Paul Krugman jumps on the bogus ‘red state murder problem’ bandwagon [More]
We would expect anything different…?
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance
Paul Krugman jumps on the bogus ‘red state murder problem’ bandwagon [More]
We would expect anything different…?
[Via Michael G]
Google is trying to sway the election by suppressing GOP email and search results (again) [More]
Hey, they got rid of their slogan. How much more truth do you expect out of them?
I do wonder if a case could be made for foreign interference…
And I agree: Ingrates.
[Via Michael G]
Race-Baiting Celebrity J6 Cop Once Involved in Race-Related Lawsuit – It’s long past time for a mainstream journalist or cable news talking head—those responsible for elevating Michael Fanone to hero/martyr status—to ask him about Michael Maddox. [More]
Anybody know if he’s still doing book tours? That seems like a good way to get questions and answers on-camera…
[Via Michael G]
A Democrat Nevada state Senator, Pat Spearman, who is running for North Las Vegas Mayor, is in the spotlight speaking about gun violence. This is because Spearman’s son, whom she adopted, shot her nephew… [More]
And note the passive voice deflection:
It’s with a heavy heart that my family is impacted by gun violence.
Victims all! Sounds like just the person to dictate my family’s gun rules! And yours…
[Via Andy M]
Video: Felon’s Girlfriend Takes The Gun And Kills An Off-Duty Firefighter Who Protects A Female Cashier From Getting Attacked By The Perp – No Charges Filed [More]
If the firefighter been armed things could have turned out much differently, especially if the deterrent effect resolved things without a shot being fired.
Alternatively, if he’d emerged victorious, who thinks he’d just be allowed to walk?
[Via Dan Gifford]
Support for major gun laws could also be substantially increased if key concerns are addressed. [More]
…and 97percent…
Note it hasn’t been established what respondents actually know about these “laws,” and especially what they’re not being told about the negative impacts on freedom of prior restraints and due process abuses, how none of this addresses the real problems behind the “crime” concerns, and how the ultimate agenda will never reach a final increment where the men behind the curtain say “No more.”
Jewish Dems Call for Action on Gun Violence Prevention [More]
Because a camp just isn’t the same without enthusiastic kapos.
I wonder if they’d be honest enough to take a little test…
Not very diverse, are they?
[Via Remarks]
Misty-Eyed Adam Kinzinger Says Conservatives Would Be First To Die In A Civil War [More]
Was he rubbing himself and moaning?
What a disgusting, self-serving liar he is. I’d love to tell him that to his face.
And don’t think for a minute that he isn’t doing the bidding of equally contemptible establishment Republicans.
Project Unloaded, an anti-gun group, hopes to create a “new cultural narrative that guns make us less safe” by undertaking campaigns targeting teens and young adults, according to its website. [More]
So an Astroturf effort funded by shadowy leftist elites is going to lie and gaslight to swindle ignorant young people out of their rights?
Looks like I’ll be revisiting this one before too long.
[Via Jess]
“GOP Rep. Dave Schweikert was caught on undercover video talking about breaking up the FBI and impeaching members of the Biden Administration if GOP wins House. Let’s make this viral.” [More]
Sounds like a plan!
And this gaslighting tool must love this!
[Via Michael G]
‘You’re going to enjoy being a butt boy. Lube up!’ Hunter Biden’s LAWYER sent threatening texts to member of right wing group Marco Polo and faces ethics complaint for other ‘dirty tricks’ [More]
For all the outraged noise they make about LGBTQ “pride” in order to advance their political agenda, “progressives” actually think they’re objects of disgusted derision, don’t they?
[Via bondmen]
None of the people featured here approve of you.
We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.
David Hogg, Parkland school shooting survivor and gun control activist, to speak at Cal Poly [More]
Makes as much sense as having Gabby lead the Rose Parade…
I’m sure the betas will swoon. What’s he going to talk about? How to be an obnoxious little b!+ch?
[Via bondmen]
Controversial Chicago priest and activist Father Michael Pfleger facing new sexual abuse allegation [More]
Good ol’ Snuffy! Maybe this’ll cause the earlier accusations to be revisited…
What was that saying in Goldfinger about Chicago…?
