We’re the Only Ones Unfit Enough

Maryland Police TAXPAYERS To Fork Over More Than $2 Million Back Pay To Female, Black Applicants Who Couldn’t Pass Tests [More]

I had to fix that headline.

It makers fair the question how long a swelf-destructivel species that prioritizes advancement of the least fit over survival of the fittest can avoid extinction.

Any questions on Merrick Garland’s DOJ being enemies of free people?

[Via bondmen]

The Monroe (County) Doctrine

Shoemaker submitted his original response to the complaint on Sept. 18, including a defense reading: “There was and will be no Constitutional violation in enforcing the statute because the phrase ‘bear arms’ is a 1791-era idiom referring to military or militia service. Plaintiffs have failed to plead their involvement in a militia.” [More]

He “loves history“? You can’t prove it by this.

This is the quality of moron presuming to detemine your rights in New York? What repercussions will this douche suffer?

Looks like the county prosecutor is just as big of an @$$hole.

To those praising the “Only One” for “deescalation,” this was elitism writ large. He knew who she was and who she knows. Imagine what he would have done to her if she weren’t the DA, that is, to you and me, for the same behavior.

All she had to do was “apologize,” and she’s back to having the uniforms put you and me behind bars for claiming our rights.

We’re the Only Ones Irresponsible Enough

Seattle cops somhow lose 23 guns — and have no idea where they went… [More]

Oh, someone has a very good idea…

And if this happened to you under Seattle’s “Responsible Storage Law“…?

No worries. Department spokesflack Patrick Michaud says “We’re going to do our best to ensure that we do better.”

Now there’s a solid pledge!

Just goes to show you though, all these years and I’ve never lost one. ‘Course then, I don’t have all that professional training…

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones De-Listing Enough

“I’m a [r]ealtor, I can show my badge—I can show my ID; give me a chance to show my ID,” Salem allegedly said repeatedly, according to the ruling. [More]

Nah, it’s more fun to terrorize you and take you hostage without probable cause.”Officer safety” is what this country is all about, you know.

[Via Edmund M]

We’re the Only Ones Retracting Enough

“This is something that was mistakenly enacted. Once we learned that the emergency order was not the order that we intended to declare, we immediately terminated it,” Det. Jarret Romanello, Public Information Officer for the Okeechobee City Police Department, told CBS12 News on Monday. [More]

How may revisions until you came up with the weasel words you thought were least laughable, Jarrett? Tell us you people are inexcusably incompetent without telling us you people are inexcusably incompetent.

And then they posture like the injured party:

“He’s not here today because he was subject to personal attacks all day from all over this country,” Romanello said, referring to Chief Hagan. “Most of the noise is coming from people that live outside the city of Okeechobee.”

So nonlocal opinions aren’t valid? Which logical fallacy is that again? And you’re sayingdeserved criticism is a valid reason to hide under the desk?

To paraphrase Rhett Butler, Boss Hagan deserves to be so attacked, and often, and by people who know how. As do his stooges.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Corporal Enough

Illinois state trooper and wife arrested in child abuse investigation [More]

See, I might have tried “whipping with a belt, choking, excessive corporal punishment with a treadmill and hair cutting” when raising feral sons Uday and Qusay, but I realized I didn’t have the requisite professional training.

And my elderly mother-in-law passed away before I had a chance to smack her in the face…

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Alien Enough

The Minnesota Police Dept. has reported that Lesly Vera, a native of Somalia, was sworn in on Thursday as the department’s first non-citizen officer. [More]

So, foreign nationals can officially disarm citizens on U.S. soil.

What does she swear to?

And who needs blue helmets when “we” can import “our” own?

Hey, the last thing you want is enforcers versed in a Bill of Rights culture.

It’s like they’re rubbing our faces in it.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Disarming Enough

How can you tell Don Hagan is lying?

Florida City Moves to Illegally Ban Gun Sales in Aftermath of Hurricane [More]

And Boss Hagan thinks he’s got the meathead thugs to back that up.

Facebook commenters are having none of it.

And what happened on X?

[Via Jess]

Backing for Astroturf Police Group for Harris Intentionally Hard to Trace

While we know some of the personalities involved, what we don’t know is who is funding them, and that looks deliberate. [More]

Back the Blue Wave? They appear out of nowhere and nobody knows who’s bankrolling them. Instead of questioning that, Democrat apparatchik media lockstep parrots their narrative with PR pieces masked as “news.”

We’re the Only Ones Magnetic Enough

An officer then allegedly pulled a sealed emergency release button that shut the MRI machine down, deactivating it, evaporating thousands of liters of helium gas and damaging the machine in the process. The officer then grabbed his rifle and left the room, leaving behind a magazine filled with bullets on the office floor, according to the lawsuit. [More]

All while in the wrong place.

Good thing taxpayers haven’t had to surrender all their money…

So, what do the cavemen get– paid leave?

[Via WiscoDave]

We’re the Only Ones Censoring Enough

Their sign, supporting President Trump, went up. And a policeman knocked on their door. “He told them that he had been directed to go door to door to families that had political signs in their yards and order them to remove the signs. This order was so egregious that our clients thought it was a joke, but the officer confirmed the order; they had to take down their sign,” the report said. [More]

“A policeman…”

“The officer…”

What’s the dumb-ass thug’s name, and is he still feeding at the trough?

There is no order an oathbreaker will not obey, hence the desperation of the totalitarians to demonize Oath Keepers.

And if said dumb-ass thug weren’t a thug and a dumb-ass, he’d have refused the order and denounced it, and retired in style on the settlement if they’d dared retaliate.

We’re the Only Ones Looking Bad Enough

Marion County deputy arrested, says he accidentally shot girlfriend to death while cleaning guns… “I know this looks really bad,” Boileau said, according to the arrest affidavit. “I told her I did not want this to happen…I did not want to train her in the (expletive) house like this.” [More]

Blaming her is a better look…?

[Via Steve T]

We’re the Only Ones Justified Enough

Letcher Country… talk about an aptronym.

The temptation to say “Give him a pass” is strong with some.

The question they should ask is if the sheriff would give them a pass.

[Via WiscoDave]

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