Lyin’ Heart

NYT’s Leonhardt: Trump ‘Radicalized’ Democrats to Far Left by ‘Lying About Immigrants’ [More]

What, they’re not going to vote Democrat and create an unchallengeable supermajority dictating from all three branches after the superhighway to citizenship opens?

The treason we’ve come to expect from “The Newsraper of Record“…

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

[Via bondmen]

‘Commonsense Gun Safety’: Mobile, Armed, and Illegal

A package of bills that would permit people who are in the United States illegally to obtain state driver’s licenses in Michigan would also allow them to get concealed pistol licenses, critics said, if they lied about their immigration status during the application process. [More]

But you can’t have a colored gun. Funny, how Michigan Democrats are simultaneously passing citizen disarmament edicts.

It’ll be interesting to see all the gungrab groups say nothing with this going on.

And, of course, it’s still a red herring.

[Via WiscoDave]

Oh, We Got Trouble

On deporting families with mixed immigration status (such as the parents being in the U.S. illegally, while their kids are citizens): “I don’t want to be breaking up families, so the only way you don’t break up the family is you keep them together and you have to send them all back.” [More]

And since there’s no legal way to deport a citizen, that means scratch this one off the list.

Wants Dreamers to be able to stay…

Because nothing says American self-interest like officially normalizing leftist foreign nationals.

As for “criminals out first,” last I checked a different branch of government will be adjudicating on due process and appeals…

Me, I’m just wondering when the band uniforms arrive.

Good thing none of this has anything to do with that “single issue”… right, Chuck?

With Malice Aforethought

Mexico understands that an open border, the destruction of U.S. immigration law, illegal immigration, and emigration of millions of its own citizens to America are entirely in its own interests. [More]

So do the Democrats.

I wonder what obstacles they’re going to throw in Trump’s and Homan’s way, and which treasonous Republicans will help them…

[Via Michael G]

By All Means, Be Consistent

Overview of the Ohio case on illegal aliens and firearm possession… What I am suggesting is that we need to be philosophically consistent on these things. [Watch]

Absolutely. All people have rights endowed by their Creator that they should be free to exercise.

That’s not the issue. They don’t have a right to be where they have no right to be. The law needs to be consistent with the Preamble’s unequivocal mandates and Democrat political sabotage needs to be reversed.

Instead of chasing a red herring, ask the right question: Why is a known illegal alien allowed to remain in the United States instead of being deported?

We’re the Only Ones Threatened Enough

California Allegedly Threatens Police Officers Over Deportation Compliance – CA mayor: The State of California “is threatening to take pensions and charge police officers with felonies if they comply with federal deportation laws.” [More]

Maybe this will let us see what Pam Bondi is made of, and if she can enforce immigration law, why can’t she enforce the Second Amendment?

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Deserving Easy Contempt…

Spoken like a true superhighway to citizenship apparatchik.

At least we don’t throw phones at them.

The Childrens’ Crusade

The Democrat Mayor of Denver, Colorado Mike Johnston has challenged Trump to try to deport any illegal migrants from his city, saying he would deploy the Denver City Police and volunteers from the local community to use force against federal forces trying to deport illegals. “More than us having DPD stationed at the county line to keep them out, you would have 50,000 Denverites there. It’s like the Tiananmen Square moment with the rose and the gun… You’d have every one of those Highland moms who came out for the migrants. You don’t want to mess with them.” [More]

Nothing seditiously cospiratorial about that…

And armed with what?

What’s the beef against Trump and the J6ers about again…?

[Via Michael G]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Term ‘Hostile Invader’ Is

ANCHOR BABIES AWAY: SCOTUS can Fix Illegal Immigration [Watch]

I’d love for this to be the correct interpretation. I fear that the argument will be made that it doesn’t apply because the incursion is not military in nature, and will thus be narrowly defined, like “treason,” to require a beligerrent enemy with whom we are at war.

[Via Jess]

Welcome the Strangers!

[R]eleased inmates from Venezuelan prisons have been directed to travel to the United States alongside Venezuelan intelligence officers to track down former Venezuelan military members, politicians, and law enforcement officials within the United States and “neutralize” them. [More]

And just how do they propose to get onto this country?


OK then, what gun laws can stop them?

[Via bondmen]

Promises, Promises

Some liberals insist that they’re not joking this time: They are very scared, and very ready to leave the country if Donald Trump is reelected. [More]

I wonder if ungrateful Afghan refugee Bushra Seddique will do a follow-up on the number who make good on that.

Probably not, because as experience hath shown, lying in The Atlantic to an unquestioning smug readership is SOP.

[Via Michael G]

Old School Politics

Illegal Alien Gangs Taking Root In Our Schools [More]

I’d argue that mandatory education laws requiring attendance in a high risk environment create special circumstances and duty to protect.

And Trump will be in a position to shape policy on federal funding exclusions for any the deportation orders miss…

[Via bondmen]

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