Is Multiculturalism Destroying Western National Identities? [More]
Well, that’s the plan, anyway.
Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority…
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance
Is Multiculturalism Destroying Western National Identities? [More]
Well, that’s the plan, anyway.
Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority…
[Via Michael G]
“…we’re short of workers. We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome … [and] get a path to citizenship for all 11 million, or however many undocumented there are here.” -Schumer [More]
And more welfare for those who refuse to work and/or are unfit to work due to behavioral choices and the utter failure of the Democrat/union-run “education system”…
Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority…
[Via Michael G]
Arizona will now give undocumented students in-state tuition rates. Here’s why that matters [More]
To everyone, apparently, but our “gun rights leaders“…
[Via Sweet Babboo]
The Montgomery County Council unanimously approved a bill on Tuesday banning the possession of firearms within 100 yards of a place of public assembly… it bans the possession of firearms in most public places, including “a park; place of worship; school; library; recreational facility; hospital; community health center; long-term facility; or multipurpose exhibition facility, such as a fairgrounds or conference center.” [More]
And we’ve already seen the “good” that does.
But don’t worry. “Only Ones” are exempted.
“[T]he son of immigrant parents,” eh, Gabe? So they figured imposing their native citizen disarmament practiced by those they were fleeing on those taking them in would be just the ticket?
Good thing that has nothing to do with the “single issue”. And I have that on good authority…
[Via Dan Gifford]
A federal judge has just blocked the Title 42 policy to expel illegals on the basis of public health. [More]
The “nonpartisan” apparatchik, nominated by Bill Clinton, reported by Joe Biden, and confirmed by voice vote, once more earns his keep.
Not that anyone so unaccountable by design is interested in what you have to say:
Information, communications, and documents other than internship applications submitted to will be discarded.
[Via Michael G]
Balcarcel sentenced, judge rules guns found in home irrelevant [More]
Does this mean no medal for the “hero snitch“?
How soon after he’s released and deported ’til he’s back? Months? Weeks?
[Via Mack H]
Including Noncitizens in Census Devalues Votes of Citizens, Unjustly Alters House Representation [More]
Then just undercount red states and overcount blue states and presto-change-o…
White House on recent gun violence: ‘Enough is enough’ [More]
Gee, that’s the same theme Slick Willie is using. Must be a coincidence.
And yeah, my first thought on hearing about Takeoff was “If only they’d disarm me…”
Nothing like an immigrant defining what guns we can have…
[Via Jess]
Will the Midterms Change Anything? [More]
It’ll slow down some of the erosions. It won’t advance anything major.
That is why converting a critical mass of people to libertarianism is crucial.
If they listen to the LP on immigration it’ll be major, alright.
[Via bondmen]
The Chicago Teachers Union has long been quite open about its purpose. It sees itself as the vanguard of a national movement, led by unions like itself, that is textbook Marxism. [More]
And they vote Democrat for a reason.
Hey, it’s not like they have other priorities to focus on… (just in case you want to know why “we need” to import H-1B visa holders…)
[Via bondmen]
Obeidallah tweeted, “As a lawyer Im going to do research to see if @elonmusk in any way lied on his application for US citizenship,” the commentator declared in a tweet. “I’ll be making a FOIA request for his immigration application. If he lied anywhere on application we will move to strip him of US citizenship. Stay tuned.” [More]
Fine. Let’s check the ingrate’s parents’.
Anyone bringing prosperity and championing free speech must be shunned as the vilest of racist fascists. Funny, the immigrants he doesn’t object to.
You got a better title? [More]
Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority…
Biden’s Border Crisis Is Much Worse Than You Think [More]
I doubt that.
Seeing as how they don’t say Word One about the pathway to citizenship and what that will do to the laws of this country, I’d say it’s a lot worse than they think.
[Via Michael G]
USA Today poll: GOP getting 40% of the Hispanic vote and 21% of Black vote [More]
So like I’ve been saying all along, in spite of all the starry-eyed deniers, it’s still a damn landslide.
Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority…
[Via bondmen]
Where Does Brian Dahle Stand On Gun Control [Watch]
It’s not like he dares tell you on his campaign website…
His voting record shows he doesn’t support bans, but I would argue with him on expanding “prohibited persons.”
