We’re the Only Ones Informative Enough

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Release Full Manifesto from Matthew Livelsberger: “This was Not a Terrorist Attack; It is a Wake-Up Call” [More]

Funny, how accomodating they are with stuff they want released, and how clammed up authorities get with stuff they don’t.

It’s almost like we’re being fed a narrative or something…

[Via bondmen]

Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report

A man is in custody after he was found with three handguns and two rifles on an Amtrak train in Trenton, according to police. The investigation began when New Jersey Transit police were notified of an unattended bag in Newark Penn Station around 3 p.m. on Friday. [More]

Great police work there, guys!

Now how about some identifying info on the suspect?

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Unidentifying Enough

 If the federal government wants to find you, they’ll likely succeed. But this pipe bomber escaped the authorities like Andy Dufresne at Shawshank. The latest from the FBI: this person is about five-foot-seven inches. That’s it: [More]

Funny, how TV conditions us to think they’re omniscient and infallible with all that magic CSI stuff…

It’s almost like reality is a Salish epiphany.

Either that or they know and ain’t sayin’.

[Via Michael G]


House Releases Bombshell Report on January 6 Pipe Bomber Revealing FBI Engaged in Massive Coverup and Refuses to Cooperate with Investigators [More]

Like I said…

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Triangular Enough

NYPD top cop, who abruptly resigned amid sex-for-OT allegations, was shot on Staten Island in the 90s over alleged love triangle [More]

So, yeah he’s been a self-serving swine his entire career and got away with it because no one dared derail his politically-mandated DEI path to the top and because the entire damn NYPD is the corrupt enforcement wing of the Democrat machine and always has been, public fawning over Tom Selleck and Blue Bloods notwithstanding…

[Via Steve T]

Lest Ye Be Judged

Georgia judge Stephen Yekel shoots himself dead inside courtroom on last day in office [More]

They’ve already wiped his Facebook, so once more we’re dependent on what LE wants to share. I see he “received training from Georgia Police Academy and Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.”

Without admittedly knowing any more about this than the story I link to, I’ll only say I don’t see how anyone could do that to their family, grown children or not, and have them live the rest of their lives with this nightmare.

We’re the Only Ones Tactical Enough

U.S. Forest Service (USFS) special agent Travis Lunders arrived at their ranch without warning, armed and in full tactical gear, to serve the couple separate grand jury indictments. [More]

Let’s make it about Travis.

And let’s keep an eye on who Trump appoints to take over USFS, and which prosecutions are in order.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Murderous Enough

London, Kentucky Police Killed Man in His Home in Late Night Search Warrant Raid Apparently at Wrong Address–Reportedly Over a Stolen Weed Eater [More]

So naturally, after making excuses they cut off feedback:

London Police Department, KY limited who can comment on this post.

But you can still access photos of these murder0us b@$+@rd$ giving each other awards.

I guess it’s not fair to judge them until you’ve goose-stepped a mile in their jackboots.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Roid-Raging Enough

Terrence Murray, 31, was charged with one count of assault and battery on a family or household member, one count of improper storage of a firearm, one count of vandalizing property, and two counts of possessing steroids and testosterone, which are class E drugs… [More]

And if he pulled this on you and you put him down your life would be effectively over.

[Via Edmund M]

And Jess sent me this, but when I looked saw it’s from 2016. Still…

Evidently the frustrated animal’s name is Jason Woods. A verbal warning to him is like a “F*** you” to the citizen he threatened, and his co-thugs standing around not yanking his leash deserve lashes as well.

I know, it’s not fair to judge until you goose-stepped a mile in their jackboots, but correspondent Doc S puts things in perspective.

We’re the Only Ones Pummeling Enough

The office of New York’s attorney general released body camera footage Friday showing the fatal beating of a state prisoner this month by correctional officers who punched and kicked him repeatedly while he was handcuffed on an infirmary bed. [More]

Maybe he lifted a finger

Y’notice these things always seem to happen under Democrat rule…?

Sing it, George!

A Burning Question

Public can’t access fire extinguishers in subway system — and MTA has no plans to change that after horrific murder of woman on F train [More]

What, the one where the useless “Ony Ones” just walked past it while others were askling why aspiring Daniel Penny’s didn’t step forward?

If “Amelia Carter” really is an invented meme (and why wouldn’t we believe “fact-checkers“?) why don’t we know who the “the woman” really was?

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Paid to Play Enough

Former Virginia sheriff convicted of bribery in badges-for-dollars scheme – Scott Jenkins of Culpeper County was found guilty of selling deputy credentials to men who wanted to avoid traffic tickets and carry concealed guns without permits. [More]

Who does this guy think he is, Laurie Smith?

Or Lee Baca…?

