About That Greatest Threat…

Hate crime hoax: Idaho police say ‘White Power’ graffiti on high school created by ‘rival’ Hispanic gangs [More] Yeah, well maybe they were “white Hispanics,” like George Zimmerman or Nick Fuentes… [Via Michael G] UPDATE And speaking of the latter, those with an agenda sure blow him up bigger than he is. I don’t consider myself … Continue reading “About That Greatest Threat…”

Bad Noose Travels Fast

Work halted at Obama Presidential Center after noose is found… They are offering a $100,000 reward to help find whoever was responsible… “There’s still racism going around, even with a union job. This job is guaranteed to the workers inside until 2025. Why risk that?” [More] Because ultimately, union workers are just useful idiots for … Continue reading “Bad Noose Travels Fast”

Just Call Him Racist and Be Done with It

After Elon Musk acquired Twitter, there was a reported dramatic increase in usage of the N-word on the platform — the Network Contagion Research Institute said the term saw a 500% increase on the platform. [More] A percentage without numbers is meaningless. And look who they work hand-in-hand with. No political agenda there! And there’s … Continue reading “Just Call Him Racist and Be Done with It”

So Who’s ‘Ben’?

It’s unclear who’s behind the propaganda campaign… [More] It hardly seems unfair to note which “side” is notorious for hoaxes designed to smear those they hate in the hair-trigger “minds” of the mob… And it’s not like the mob isn’t showing us in “Comments” that they’re eager to pile on: KSA – Meanwhile us republicans … Continue reading “So Who’s ‘Ben’?”

Inciting Mindless Mob Fury: There’s an App for That

New alert system launched to alert Black leaders about racially motivated crimes- New alert system for hate crimes [More] Will they also get an alert to retract all the ones that turn out to be hoaxes? “The FBI director has said the greatest domestic terrorist threat to the nation is white supremacists,” [Carl Snowden with … Continue reading “Inciting Mindless Mob Fury: There’s an App for That”

We’re the Only Ones Undercover(s) Enough

Just Doing Her Job… Female FBI Agent Slept with Target Barry Croft in Hotel, in Same Bed, During Training Weekend Paid for by FBI and Smoked Pot with Him in FBI-Hatched Whitmer Kidnapping Hoax [More] Well, we always knew they went after low-hanging fruit. And, apparently, hung juries. [Via bondmen]

Straight from the Sources’ Mouths?

DEVELOPING: Sources say the FBI agents and officials who were involved in the raid on former President Trump’s home work in the same CounterIntelligence Division of the FBI that investigated Trump in the Russiagate hoax and are actively under criminal investigation by Special Counsel John Durham for potentially abusing their power investigating Trump in the … Continue reading “Straight from the Sources’ Mouths?”

So On Top of Everything Else, ‘Progressives’ are Deadbeats?

Ohio college racks up millions in interest on cash owed to bakery over false racism allegations – The school and a former dean were found guilty of libeling the bakery as racist [More] I’ve been following this because false accusations of being haters are made all the time against cultural traditionalists and gun owners, I’ve … Continue reading “So On Top of Everything Else, ‘Progressives’ are Deadbeats?”

All This AND and Attention Whore

Kinzinger, who defied party leadership by serving on the Democratic-led committee, described an alarming message he received at home in the mail several days ago threatening to execute him, his wife and their 5-month-old baby. [More] I dunno, Adam, you’ve lied to us so many times, my first thought is “hate hoax.”

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