Cutting a Swath

The teenanger has been charged with murder and I’m not sure why. He was being attacked by a mob and he defended himself the only way he could, with a knife. Sure, that was illegal to have in school but it protected him from serious injury or maybe even death. After seeing the video, I agree with his mom. [More]

If that’s all the relevant information, then yeah.

What is it about Democrat-contolled environments that guarantees this kind of savagery?

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Disinterested Enough

As for Lozano… he says he called 911 but was surprised the police never showed up. “I dialed 911, called the operator, explained to the operator what had just happened… she said ‘OK,’ put me on hold, they transferred me to the non-emergency number, which I was there for almost 45 minutes.” He even called his local LAPD station and left a message. “They have a recording, I left the recording on the machine, explained who I was, what the situation was, and I haven’t heard a call back from anybody. [From video here]

Dial 911 and what…?

He’d have heard back if he’d done this, especially if he’d hit one.

And look who’s being primed to wear the crown.

[Via WiscoDave]

Revenge from Beyond the Grave

Snyder’s mother, Alicia Rogers, previously told The Gazette that Snyder had been delivering for DoorDash when the shooting started. She said her son had a concealed carry license and that she believes he was ambushed and then pulled out his own weapon in self-defense. [More]

Being armed doesn’t mean you’ll win every encounter, but at least he was able to tag his assailant and put him on LE’s radar.

[Via Michael G]

Won’t Come Back from Dead Man’s Curve

Before confronting somebody, Sheriff Salazar said people must consider there could be some serious consequences, especially if that suspect is armed. [More]

Not “legal” advice, but that should be the assumption going in, along with establishing cover and a clear sight picture, including what’s beyond the target, before announcing your presence.

Considering the personal risks, the financial ramifications of shooting someone, and that cars are insured, I’d be inclined to go with setting off the alarm and calling the “Only Ones” from behind locked doors. While a part of me would want to resolve things the old-fashioned way, the legal system is stacked against going outside and using up to lethal force to protect mere property.

[Via 1Gat]

We’re the Fauxnly Ones Repelled Enough

Security video shows three masked men carrying guns shout “Seattle Police” while each trying to kick in the door. The homeowner grabbed a gun and fired multiple shots through the door at the intruders. [More]

Ah, the old Joe Biden Defense worked this time!

Except from the sound of it he may have had one of those guns not suitable for self-defense and made only for killing people…

As always, be aware of The Fauxnly Ones Files, because the day may come when you’ll need a “He was being such a scary thug I did not believe he was a real cop” defense.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Breaking Up Enough

She was his ex? He was trying to commit her?

Shades of cops being able to get red flag OKs! And they charged Mr. Clean with strangulation and official oppression?

Hollywood three-point landing tropes aside, you for the most part need a gun ladies, if you hope to have any chance against someone with roughly twice your upper body strength. And in this meathead’s case, it looks like more than that.

New York, New York, It’s a Wonderful Town

Attacker pummels 60-year-old woman in NYC subway 50 times over 2 minutes with her own cane in shocking, caught-on-video beating [More]

Nah, her attacker wasn’t white, so Democrats can’t use this to inflame…

With all the legal disincentives, would you have intervened, especially presuming the victim is probably a Democrat?

I’m with Rick.

[Via bondmen]

His Heart’s in the Right Place

“We’re patrolling the neighborhood. But we have guns because the Second Amendment says that if you have a license, you are allowed to carry one,” he said. [More]

That’s not what it says at all.

While it’s encouraging to see this, you can’t very well claim rights if you don’t understand them.

Still, I wouldn’t mind seeing the racist implications of Connecticut’s asinine “duty to retreat” exposed.

[Via Jess]

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