We Cannot Tolerate Hate Hoaxes, Either

She wrote that she was “appalled and disgusted to read that Hudson residents were targeted with the burning of their Pride flag. As a community, we cannot tolerate such acts of hate.” [More] Knowing Hudson, where even the Republicans are Democrats and we have a growing “Pride” presence in the annual Memorial Day Parade, I … Continue reading “We Cannot Tolerate Hate Hoaxes, Either”

They Wouldn’t Have to Make Hate Crimes Up If We Weren’t So Racist

…a militant moonbat named Hashim Coates claims that a mom at a school board meeting gripped his shoulder and called him a “dumb n*”… Surveillance video that the school tried to suppress confirms Coates has been lying through his teeth. [More] Even if she had, I can see how that could be a punchable provocation … Continue reading “They Wouldn’t Have to Make Hate Crimes Up If We Weren’t So Racist”

We’re the Only Ones Agitating Enough

The Hidden History Of Robert Mueller’s Right-Wing Terror Factory, Part 2 [More] Like with “hate hoaxes, if you and I weren’t “the greatest threat,” they wouldn’t have to go to these lengths, now would they? Tell me this guy’s not a patriot. [Via bondmen]

Die große Lüge

In court records, news reports, confessions of perps who promoted it, there never was any collusion between Mr. Trump, Vladimir Putin and our two nations. It was a lie. A big lie. Some people still believe the lie, probably always will, their fear and hatred so strong facts don’t matter. [More] Who doesn’t see how … Continue reading “Die große Lüge”

Parroting the Narrative

CNN’s Kayyem: Trump Is Utilizing ‘Threat of Violence’ to Rally His People [More] Chris Matthews … hoaxers… Never let a meme go to waste… I mean, the DOJ and FBI have put a lot of effort into it… So… no one’s interested in exploring eleciton interference…? [Via bondmen]

The Content of Her Container

Someone tried to burn down Martin Luther King Jr.’s childhood home. Anyone who can’t guess the race of the culprit has been living in a cave since the early Obama years… [More] Hey, if white people were connected to humanity, black people wouldn’t be forced to commit hate hoaxes. Just ask Jussie and Tawana. [Via Michael … Continue reading “The Content of Her Container”

Buckeye Nation

Fake Hate: Police File Charges Against Ohio Man Who Allegedly Faked Anti-Palestinian Hate Crime [More] This is my shocked face. The quick-t0-act-butthurt hate hustlers sure were ready to jump on this. Funny… doesn’t look like CAIR has apologized… So is this mob-inciting punk also going to pay for investigation, court, and hospital costs? And dare … Continue reading “Buckeye Nation”

Feel the Burn

The video shows the initial physical assault by the man on the pregnant woman and the subsequent “use of fire as a weapon” by the pregnant woman on the man, the lieutenant said. [More] To paraphrase Rhett Butler, he should be burned, and often, and by someone who knows how. [Via Michael G]

And Now for Something Completely Different

I’ll be leaving this afternoon for the NRA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis. (Those who caution me not to make public announcements of absences, don’t worry. Elder feral son Uday will be coming over and I’m neither chaining him up nor feeding him.) If you’re going I hope to meet you, assuming you don’t want to … Continue reading “And Now for Something Completely Different”

The Best of Intentions

Brothers in Jussie Smollett hoax break silence, say actor wanted to be ‘poster child for activism’ [More] I can see where they say the greatest problem is with white supremacism. Hey, if there wasn’t so much systemic racism, the lottery-blowing stage prop wouldn’t have had to fake being a victim of it. [Via bondmen]

SWAT’s Happening

The Meridian Police Department has been made aware of multiple “active shooter” calls which have been reported across the State of Idaho. These calls have all been identified as hoaxes. [More] Not just there. And we’ve seen what can happen when responders go in with an assumptions mindset. [Via Scott J]

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