’t be able to run for office. If they can get him behind bars that’s just a bonus. It’s a virtual certainty they will have “found” i.e planted evidence during this bullshit raid. The American Gestapo nee FBI will do whatever their masters in the American Communist Party tell them to do. [More]

Yeah, that was my fourth thought after I called it a day. Stealing 2020 wasn’t enough– after seeing his CPAC straw poll results and knowing people will be paying attention next time, stealing 2024 calls for pulling out all the stops. If this fails, some may be deranged enough to want that assassination Bernard Kerik is publicly speculating on, and all I can say to that is if they thought Archduke Ferdinand was a catalyst for something bigger…

What I can’t tell at this point is if this is a long-planned step or if it’s a last-ditch desperation “Hail Mary” by the Dems who know their numbers are up for November.  Trust in government is at a low and a significant portion of the country believes the last election was stolen– not just a handful of lunatics in buffalo hats egged on by assorted provocateurs.  That also explains why the Dems are so adamant about this J6 business– if legitimacy in their rule is exposed for all to see as fraudulent, they’ve seen what happens when truckers in Canada and farmers in the Netherlands are roused. They know that F-15s and nukes aside, they’re hopelessly outnumbered on the ground– which is why they want our guns.

I find it significant that, at this writing, there is nothing in the Google News feed about Mitch McConnell weighing in on this. I sense a combination of feckless Republicans not knowing how real hardball is played and some of the old guard rooting for the Swamp because they believe they’ll have a place in it.


We’ll probably want to check in on Donald Trump’s Truth Social page from time to time for statements.  This seems like a point to hammer on:

The FBI And DOJ Criminalizing Opposition To The Regime Is How The Republic Ends [More]

So is that a bug or a feature?

[Via Michael G]

Every American should be frightened and mad as hell by such unprecedented police state thuggery tactics and there must be a complete dismantling and elimination of the FBI. This is too much for our republic to withstand,” concluded Congressman Gosar. [More]

FBI delenda est.

[Via Henry Bowman]

This is a provocation. They are trying to get a reaction that allows a further crackdown. Don’t take the bait. [More]

He’s right about deliberate provocation, but this piece feels incomplete. “Be smart” has to include more than “do nothing.”

[Via Michael G]

Remember when Trump said it would be best for armed government agents to raid you and take your property first and then “go through due process second?” [More]

Helluva thing, being hoist with your own petard.

Leftists Going After Secretaries of State a Threat to Guns and More

“I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this—who will count the votes, and how.” [More]

Who better to put in charge of elections than Marxist sympathizers bent on “canceling” traditional Americans/gun owners?

Doing the Jobs Government Won’t Do

By the end of this week, the cable network will have lost its presence in some 20 million homes this year. The most recent blow came from Verizon, which will stop carrying OAN on its Fios television service starting Saturday. That will starve the network of a major stream of revenue: the fees it collects from Verizon, which counts roughly 3.5 million cable subscribers. In April, OAN was dropped by AT&T’s DirecTV, which has about 15 million subscribers. [More]

Who needs government censorship when its economic fascist apparatchiks have the Deep State’s six…?

And is anyone else getting a lynch mob inciters vibe here?

And I still maintain that there is a way to strike back.

[Via Mack H]

Tangentially-related UPDATE

Republicans think a “red wave” is inevitable in November. But the Democrats still have one big advantage: the ever-tightening grip of Big Tech censorship, which will be used to prevent undecided voters from encountering even the most mainstream conservative news in the runup to the next election. Republicans will have a strong message — but what if voters are prevented from hearing it? [More]

So much for election interference. So much for “insurrection.”

[Via Michael G]

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