[Via Lane]
Vice principal lets armed gunman into Ohio school to protect them from police: report [More]
Is it really so unfair to wonder if “progressive educator” mindsets and the race of the suspects played any part in the decision, and that a different choice would have been made had they not “qualified”?
Any bets that these same administrators who so mistrust the police also oppose anyone who’s not an enforcer being armed?
[Via WiscoDave]
That seems libelous against anyone who has identified as a Threeper, especially since anyone who actually understands what Three Percent founder Mike Vanderboegh advocated knows it is an idea, not an organization:
The Three Percent idea, the movement, the ideal, was designed to be a simple, powerful concept that could not be infiltrated or subjected to agents provocateurs like many organizations that I observed in the constitutional militia movement of the 90s… The Three Percent idea, being an idea, is internalized and finds expression in action when required without any top-down organization issuing orders.
Here’s another media lie:
She said a lot of the extremism in the U.S. is being driven by white supremacists and anti-government extremists, such as those following the Three Percenter ideology.
Vanderboegh was a Constitutionalist who rejected racism on religious, moral, and ideological grounds, identifying the judging of individuals based on that as collectivism.
Real racists and anti-government extremists hated his guts and took joy in his cancer and his death.
You don’t insult a man, and in lying about him libel others who share his beliefs, and then wish him “all the best,” all the while representing yourself as being your company’s arbiter for customer trust and safety.
[Via Jess]
On Thursday, Delegate Elizabeth Guzman told WJLA that at the start of the new legislative session, she will introduce a bill that would penalize, with a misdemeanor or felony charge, parents who do not affirm their LGBT children. The bill would expand the state’s definition of child abuse and neglect to include parents who do not affirm their LGBT children’s gender identity or sexual orientation. [More]
And we know what happens when someone in Virginia is convicted of a felony…
Some of us have figured it was just a matter of time before a less than “full-throated” embrace would be criminalized. This is conscience rape backed up by the real thing. Anyone attempting to enforce it deserves to be repelled by all means necessary.
It explains why she wants your guns, does it not? Suffice it to say this is a hill she wants to kill on.
Who is this totalitarian monster?
‘Kill All Christian Nationalists’… [More]
If you want to know who the biggest threat is, just ask the DOJ and the FBI.
Or better yet, ask the Bloombergians.
[Via Michael G]
Stop being shocked when mainstream liberals express their desire to see their political adversaries not only censored by a union of state and corporate power but also imprisoned. The crux of American liberalism is authoritarianism. [More]
Actually, the more impulsive ones just come out and admit they want you dead.
[Via Michael G]
The Left’s Funny New Lie: It’s The ‘Red States’ With More Crime! [More]
Factor out what’s happening in Bloomberg cities and armed-to-the-teeth Normal America ends up pretty safe until some out-of-control Democrat starts acting up.
I wonder what would be revealed if someone juxtaposed red and blue areas against a corresponding Neighborhood Scout crime map…
[Via Michael G]
The speaker is Robert Englander and his credentials are impeccable … And he’s suggesting that shamanism and Western science are equally valid medical practices. [More]
As Gomez noted:
I wish he’d shake his rattles or yell a few times as Dr. Mbogo does. Makes you feel like he’s accomplishing something.
[Via Michael G]
CNN commentator Errol Louis appears to mock concerns about rising NYC subway crime [More]
That’s easy for him to say. He takes Uber.
[Via Michael G]
Despite calling CPS on Ramirez, Leavitt later cluelessly whined on Twitter, “I’m being the subject of targeted harassment… [More]
To paraphrase Rhett Butler, he should be harassed, and often, and by someone who knows how.
[Via Michael G]
PayPal has backed away from fining its own customers up to $2,500 for promoting whatever it determines is “misinformation” … PayPal has reportedly repudiated its planned AUP revision and characterized the snafu as an error. [More]
More like a balloon prematurely floated…
I was looking forward to the lawsuits…
And to more excitable people getting their money’s worth out of these scoundrels in other ways…
[Via Jess]