Where Tulsi Gabbard Stands On The Second Amendment [Watch]
She sounds like she gets it and is sincere.
It takes a lot to get me to give her that.
[Via Jess]
Notes from the Resistance
Where Tulsi Gabbard Stands On The Second Amendment [Watch]
She sounds like she gets it and is sincere.
It takes a lot to get me to give her that.
[Via Jess]
16-Year-Old Student Suspended After Using Term “Illegal Alien” in English Class [More]
Looks like others had the same idea…
[Via bondmen]
This month, two psychiatry residents at UCLA, Drs. Ragda Izar and Afaf Moustafa, hosted a talk in which they argued for the “de-patholization” of self-immolation. They said that self-immolation isn’t a sign of mental illness if it’s in resistance to colonization, homophobia, and white supremacy. [More]
This calls for a demonstration.
[Via Michael G]
Mom accused of murder-suicide, leaving kids on 405 Freeway, was astrology influencer, fearful of eclipse [More]
But she was right when she agreed with Kathy Hochul and said the agenda was about white supremacy killing everyone, wasn’t she?
[Via Steve T]
More than 50 people were arrested Tuesday after the Senate cafeteria was shut down by anti-Israel protesters chanting “Senate can’t eat until Gaza eats!” [More]
Where’s Michael Byrd when you really need him?
[Via Michael G]
‘Romeo & Juliet’ play starring Tom Holland, Francesca Amewudah-Rivers faces ‘racial abuse’[More]
So “cultural appropriation” is racist unless it’s one-sided and making an in-your-face statement? Or would an all-white “Tubman” receive the same enthusiastic publicity and approval as “Hamilton”?
But more than a third of the elite 1% he surveyed would condone cheating. And among those who are “politically obsessed” – meaning that they talk about politics every day – that number shot up to 69%… Keep in mind that this elite 1% group is overwhelmingly liberal. According to Rasmussen, these are mainly well-educated urbanites who make more than $150,000 a year and think Joe Biden is doing a great job. Nearly three-quarters identify as Democrats. [More]
Our moral superiors who consider us “deplorables”…
They really are degenerates in just about every way.
[Via bondmen]
Rapper Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs has been a prolific supporter of Democrats [More]
You could knock me over with a feather right now.
California’s K-12 Schools Promoting Antisemitism to Children – “Teachers instructing students of all ages that Israelis are responsible for the massacre of their own families on Oct. 7.” [More]
As long as U.S. Jews overwhelmingly support Democrats and consider people like me domestic terrorists, I’m not sure what my expected reaction should be.
And I know it’s verboten to suggest inordinate influence, but let’s look at one of the major driving forces for the sentiment.
[Via Michael G]
Rapists, after all, “might not consent to being labeled” as a sex offender… According to Ackerman, “The root cause [of rape] is White supremacy and patriarchy at a macro level,” she said. “So we can keep trying to punish bad actors, but if we do not address the macro level issue, which is White supremacy and patriarchy, we will not do away with sexual violence and domestic violence.” [More]
Funny, they use the word “consent” here.
Great, now “rapist,” I mean, “person who has authored sexual harm,” is a protected-soon-to-be-preferred sexuality.
If you vote Democrat, you own this.
Here’s the (latest) rights scam the Bradys are pulling, #SHOWGUNSAFETY, and, no surprise, it looks like Hollywood is tripping all over itself to do its part. [More]
Just imagine what we could do with an army of Alec Baldwins!
A second petition, posted on Change.org by KSU student Ally Grecco, urges the university and Turning Point to reconsider the decision to host Rittenhouse. Grecco points out KSU’s “painful history with gun violence” on May 4, 1970, which had profound impacts on national politics. [More]
My alma mater‘s right down the road– I may try to see if I can meet him.
You’d think knowing who committed that “gun violence,” their indignant sympathies woudln’t be with the “Only Ones,” but no-o-o…
[Via Michael G]
There’s always the hope [More]
What an asshole.
And in case you think he just means Trump…
And, of course, he’s hardly alone…
Study: “Woke” attitudes linked to anxiety, depression, and a lack of happiness [More]
Don’t feel bad that they can’t stand you. Feel good that they can’t stand themselves.
Green Destruction: German Forest that Inspired Grimm’s Fairy Tale Being Felled for Wind Turbines [More]
I guess now that feminists celebrate rape the left has gone full Opposite Day…
Someone ought to tell Daryl she can come out of her tree now…
[Via Michael G]
- Woman goes to Haiti to write about r*pe in Haiti being exaggerated.
- Gets r*ped repeatedly by Haitian man.
- Blames it on misdirected “Black rage” against “white world.”
- Says she is “grateful for the experience.”
White liberal women are not well. [More]
See, it depends on who’s being raped and who’s doing the raping…
They’re the ones demanding Haitian gun laws here, and their vote may be what results in a “surrender or else” ultimatum from the Democrats.
MSNBC’s Mike Barnicle Directly Compares Defeating Trump to Americans Rallying to ‘Save Europe from Hitler’ [More]
And by “Trump” he means us.
[Via bondmen]
“Have been thinking an awful lot about rigging my van and bombing trump supporters.” [More]
Well, after all, we are pretty loathsome. Just ask the DOJ, the DSM, the Democrats, and Rob Reiner!
[Via WiscoDave]
Save 20% on Your Next North Face Purchase by Admitting Your Privilege [More]
Dang. Younger feral son Qusay bought me one of their warm winter jackets a couple years back for Christmas.
Now, binary gender role throwback that I am, I’m going to have to see if “the Mrs.” can sew a patch over the logo.
[Via Michael G]
If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves [More]
Can we offer incentives if they renounce their citizenship so they can’t vote?
And yeah, I know, promises, promises…
Democrats Celebrate How Biased the Jury in D.C. Will Be [More]
Expect the same if the Committee ever puts you on trial.
Me, I’m wondering if there’s ever been a bigger punk than Lawrence O’Donnell.
[Via Michael G]
Driving at ridiculous speeds should be physically impossible [More]
And firing guns… don’t forget firing guns!
Yeah, listen to the guy who says he “led economic development strategy under two mayors of Washington, DC,” as if that’s a plus.
Tell you what, Zippy, you control yourself and I’ll control me.
I’m not asking for agreement.
[Via Michael G]