[Via Dan Gifford]

We’re the Only Ones Profiteering Enough

Instead of enforcing the law, federal prosecutors say a Miami-Dade correctional officer was breaking it to make money off drugs and contraband. Vernell Lawson, who no longer works as a correctional officer, appeared in court on Wednesday accused of abusing his position to engage in drug trafficking and contraband dealing. [More]

So, shouldn’t they call him a former Miami-Dade correctional officer…”

[Via Steve T]

We’re the Only Ones Double-Dipping Enough

The NYPD’s top cop who suddenly resigned late Friday night following damning allegations he greenlit a subordinate’s jaw-dropping overtime pay has a checkered past. [More]

That would be this subordinate

And it wasn’t just her jaw that she dropped.

They get guns and you don’t.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Accomodating Enough

Upside Down World: Police Arrest Homeowner for Evicting Squatter… A deputy condescendingly lectured Hale, “Just think of it from this perspective, though. Everybody isn’t as fortunate as you to have a bed. All the little things, a bed in their house, food in the kitchen.” [More]

If the law does nothing but turn citizens into criminals, why would anyone be “law-abiding”? Fear?

That works both ways and guess who has the numbers

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Searching Enough

Can the Police Make Me Open My Car Safe [More]

As we see every damn day, police can “make” you do practically anything they want, and unless it’s a situation where their overt criminal aggression is immediately life-threatening to necessitate self-defensive force, my intent will be to not resist, comply with orders to get out, put my hands behind my back, get on the ground, etc., to say and consent to nothing (beyond “Am I free to go?” and “I want to speak to legal counsel”), and to let my lawyer guide my actions afterward.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Timely Enough

“We have a lot of things that are legal, but is it the right thing to do? We have to rise above that. And sometimes it requires an evolution of our thinking. What was written in 1789 may not be appropriate for 2022 unless we’re okay with kids being killed.” [More]

So, after Obama’s “What works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne” pronouncement, the totalitarians now claim control of all space-time. As if it works in Chicago…

Still, I have some questions for this jackass:

And to those who feel this is too dangerous, that it is uncalled for, that it is unneeded because we have the vote, or the right to speak, that we have evolved beyond such crude reminders of our barbaric past, I must ask where in history is any civilization guaranteed stasis? Has not despotism and mass destruction plagued every civilization that preceded ours? Is it not, in fact, still commonplace throughout the globe? By what suspension of reality, by what denial of the observable and the probable, by what art, device or magic are we sheltered few immune from catastrophe? Are we certain, from our brief and privileged vantage point, that such things will ever remain headline curiosities? Is it not just plain stupid to proclaim that our familiar way of life will forever be the norm, when everything that has gone before us shows we are, instead, the extremely lucky beneficiaries of a rare and fortunate convergence of circumstances; and one, by the way, that has only been preserved under force of arms?

This badged stooge will work out great in Seattle.

The Key Word is ‘Purportedly’

Newly uncovered photos and online accounts purportedly associated with the Wisconsin teen school shooter suggest a deeply disturbing obsession with other school shooters such as Columbine killer Eric Harris — and even show her wearing a T-shirt of his favorite band. [More]

But we have no way of knowing that, do we?

I reject this excuse and this one. The evidence left by the perpetrator on social media will not change and there is no realistic way to keep names from being shared. Both the First and the Second Amendments are put at risk by accepting authorities to be the sole possessors of knowlege vital to contextualizing what they tell us.

Change my mind.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Overcompensated Enough

NYPD’s $400K-a-year top earner, Quathisha Epps, is retiring early as astronomical overtime pay is investigated: sources [More]

How many criminals did she collar and crimes did she stop?

As long as they’re investigating, here’s something I’d check out because I’ve seen it done before in San Francisco and Philadelphia:

Had she consistently completed all firearms qualification recertifications to carry a gun?

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Hazardous Enough

Dallas Campbell walked into the police department in Hazard, Kentucky a free man, doing his best to keep a notoriously untrustworthy police agency (at least that’s what I learned watching the “Dukes of Hazard”) honest. Unfortunately, he left in handcuffs, the victim of a false arrest. But he had a small YouTube channel, and 12 days after he posted the video of his arrest, the Hazard Police Chief was fired. [More]

My immediate thought is all the clerk and sheriff had to do is let him know they would expedite it to legal to make sure they were compliant with the law and someone from there would contact Campbell about an appoinmtment within the timeframe allowed by law to review and ensure they would provide everything he was entitled to. If that wasn’t good enough for him I’d have called the city attorney,and let him speak with the man.

Making up and enforcing a recording prohibition edict pretty much shows if the top cop doesn’t know what the law is, he has no business with a badge and power.

What this reminds me of more than anything was my attempts over the years (through to Mike DeWine) to get Ohio AGs to ensure that all LE agencies gave training on the legality of open carry and document each officer understood. Talk about pulling teeth.

[Via Matthew L]

We’re the Only Ones Salty Enough

This time, it was two Homeland Security agents in Utah, who allegedly sold seized drugs through an informant, earning up to $300,000 per to court documents and according to Yahoo Finance. According to an FBI affidavit, the agents sold “bath salts” to the informant weekly from spring to December, with each ounce sold for $5,000 and resold at a higher price. [More]

I like the way TV and movies always show these guys as heroes.

[Via bondmen]

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