Principalities and Powers

This is just another front in the War on Tradtional Americans.

Faith community” my… eye.

Ephesians 6:12 comes to mind:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

And not to derail more important considerations, but when I heard the line about strip clubs staying open during Covid shutdowns while everybody else was being shut down, my first thought was to wonder where they wore the masks…

Deacons for Def… uh… Democrats

A new controversial armed citizen patrol has launched in Hartford. Organizers say the people will be legally carrying as they walk around parts of the city where violence has taken a toll… They were part of Minister Cornell Lewis’ Self-Defense Brigade. [More]

So… how do they vote?

That white broad must be a real piece of work.

[Via Jess]

The Screaming of the Lambs

Open borders Christians wage open warfare on Americans. [More]

So does the Kingdom of God have open borders or is it easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for everybody to get in due to a stringent and non-negotiable requirement?

The “AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A CHRISTIAN!?” deflection is a pure “No True Scotsman” logical fallacy. And by helping guarantee Democrat majorities, they’re helping guarantee untold millions more babies will be aborted.

And then, of course, there’s what happens to useful idiots when they’re deemed useless eaters.

Is it really unfair to wonder where the voices that “inform” their faith emanate from?

The Grabbers Wanted More Than Hope and Prayers

The mother prayed and her children recited scripture even as they heard Goss kicking in the doors inside their home. He eventually found them hiding in the closet that was designated as the family’s safe room. The mother shot him as he entered the closet still holding the knife. Goss then fled the scene. [More]

Heeding God’s Call to End Gun Violence would rather they had been butchered than armed.

[Via bondmen]

First They Came for the…

Faith leaders and religious liberty advocates are up in arms over news the federal government encouraged banks and other financial institutions to search customers’ private accounts using the search term “religious texts.” [More]

So now they’re all upset because it’s their ox getting gored?

Hey, you never know when Merrick and Chris might neeed to ID some extremists.

Funny, they were quiet when they came for MAGA supporters and for gun owners

Starting to feel like useful idiots yet, “faith community“…?

Probably not, because that would require them not being idiots.

[Via Michael G]

Fun Times in Cleveland Again

“If the violence were taking place in Strongsville, if the violence was taking place in Westlake, if the violence were taking place on the east side — far east side — everybody would be in far different emotional outrage about what’s taking place,” said Rev. Kenneth Chalker of First United Methodist Church. [More]

What we have here is a failure to comprehend why that is.

That and an insistence on following the path of most destruction.

At least we’re not Detroit.

[Via Steve T]

Finding Common Ground

I got this invite by email, along with the edresses of over 100 other recipients, because who better to talk about safety and security than someone who doesn’t know how and why to use “BCC”?

The Astroturfers behind this include 97percent, which I’ve done a lot of exposing of. Anyway, the email said “Firearm owners are especially welcome to participate in the Q&A period,” so I thought I’d pass this along and see if anybody wants to virtually “attend” and ask questions.

The 666 Club

Via WarOnGuns Correspondent Mack H, who writes:

The video below is from today’s 700 Club. It seems the host, Gordon Robertson, is all-in for gun control. He discusses how Audrey Hale was under medical care, so this is why we need red flag laws. His commentary after the news report begins at 3:30 and goes to 5:00. Many Christians who watch the 700 club follow his lead. Does this concern you? [Watch]

Of course, it does. But it’s not like we haven’t come to expect it.

Wolf in the Fold

“It is our view that the missing component to the gun violence prevention movement is the faith community,” said Bryan Miller, director of the advocacy group Heeding God’s Call to End Gun Violence. “The faith community can take charge and lead this effort.” [More]

Jeez, you’d think “real reporter” Zack Hoopes would do a little digging to see if Bryan’s agenda might be more than one of just “faith.” And let his readers know. If he was interested in doing more than a press release.

I’ll stick with Rev. Gilbert Tennent and a Founding era understanding, thank you:

He that suffers his life to be taken from him by one who has no authority for that purpose, when he might preserve it by defense, incurs the Guilt of self murder since God has enjoined him to seek the continuance of his life, and Nature itself teaches every creature to defend itself.

Or you could keep doing it Bryans’ way.

[Via bondmen]

More Than a Feeling

“So, yes, I understand the Second Amendment. I understand, you know, bearing arms, but we also need to make sure that we can ensure that folks feel safe in their communities.” [More]

Feelings. Nothing more than feelings.

Seeing as how the ones doing the killings aren’t eligible to take advantage of the open carry law, I don’t suppose there are any, you know, individual choices your congregants could make that would have more of an effect…?

And that’s a pretty big “but” you’ve got there, pastor.

[Via Steve T]

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