Their Precious Hindquarters

Highland Park Shooter Pleads Not Guilty to More Than 100 Charges, Walking Back Previous Admission [More]

Curious, how their instinct is to defend themselves. It’s almost like you could use that against them during their attack — if you were only “allowed” to…

[Via Robert J]

And just when I thought I couldn’t have any less respect for the parents:

Mr Greenberg fought back against critics via Twitter on Wednesday morning, arguing that the parents are being scapegoated by the “system” when the focus should instead be on easy access to military-grade assault weapons.

Yeah, make it about disarming the rest of us. @$$holes.

Leftists Going After Secretaries of State a Threat to Guns and More

“I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this—who will count the votes, and how.” [More]

Who better to put in charge of elections than Marxist sympathizers bent on “canceling” traditional Americans/gun owners?

FETCH the Comfy Chair…

The Collin County Republican Party censured U.S. Sen. John Cornyn on Monday, the latest group of Texas conservatives to openly criticize Texas’ senior senator for his bipartisan work on gun legislation, education and presidential appointments. [More]

So that’s it?

And if he doesn’t renounce, repent, make amends, and change…?

[Via Jess]

The Take Arms from the NFAC Act of 2022

HR 8051 a 1,000% tax on all firearms and magazines listed in the AWB of 2022 bill. [Watch]

They have to use tricks because Donald Beyer Jr. and his 41 Democrat co-traitors behind this know that otherwise there is only a 1% chance of this passing.

Where have we seen such racist edicts pricing firearms out of the reach of discriminated-against populations before?

I wonder if Don’s going to personally tell them…?

[Via Jess]

‘Ready Succeptibility’

“Whether or not the Rifle used in the Attack was, in fact, modified to fire in a fully automatic fashion, its ready susceptibility to such modification rendered it a ‘machinegun’ as sold, prohibiting its sale to the general public,” the complaint alleges. [More]

That’s why some of us were so adamant against the doors the Trump “bump stock” ban would open. And why I have no patience with point-missing bloviators and their “stupid piece of plastic isn’t a hill worth dying on” ignorance…

[Via Jess]

What Else Could It Be?

And thanks to these gun regulations and strict ammunition control,  Switzerland has a murder rate of nearly zero! [Watch]

Kind of like that of the five million members of the NRA? Do you think it’s the “regulations” that hold us back, you self-impressed, lying dope? You can’t for the life of you figure out what else could be more relevant?

And “thanks” to morons like this, the Swiss are once more bowing to the hat of tyrants.

[Via  An Hour of Wolves]

She Who Commands

A House oversight panel on Tuesday subpoenaed gunmaker Smith & Wesson for documents on the manufacture and sale of AR-15-style semi-automatic rifles after its CEO refused to appear for a hearing on the firearms frequently used in mass shootings. [More]

In-your-face traitress Carolyn Maloney gives a hint as to the unrestrained sadism she would embrace if she only had the power.

Hopefully, their lawyers can stall things long enough for House Oversight power to change hands (assuming the Republicans don’t blow the “Red Wave”). And then, hopefully, the Republicans will learn to strap ’em on and play hardball and start issuing subpoenas of their own.

[Via Jess]

Because They Can

Smash-and-grab thieves make off with $100K in merchandise from Citrus Park mall: deputies [More]

Too bad it wasn’t the sound of real gunshots people heard. From the proprietors.

If that were legal it would stop most of this crap in its tracks. Predators knowing they can get away with this and that the law they break then protects them does nothing but encourage more.

[Via Remarks]


Received via email:

Hey David,

I recently heard your spot on AAR regarding selective service requirements for transgender people, and I just wanted to give you my experience, hopefully it’ll make some sense.

I’m a proud American, a gun owner, and I vote for Republicans relatively often. However, I happen to also be a transgender American. I don’t want to go into deep detail about how I came to realize this, but I’ll put it this way – I fought it for a long time, and I desperately wanted to just be “normal”. However, after seeing many therapists, I have completed my
social and medical transition from female to male. This involved many therapists and psychiatrists, hormone therapy, and surgical intervention.

After these steps were completed, I changed my legal sex with the government. At that time, I was required to register with selective service. The requirement is based on your legal sex, which is very difficult to change (for good reason, every blue haired liberal won’t go through all the doctors I did without getting a good sense of whether they’re really transgender or just going through a phase). People who are born male, if they have not legally transitioned by 18, are required to register, as are any adult in the age range who legally transitions from female to male.

It’s worth noting that if a draft ever came, I’d be happy to serve my country, and I have a draft card just like every other man my age.

I hope any of that makes sense. I don’t expect you or Mark to accept me for who I am, and I listen to the show anyway. I hope hearing from me helps you
understand a little better how legal transition works (and that there are transgender people who are a lot like you). I’d appreciate if you left my name out of any further discussion or writing you may have on the topic, just for my safety.

Thanks for hearing me out,

[Name withheld by request.)

Here’s the article Mark and I discussed last Wednesday. And here’s my response:

Hello _____,

Back in the 90s, I co-wrote the first Inclusion Statement on a gun site that I am aware of. I’m sure Mark agrees with that.

I also wrote an article defending Nikki Stallard that is unfortunately no longer available.

I’d have to find time to listen to my segment with Mark because I’m pretty sure I couched it to clarify I was not commenting on transgenderism per se but on the legal issues surrounding Selective Service law. In re your experience with “legal sex,” it is helpful to know that but I would still need to determine what the law actually has to say and if it has even caught up with things. Case in point, they changed the 4473 to say “Male” Female” and “Non-Binary.” If someone born male put down “Female” would they be vulnerable to felony charges? Not being a lawyer I don’t know and suspect it would be new and unsettled with very little to reference.

In terms of the issue of LBGQT and all that, I believe in live and let live and not making anyone whose life is already hard enough any harder on them. That said, I reject demands that I embrace and laud someone for making that choice, and reserve the right to speak out against what I perceive to be deliberately outrageous advancement of a radical agenda. That, I speak out against. And that’s the best I can give you.


David Codrea

Gun Owners Voting for GOP Betrayers Only Encourage More of the Same

They can say the hell with it and vote for the Democrat gun-grabber to demonstrate that “moderate” Republican traitors are unacceptable, and until the rest of the party and Fudds for Fitzpatrick learn that, they can just feel our pain. [More]

With “Republicans” like these, who needs Democrats?

A ‘Feel Good Story’ to Make You Smile

After the Brazilian government permitted the killing of motor cycle riders who rob & kill citizens – in order to put an end to this menace, this is what the citizens there are doing!!! When Law Enforcement do not do their job, citizens will… [Watch]

And no, I don’t know how true that is, but who doesn’t love a happy ending?

It’ll be a sad one if they put Lula back in power.

[Via WiscoDave]

It’s a Big Club and You Ain’t In It

New House security program to provide members $10K to safeguard their homes [More]

It would be interesting to compare the ones who voted for this with the ones who vote against undermining your security.

I wonder if the ones ginning up the mob against SCOTUS “conservatives” are going to toss any plunder their way…

[Via Jess]

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