Conflation Time

Biden invites ‘Tennessee Three’ Democrats who faced expulsion over gun violence protest to White House [More]

It wasn’t actually his idea, but his handlers thought it would be something to exploit by equating RKBA defenders and Republicans with racists.

His main job will be to not call any of them “clean.”

[Via bondmen]

Cry the Betrayed Country

South African intellectual in Budapest: country’s water and power system could collapse, following disastrous affirmative action policies; Boer population planning for strategic withdrawal to thirty towns, building own infrastructure; don’t have EU passports, so must dig in. [More]

History repeats itself.

And told ya.

The Boers are the only African population that Europe isn’t eager to welcome.

Who thinks this can’t happen here?

Or won’t?

[Via WiscoDave]

Too Little Too Late?

‘$5 million is too little:’ Activists tell California reparations committee to aim higher- California activists demand more than $5 million per Black resident in reparations [More]

In Zimbabwean dollars…?

The central bank of Zimbabwe issued $100,000,000,000,000 notes during the last days of hyperinflation in 2009, and they barely paid for a loaf of bread.

Comment Poster mike fink made an observation yesterday that made me recall a “news” interview that aired after the L.A. riots with Danny Bakewell of the Brotherhood Crusade. He had half a dozen or so sullen young worthies lined up behind him who made no attempt to present themselves as other than participants in what Maxine Waters justified as a “rebellion.” Bakewell was demanding jobs for them, and not just menial ones, demanding they want to be “managers.”

My impression, being a manager at the time and knowing full well the experience, responsibilities, discipline, and work that it required, was that they were clueless about that, and moreover uncaring, but demanding titles and lackeys they could order around. In other words, they wanted to be slave drivers.

That’s what’s being demanded here: A return to slavery, with roles reversed.

No wonder the communist traitors engineering this want our guns.

And the Crowd Went Wild

Kim Gardner hosts criminal justice reform discussion… She said poverty is the number one factor driving crime and called on St. Louis to do more to address inequities within the community. [More]

I remember my father telling me about cutting mold spots out of bread slices during the Great Depression– back in the days when you could walk into a hardware store and walk out with a .38 and before the days of getting forced wealth transfers just because you exist.

They didn’t use that as an excuse to act like savages or live in filth or blame others.

[Via bondmen]

Culture Clash

“Black South Africans thought their white neighbors were rich because of the things they had. As it turned out, nice things didn’t stay nice for very long without the codes of behavior that kept them nice.” [More]

Ain’t no shame in being a culturist.

The “math is racist” and “systemic racism” useful idiots are hurting no one but themselves while the evil minds encouraging that suck in more power and laugh at their calculatedly conditioned ignorance.

[Via WiscoDave]

Houston, We Have a Problem…

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee running for Houston mayor [More]

Just what they need: Lori Lightfoot-level competence. Look for homicides to soar.

Hey, maybe she’ll demand a name change!

On the bright side, consider this disaster containment. She won’t be in a position to threaten the greater Republic.

[Via Jess]

The One Idea

We have to exterminate white people off of the face of the planet… [Watch]

Well, Kamau, you old racist genocidal maniac you, people like me might prove problematic, so you might want to crawl before you try to run

Man, it’s a good thing black people can’t be racist!

Otherwise, I’d have to question Democrats wanting to disarm me and calling people like me the greatest threat!

[Via WiscoDave]

Pour Me Another Cup of Coffee, For it is the Best in the Land…

How drinking coffee perpetuates white supremacy [More]

I’ll let the T-800 do my talking for me (NSFW).

And Buck can do my singin.’

Some CLOCs (commie losers of color) are so desperate to feel entitled, resentful, and discriminated against that no dreamt-up grievance is too absurd to indignantly air. I really have to wonder if this article is satire, it’s so stupid.

Naturally, the global economic supply chain disruption that would disproportionately harm minorities isn’t considered, because reparations are on their way, right?

Incidentally, I’ve been a white coffee drinker for over half a century and this is the first time I’ve ever heard that racist “joke” that isn’t even a little bit funny.

And in the interests of full disclosure, Armed American Radio host Mark Walters gifted me with some really good Liberty Roast Defender Coffee. I’m going to refill my cup as right after I post this. And I’m even going to put some evaporated milk in it, which, “thanks” to this article, I’ve learned is also racist because I supposedly identify it with my skin.

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

School suspends black students for anti-black racism: ‘This is the third time we’ve had perpetrators of a racially motivated incident identified as African-Americans’ [More]

So racism actually is “systemic”…?

