‘Expert’ Explanation for Why California Still Has ‘Gun Violence’ Misses the Obvious

To paraphrase Democrat strategist James Carville’s slogan about the economy, it’s the criminals, stupid. [More]

They’re going after the wrong thing. Not that the useful idiots will notice.

A Noted ‘Commonsense Gun Safety Advocate

Photo and video evidence “clearly show Baldwin, multiple times, with his finger inside of the trigger guard and on the trigger,” according to the statement of probable cause submitted by prosecutors. [More]


Besides, we know how important family phone calls are to him.

[Via Michael G]

So Much for the Canons of Journalism

Major News Outlets Say They’re Ditching Objectivity In The Name Of ‘Diversity’ [More]

Authorized journalists.”

Fourth estate fifth columnists.”

Real reporters.”

Dare one say “Lügenpresse“?

Any way you look at it. they’re the DSM and they’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

Transformers, More Than Meets the Eye

According to Le’s statement, she was one of many eyewitness to the events surrounding what was described as a “sexual assault” committed by a trans-identified male against a female inmate. [More]

Well, if “progressives” demand we believe women and if “progressives” demand we believe trans women are women, and if the accused pleads not guilty, then who are we allowed to believe?

This sounds like a question for Norman

[Via Michael G]

The Cognitive Dissonance… It Burns

Democrat freshman rep deletes tweet calling Tyre Nichols’ killing the ‘result of white supremacy’ [More]

Afro-Cuban,” and the young idiot “thinks” police like those who did the beating are the “Only Ones” who should have guns.

I wonder what he attributes the Revolutionary National Police execution of Hansel Hernández to…

Hey, “¿Armas para Que?” right, young fool and leader of fools?

And I see the theme is becoming a meme.

It’s Been Done

“Never Again Is Now Global,” a five-part docuseries highlighting the parallels between Nazi Germany and global pandemic policies, will premier exclusively, for free on CHD.TV beginning Monday, Jan. 30, at 7 p.m. EST. [More]

The similarities are chilling. Then again, they’re following the “evil” playbook.

Do you notice how “progressives” never actually have anything new so much as they just recycle old ideas after most have forgotten them…?

Our Diversity Makes Us Stronger?

Then why are they doing this?

Another proposal would remove outdated language from the government’s current racial and ethnic data policy, including “Negro” as a term to describe the “Black” category…

Somebody wanna tell these folks…?

And when are they going to add boxes for the 31 flavors or however many there are these days…?

Subjective Truths

I’m vaccinated. Everyone I know is vaccinated. Not one single person has had any complications or has been hospitalized. Like this tweet if you are vaccinated and have not had any issues. [More]

Meanwhile, this is true for me: I’m a gun owner. Everyone I know is a gun owner. Not one single person has been shot. Share this post if you are a gun owner and have not had any issues.

I wonder if you wrapped a towel around your head if she’d be able to see you…?

A Trainer Wreck

But when Rob Pincus told FOX News he supported Biden’s ideas, even shooting a shotgun out a door to scare away bad guys, it was too much. Even with Pincus’ previous statements calling for more gun control, he had crossed the Rubicon. There was no going back. [More]

He crossed the Rubicon for me when he came unglued and went all ad hominem over questioning one of his fellow trainers supporting Hillary. He secured his position in the enemy camp when he teamed up with one of its leaders and then joined up with the kinder, gentler gun-grabbers.

That makes his allies subject to scrutiny too, in my book. They’re the ones who advise ignoring the greatest threat.

The thing is, he doesn’t care about burning bridges. He knows he can continue to make a good living off of Gun Culture 2.0, where useful idiots have their “allowed” guns, for now, as they witlessly vote in rulers aiming to change that as soon as they think they can.

[Via Andy M]


In the interests of fairness, TTAG directs us to the documentation of incomplete quotes.

That has no bearing on my observations.

I Wouldn’t Pull That String if I Were You Guys

Top legal newspaper publishes opinion calling for open defiance of SCOTUS and abrogation of the RKBA [More]

Unfortunately, it’s behind a paywall:

But what little I can make out leads me to believe this is typical Opposite Day “progressive” lawless “law” from lefty lawyers who believe their ivory tower rises above it all.

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