He’s not bad on the issue that’s not the “single issue,” too.
Bottom line: He’s a damn site better than the domestic enemy currently ruling.
But California is lost “thanks” to what no gun group wants to talk about.
[Via Jess]
The 30-year-old man charged with capital murder in the fatal shooting of two Dallas hospital employees was on parole and had been given permission to be at the medical facility for the birth of a child, a Texas prison official said [More]
Brought to you by government!
Dare I ask about young Nestor’s “legal” status without fear of being pegged as a xenophobe?
[Via Jess]
When McMullin makes accusations about betraying the Constitution, a dispassionate conclusion would be someone who knows how to do that like a pro is projecting his penchant for betrayal on others for obvious reasons. [More]
It really says something about this moron’s arguments when the best rebuttal to them comes from Pee-wee Herman…
On an unrelated note:
Those of you who noticed the site was down all day, I kept getting 504 Gateway Timeout messages– I did all the things I knew how to do on my end, which isn’t much: clearing the cache, restarting, cussing loudly, but ended up calling HostGator tech support who were able to identify that the IP address for the site didn’t match and they did a fix. I don’t know how that happened. That was hours ago and the site is just getting back to where I can access it more often than it times out, so I was able to get in, approve comments and post this promo for my latest AmmoLand article.
Per normal, unless something YUGE happens, I don’t plan on doing updates over the weekend (I will be working on articles behind the scenes and spending a day on the leaves that bury the yard every year around this time). Hopefully, the situation is resolved and any news link tips received Monday won’t be a wasted effort.
Knock on wood.
Arizona Gov Ducey won’t comply with Biden administration request to remove stopgap border wall – The Interior Department says the temporary wall violates federal law. [More]
So do hordes of foreign nationals illegally crossing the border, but I guess it’s a matter of priorities.
[Via Michael G]
So what is Magnus doing all day? If he’s not trying to secure the border, he better be doing something worthwhile, right? [More]
He’s doing exactly what his masters want him to.
Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority…
[Via Michael G]
U.S. may extend humanitarian migrant access beyond Venezuelans, Mexico says [More]
Like Chef’s succubus says…
Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority…
Just a year and a half of President Joe Biden’s border crisis has emboldened dangerous cartels for decades to come. [More]
Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority…
[Via Michael G]
Calls for Los Angeles City Councilmembers Nury Martinez, Kevin de León and Gil Cedillo to resign continued to mount on Monday, as the fallout from an incendiary leaked conversation radiated through the city… Martinez said Councilmember Mike Bonin handled his young Black son as though he were an “accessory” and described the son as “Parece changuito,” or “He’s like a little monkey.” And she referred to Oaxacans in Koreatown as “little short dark people.” Speaking about Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. George Gascón, Martinez said, “F— that guy…. He’s with the Blacks.” [More]
Gun-grabbing, open-border Marxists all, just like the useful idiots who vote for them…
Make no mistake about it, Adams was being vague on purpose to try to put this death on Abbott. [More]
Even if she was someone he bussed in, she did it in his facility, and if the can gets kicked down the road, look to whose policies encouraged her to come here illegally in the first place.
[Via Jess]
Law enforcement arrived at Zeldin’s home to obtain security footage of the incident from their home cameras, he said. He added that his daughters were “shaken” by the incident and that crime has run rampant in the state of New York. [More]
Unlike Hochul, he doesn’t blame the guns.
Now he’s within 3 percentage points of her, which just weeks ago seemed impossible.
And guess who is polling at 3% and what his position is on “vibrant immigration” with “two Ellis Islands on the Southern border…”?
I don’t suppose he’d care to take a little challenge…
[Via Michael G]
Mexico to file new gun trafficking lawsuit in U.S., foreign minister says [More]
If the Republicans ever win it all back, this calls for some serious financial retaliation.
Not that I’d expect it.
[Via Jess]
New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Kentucky, and Illinois are deploying several national guard units to the U.S.- Mexico border. [More]
Better than nothing, I guess, but this wouldn’t be needed if the affected states had citizen militias in accordance with the Constitution like they’re supposed to…
[Via bondmen]