[Via Michael G]

Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don’t

Once she heard “I will beat your white @$$,” the gun became appropriate, and in fact, ensured no threatened violence was carried out. [More]

As for there would have been different penalties had roles been reversed, imagine if the threat had been “I will beat your black @SS.”

In both cases, only one set of lives has been ruined.

[Via bondmen]

The Second Groomer

“You see it in the discourse in the country right now. You see it in the divide that we have, just going to school meetings. You see that hate that is out there. We’ve got to step up and speak out and we’ve got to call out the cowards out there,” he continued. [More]

Yeah, ordinary fed-up Americans who stand up against perverts and racists in power grooming their children while filling the white ones’ heads with self-loathing and the black ones’ with unearned entitlements– and knowing the DSM and the highest levels of government are going to smear them to the world as Nazis — are cowards.

He’s right about one thing, though. The hate that is out there is unmistakable and clear.

There can be no peace with sanctimonious elite pieces of crap. And that’s on them.

[Via Michael G]

The Best of Intentions

Brothers in Jussie Smollett hoax break silence, say actor wanted to be ‘poster child for activism’ [More]

I can see where they say the greatest problem is with white supremacism. Hey, if there wasn’t so much systemic racism, the lottery-blowing stage prop wouldn’t have had to fake being a victim of it.

[Via bondmen]

Culture Clash

“Thanks for giving me a minute to address a truly despicable and false attack on me, claiming that anything I’ve ever said is white supremacist and then trying to imply that that somehow applies today,” Epstein said. “What I argued and what I’ve argued for my entire adult life is that Western culture is superior in the sense that it promotes individualism and freedom. And I have fought my entire life for freedom around the world.” [More]


[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Unmasking Enough

Police say they’re having trouble identifying suspects who target stores because they’re wearing masks. They are now urging store owners to be proactive in the crime fighting effort. “We are asking the businesses to make this a condition of entry, that people when they come in, they show their face, they should identify themselves,” NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey said. [More]

So do we listen to Dr. Fauci or to NYPD “Only Ones”?

Bronx bodega owner Francisco Marte is no stranger to crime. “I’ve been myself, shot three times,” he said. But he says this latest guidance from the NYPD puts business owners in a bad spot. “We don’t have a weapon to defend ourselves,” Marte said.

I think I see a solution, Francisco.

Good thing the brave property liberators exercising their right to steal by beating the old woman within an inch of her life weren’t acting on Asian hate since disadvantaged victims of systemic racism can’t be racist. I can’t begin to tell you how many of my friends and family flaunt their discriminatory power and white privilege by driving late-model Mercedes…

[Via Steve T]

Cancel Slavery-Defending Haters!

The text of the bill says that it would “immediately cancel the filings of a political party, to include its registration and approved status as a political party, if the party’s platform has previously advocated for, or been in support of, slavery or involuntary servitude.” [More]

If they can erase Confederates, why not?

It’s not too late to add that any member of such a party is collectively liable with the others for all reparations…

Lived Experience Trumps ‘Vision’

1619 Project Creator- Chinese Not Oppressed By Mao [More]

But what good does it do to take her to school if she’s too fanatically closed-minded to learn?

I see the same thing going on with Hogg’s Resurrected Postulate.

You can’t reason with a cultist any more than you can a pig.

[Via Michael G]

Reluctant My… Eye

Old Racist Gun Laws Enter Modern-Day Legal Battles – Government lawyers reluctantly cite historical laws that kept guns from Blacks, Native Americans and Catholics [More]

The only reluctance is in being exposed for what they are. That and admitting that over the citizens they really want to disarm, the Founders intended for them to be powerless to infringe.

[Via Jim S]

New Name, Same Role

You will never go broke betting on the hypocrisy of the left. In this case, the NAACP, NC Black Alliance and other advocacy groups claiming to represent Black Americans are backing (if you can believe this) a Jim Crow law. [More]

That’s because leftist advocacy issues will always take a back seat to the greater goal of securing a totalitarian monopoly of violence.

Besides, remember who the drivers were.

♫ 96-Point-Three, Hate Radio… ♫

Commissioners pulled funding last week after Commissioner Chris Latvala decried the allocation to the station, WBPU 96.3, also known as Black Power 96, over its association with the Uhuru Movement, the African Socialist group. The FBI raided the group’s St. Petersburg headquarters last year. [More]

What, they’re not entitled to have their communist incitement funded by the taxpayers?

I wish I had the musical ability to record that station jingle…

[Via Remarks]

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