Self-Absorbed AND Self-Absolved

Crimo dad washes hands of guilt but talked with son about a mass shooting night before Highland Park massacre [More]

He doesn’t know when to just shut up and stop inviting people to hate him, does he?

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

[Via Michael G]

What’s in a Word?

Received via email and posted to my placeholder site:

LULAC Calls for the Word “Invasion” to be Taken Out of Texas Immigration-Speak [More]

Can’t let citizens know the truth about foreign nationals illegally crossing our borders and welcoming themselves to residence, services, and benefits here, can we?

And states that defend themselves against it are “vigilantes” to be taken out by the feds?

I guess that means we also can’t use the word “traitor” to describe the domestic enemies who enable this?

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue” …

The War on Drugs and Guns Crossover

Collateral Damage: Arizona drug dealers becoming arms dealers online [Watch]

Anybody know what the legal and jurisdictional provisions with ATF are for the cop to retain possession of an illegally modified gun to fire and hand off to the reporter?

The other thought that strikes: You could give such a gun to me and anyone in my circle of friends and relatives and there would be zero chance of us doing anything predatory with it.

The final thought that strikes: I’d like to see somebody try that mod with a .45 🙂

[Via 1Gat]

Mike DeWine on ‘School Safety’

Arming school personnel is a serious decision that is left up entirely to each school. [More]

So why couldn’t you say the same about cities, and do away with preemption?

Besides, this is misdirection: The true issue is that of a free citizen’s unalienable right to arm himself. Since when are local bureaucrats legitimately qualified and authorized to dictate that?

And why did this come in via email, necessitating posting on my placeholder site, instead of being published in “News Releases“?

Blacks Discriminated against on Guns, But Not by Rights Advocates

The slander that “conservative” gun owners are racist and want to deny rights to minorities is an old, tired talking point that’s been proven false many times over the years. [More]

The violence monopolists project their own pathetic, hate-filled paranoia on those who advocate the full exercise of rights by all peaceable people.

The Gun’s Fault

Officers, who also worked with the FBI on the case, arrested and charged Julio Alvarado-Dubon with being a non-U.S. citizen in possession of a firearm on Friday. A second suspect, Rolman Balacarcel, was surveilled by police throughout the holiday weekend and arrested and charged on the same count on Tuesday. [More]

I wonder if it’s the same one.

If that isn’t a good reason to agree with Richmond Mayor Stoney, blame the problem on common defense/”security of a free State” firearms, and ban your birthright, I don’t know what is.

[Via Mike F]

Stupid, Evil, Lying…

“And we are not going to stop calling her and her pro-killer colleagues out,” she continued. [More]

This caught my attention more than the headline.

If you oppose infringements on your birthright by the totalitarian violence monopolists, you’re “pro-killer” according to this stupid, evil lying c*** mouthpiece for this stupid, evil lying c***.

These are the people who want to be able to order enforcers to disarm you and kill you if you resist. Think it through and you’ll see that’s not hyperbole.



I was going to ask about his tax stamp and listing on the NFRTR, but that’s not needed since the company was established five years after the Hughes Amendment.

Not being a highly trained NBC “real reporter,” I’m wondering what I’m missing here. Or what Safia Samee Ali and David K. Li are. VPC’s been counting on media dolts since 1988:

The weapons’ menacing looks, coupled with the public’s confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons—anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun—can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons.

You know, missing things like the first damn webpage a search turns up:

Welcome to the fold! You’re looking at a semi-automatic folding carbine that comes with more pistol magazine options than a cat has lives.


We’re the Only Ones Unqualified Enough

A U.S. appeals court sided with the Kansas district court in denying Officer Rapp qualified immunity in Finch’s death The court said a reasonable jury could believe Finch was unarmed and unthreatening when Rapp fired the shot that killed him. [More]

So why is he only facing a civil trial and what does that tell us about department policy and the prosecutor?

[Via Michael G]

Who Will Arm the Guards?

Governor Ron DeSantis Unveils the Florida State Guard [More]

You know, what effete (and secretly jealous) anti-gun males armed only with Alinsky Rule 5 snark think they’re being clever ridiculing as “the vigilante militia“…

I’ll need to see the plan though, because as regular readers of my Firearms News columns know:

Speaking of free states, while the power to raise armies is the purview of the Congress, state defense forces were established by some (17 plus Puerto Rico), but not all states, to be deployed within a state. The State Guard Association of the United States exists “to advocate for the advancement and support of regulated state military forces established by state governments,” [but] don’t look for teeth to match the mission statement. The last two defense force units, the Ohio Military Reserve and the Tennessee State Guard, were the last units trained for deployment with issued weapons, but no more. The Tennessee Guard’s role is now to provide unarmed support to the National Guard during deployment, with organized firearms-related activities are limited to marksmanship competitions. What was once the Ohio Military Reserve, formally a military police unit, was reorganized to provide emergency management support and of late has been assisting food banks during the COVID-19 scare by packing, transporting and distributing food and serving meals. State guard units are examples of the organized militia.

I’d like to see the Florida plan fleshed out. Who will be armed and when, and what will the rules be?

[Via Jim S]

Josh Meyer, Real Reporter

The fact that the correspondent works for one of the go-to spotters of misinformation for social media outlets makes it even richer. [More]

What can I say but “USA Today, a Gannett Publication“…?

Although I wouldn’t mind seeing a three-way slap-fest between their “newsroom,” Politifact’s, and Salon’s

[Via Michael G]

History Repeats Itself

Netherlands Police Open Fire at Farmers Protesting Globalist ‘Climate Change’ Restrictions – Dutch ministers “warn that farmers will have to adapt or face the prospect of shuttering their businesses.” [More]

Killing farmers! Ingenious!

Another brand new idea brought to you by “progressive” governments!

Tangentially related: Saw Mr. Smith Jones [Oops!] last week. It’s nice to see a mainstream movie represent the Holomodor genocide and “Stalins’ apologist,” the evil pervert Walter Duranty of The New York Times, for what they were.

[Via Michael G]


File This Under ‘Looking Into’…

Evangelist Torben Søndergaard Came to US for Asylum, Now He’s Been Arrested, Accused of Gun Smuggling [More]

He says it’s a trumped-up setup.

I’m not seeing news accounts and ICE hasn’t done a release at this writing.

Neither has DHS, but I do see that miserable border subversive Mayorkas taking advantage of Highland Park to parrot “the epidemic of targeted gun violence” narrative.

[Via 1Gat]

We’re the Only Ones Unresponsive Enough

New 2021 Chicago data shows 400,000 high-priority incidents where dispatchers had no police available to send – Wirepoints [More]

Oh, and I talked about giving an update.

Talk about trying to put a good face on a deformed freak. As if those numbers are statistically significant trend indicators.

Forget it, Jake. It’s Chi-Town.

[Via bondmen]

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