BLM-Themed Groups Are Still Getting Paid Not to Burn Madison, Wisconsin [More]
I don’t suppose anybody would be taking up a collection to bid the other way…?
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance
If anything, our criminal justice system is anti-racist, in that blacks are incarcerated at a lower rate than would be explained by their crime rates. [More]
You’d figure antisemitic racists would say something like that.
[Via bondmen]
A Glimpse of a Future Without White People [More]
Who but a racist could object? And no, you can’t post the same thing and substitute colors. And you especially can’t speculate on the likelihood of Hamid still living in a tent or a cave and wiping with stones if it weren’t for Western culture.
Now give us your guns.
[Via Steve T]
DA mulls charges against teens arrested for attack on Chinese UW-Madison student [More]
What’s to mull? Channeling his inner Mr. Benny, is he?
Good thing it’s impossible for the teens to be racist!
We know whose fault it really is!
[Via Michael G]
Hundreds of words devoted to smearing an entire police force as racist, as so racist they would rather be unemployed than work for a black person… And only after 18 — 18! — paragraphs do these lying pigs come across with the truth: that these same people had no problem working under a black town manager before. [More]
Yeah, I kinda figured it was just her…
Thing is, those CNN propaganda subjects will never know the rest of the story, will they?
Just as intended.
[Via Michael G]
Flesh that out for us, John. Tell us what that looks like when previously “law-abiding,” peaceable, and productive citizens suddenly made criminal by diktat say “No.”
A bumper sticker along the lines of the old Teddy Kennedy one comes to mind:
[Via Mack H]
HR 8051 a 1,000% tax on all firearms and magazines listed in the AWB of 2022 bill. [Watch]
They have to use tricks because Donald Beyer Jr. and his 41 Democrat co-traitors behind this know that otherwise there is only a 1% chance of this passing.
Where have we seen such racist edicts pricing firearms out of the reach of discriminated-against populations before?
I wonder if Don’s going to personally tell them…?
[Via Jess]
If you don’t agree with the official FBI narrative that racist white supremacists are the biggest threat our country faces, you are the problem that needs to be ostracized and eliminated.
That’s on Chris Wray and he’s on Donald Trump.
No-one has a problem with violence until the outnumbered White guy has a gun….
— WilliamA33 (@WilliamA_33) July 26, 2022
Quite the bloodthirsty vigilante, isn’t he…?
CLOWN SHOW: Joe Biden’s Cybersecurity Czar Says “Systemic Racism” Is the Major Threat – And US Is Intrinsically Racist Society [More]
Someone coming from a life of such disproportionate disadvantage and deprivation would know.
And “Czar” again… how come they never say “Führer“?
[Via bondmen]
Basically the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission needs to hear from the public about the potential impacts of the ballot measure on different racial communities. [More]
The “equity” of totalitarianism is that it makes us all slaves.
“The fight over abortion rights is tied to the “great replacement” theory and fears that white people will become a minority,” she tweeted. “That fear never left the anti-abortion movement which, at its core, has always been about upholding white supremacy.”[More]
Maybe they’ll be the ones to finally take the challenge.
And it doesn’t occur to these dopes that white supremacists want minorities and Democrats to have more abortions?
With “progressives,” every day is Opposite Day.
National African American Gun Association (NAAGA) president Philip T. Smith spoke before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday and told them that 21st century gun control is a throwback to 19th century “black codes.” [More]
Well, we know what Joe Biden says about “those people”…
[Via bondmen]
Bottom line is that in order for the Republican Party to attract more minority voters, Republicans need to do a much better job going into minority communities and educating these voters about what is actually going on in the country and what it means to them. [More]
I guess.
I always thought that just like providing for yourself, a responsibility of citizenship was to inform yourself, including determining which voices best comported with reality. Somebody comes along and wants to “give” you something, especially information, it pays to find out what’s in it for them.
[Via bondmen]
It’s instructive to see that the goal really is total disarmament, but the creepy punk is just whoring for headlines here and knows this isn’t going anywhere:
Cosponsors: 72 Cosponsors (72 Democrats)
Prognosis2% chance of being enacted according to Skopos Labs
Figures he and his fellow seditious conspirators put the term “Equal Access” in the title of a bill designed to make guns too expensive for “those people.”
“Whiteness,” Stewart declares, “is itself violence.” [More]
How non-violent of hi… sorry, I’m not sure which pronoun to use to keep from offending those asserting their racial and gender superiority over me…
In any case, I think I’ve already seen this movie.
[Via Michael G]
Black Gun Owners React to Supreme Court’s Concealed Carry Decision [More]
MSN takes a page out of the race hustler playbook to try to make it sound like the problem is with white gun owners.
Funny how they don’t have a designated “Editorial” section and stick crap like this under “News.” You’d think if it actually were, there’d be an unbiased analysis on why some things are happening “disproportionately.”
[Via Remarks]
John Adams has left the building.
That’s systemic racism right there– if like me, you consider collectivist policies resulting in generations like this to be racist.
She called the community as “unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio.” [More]
One can only wonder about the analogy she would have made in Detroit.
Yale law professor: ‘Right to own guns’ is about right ‘to suppress inner city Blacks’ [More]
Don’t tell us, tell them.
Do a lot of hanging out in the hood, do you, professor?
The slander that “conservative” gun owners are racist and want to deny rights to minorities is an old, tired talking point that’s been proven false many times over the years. [More]
The violence monopolists project their own pathetic, hate-filled paranoia on those who advocate the full exercise of rights by all peaceable people.
News audiences are clearly meant to associate white pro-gun protesters with a dangerous and probably organized national race-hatred movement, while black pro-gun protesters either don’t exist or are a fringe movement not worth covering. [More]
Well, there are certain requirements if you want to be a “real reporter,” and if you can’t parrot a narrative and keep quiet about what’s not, you have no place in the business.
[Via Michael G]
St. Paul’s next basic income experiment: $12,000 cash plus money for college [More]
All ultimately taken at gunpoint from the productive sector… Because everything improves under communism!
Anybody else find it curious someone decided on “666 families”?
LA Times Op-Ed: I Don’t Know About All These Blacks Owning Guns [More]
But…but…but Joy said we would be the ones to freak out…
[Via Dan Gifford]
A man who shot and killed a passenger on a San Francisco subway commuter train will be charged with gun crimes but not homicide in what was “clearly” a case of self-defense after he was attacked with a knife, his attorney said Monday. [More]
When having the means of self-defense is illegal, the law is criminal. I think that’s why they’re reducing the charges to misdemeanors because they know that under Bruen standards, felony charges would result in a high-profile challenge and community anger over racist standards.
[Via bondmen]
From an idea by DRGO.