Chicago cop charged, allegedly pinned boy while off-duty [More]
Yeah! Save that stuff for on-duty!
[Via bondmen]
Notes from the Resistance
The Break Down of The First Known ATF FRT Confiscation [More]
I continue to shake my head at the number of gun owners who don’t grok the basics. And I’m not surprised that they rolled on the next guy.
That said, I don’t think it’s fair to judge ATF Special Agent Chuck Donahoe until you’ve goose-stepped a mile in his jackboots.
[Via Jess]
Together they created Richmond’s first drive-thru gun buyback program where people drove up with their unloaded guns in their trunks for officials to evaluate. [More]
If people like widows who know nothing about guns want to participate, how do they safely determine they’re unloaded? And as for the contention that “research into whether the efforts led to a reduction in gun violence remains unclear,” how many more decades and thousands of events need to be observed and analyzed before we have a testable hypothesis? And before proponents can honestly claim “success,” huge or otherwise?
On top of everything else, it appears you and I paid for it.
[Via Jess]
Crying Capitol Police Officer Aquilino Gonell HUMILIATED AS HE IS CAUGHT IN LIE AFTER LIE UNDER OATH! Likely Committed Perjury at January 6th Criminal Trial! [More]
Sir Wilfrid sure keeps busy these days.
It’s telling that the committee will not allow proceedings to be recorded to keep the public from forming perceptions outside of a managed narrative.
[Via Michael G]
Louisiana Sheriff Loses Tax Lawsuit Targeting Smith Angus Farm [More]
I see the sheriff bills himself as a “Republican”… I guess he stuck a wet finger in the air to see which way the wind was blowing, but at heart, we know what he’ll always be.
And he’s done one other thing that may be actionable:
Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office limited who can comment on this post.
How is that not a First Amendment violation?
[Via Michael G]
…Johnson was appealing to the people the government has painted as terrorists and they without hesitation went to help him to help get the officers out. He didn’t fear appealing to those guys. That sort of blows up a lot of the narrative that has been pitched against the Oathkeepers. [More]
Has anyone called on him to testify under oath?
[Via Michael G]
Months after deputies raided police department, missing money suddenly found in evidence room [More]
Now, now. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for this. After all, based on “gun-free zone” and other exemptions, they are deemed more trustworthy to have a gun than you and I.
And remember, “Back the Green!”
[Via Michael G]
Federal sanctuary: Marshals Service to stop holding illegal immigrants for ICE [More]
What else do we expect with a career Democrat stooge “running” things?
That is one unimpressive CV.
[Via bondmen]
A former Clay County Sheriff’s Department Deputy was arrested Wednesday following accusations of using another individual’s identity on social media. [More]
I’d love to know what they mean by “derogatory comments.”
With that felony charge, it looks like he’ll be going to more than Facebook Jail…
Longtime WarOnGuns Correspondent Dave Licht has a message for gun manufacturers and he’s inviting everyone who agrees with him to join in amplifying it. [More]
Because they’re trained professionals and you’re not:
They still don’t hold a candle to my all-time favorite:
[Via WiscoDave]
Sorry, I do typos too. It just struck me as funny. [More]
It also strikes me that an “A” grade from Giffords is no indication of what someone who wants to ignore their infringements can do.
[Via Jess]
Broad carry rights probably make states safer, but to the extent there is some hesitancy to draw the conclusion absolutely, such laws certainly have some deterrent effects with no proven increase of violence. [More]
This is kind of like a “For a fat girl you don’t sweat much” compliment, but since these guys are “Only Ones,” consider it a win.
[Via Jess]
Missouri Sheriffs Resisting FBI’s Concealed Carry Weapon Audit [More]
Good, but I don’t want them having my information, either.
Sanctimonious apparatchik John Wood is certainly a hypocritical piece of … work.
A Tasmanian police officer was taken to hospital after his new patrol car was involved in a crash with another vehicle on Tasmania’s main highway on Friday night — two days after the same vehicle was used to launch a new road safety campaign. [More]
WarOnGuns has obtained an exclusive traffic cam photo from right before the incident…
[Via Michael G]
“EVERY BATTLE IS WON OR LOST BEFORE IT’S EVER FOUGHT!!” —Sun Tzu– While I pray it never happens, I can assure you that our Brevard County Sheriff’s Office School Resource Deputies are prepared to win the battle to protect our children and teachers!! [Watch]
I guess including the Second Amendment in the mix is out of the question…?
[Via Antigone]
How a DEA agent returned to work in Jackson after a murder charge: ‘They tried everything they could to get us not to charge him’ [More]
Harry Bryant’s getting to be quite the regular around here.
[Via Remarks]
Agents actually fired their guns accidentally more often than they fired them in the field according to an audit by Treasury… [More]
Yeah, but the important thing is they went above and beyond being “willing to use deadly force, if necessary” by being willing to use it when unnecessary!
Practice makes perfect… [More]
A deputy sheriff in Calaveras County was arrested last month for allegedly being an addict in possession of a firearm… Ball has a history of alcohol and opiate abuse, investigators say, adding that he’d recently relapsed. [More]
So they knew he was an out-of-control armed junkie who by law is not allowed to have a gun? And turned him loose on the rest of us?
The sheriff is saying “investigators discovered…” about multiple rehab attempts, but the way this is carefully worded avoids the question of if they were in the dark about his condition from the outset.
Lawsuit Uncovers the Inside Story of the FBI’s Plans to Take Security Deposit Boxes without Charging Owners with Crimes – Newly released court filing demonstrates how feds planned to take property collectively worth more than $100 million from US Private Vaults’ customers [More]
So who’s in jail over this?
[Via Michael G]
Windsor officers sued over traffic stop of Black man protected from some claims, judge rules [More]
Some general rules of thumb that work most of the time and have kept me from being assaulted and kidnapped on more than one occasion: Be the adult on the scene. Don’t argue and resist. By the same token, don’t consent and/or volunteer information. File any resulting complaints when you’re safe.
[Via Mack H]
Richmonders demand answers about alleged mass shooting plot: ‘We don’t deserve to be shut out’ – ‘This is something that could have affected every single person in this neighborhood’ [More]
Am I wrong to suspect when this is all said and done, somebody could end up disgraced and out of a job?
[Via Mack H]
Off-duty police officers will no longer be allowed to carry their weapons while attending the New York State Fair, police departments were notified Tuesday in an email obtained by NewsChannel 9. [More]
Welcome to the party, pals!
Ah, well, what could happen?
[Via bondmen]
Authorities said deputies in the Florida Keys have fatally shot a pilot who was deputized to carry guns on planes in what a sheriff calls an apparent “suicide by cop.” [More]
So are they walking back “federal law enforcement officer” or just recharacterizing it?
[Via Jess]