We’re the Only Ones Silencing Enough

As you’ll see, the most shocking revelation from the interview comes via CBS’s reporter, who relays Gomez’s claim that some unknown officer threatened her with charges of obstruction of justice if she continued speaking out about the cops’ passivity. That would mean jail time for her, as she’s currently on probation for a prior offense. [More]

In the interests of consistency, if priors can terminate recognition of your Second Amendment rights, why should the First be any different?

[Via Michael G]

The Predator Sanctuary

“…they’re not sure if that person was hit but they did drop their semiautomatic handgun with an extended magazine…” [Watch]

The “real reporter” made sure he got the important part in.  The not-so-important stuff, like who the public dangers were, they left unmentioned.

Surveillance and a police presence no longer deter.  And they’re ginning up demand that “something must be done,” which translates into more “laws” against you, since talking real solutions puts those who do on the fast track for cancellation.


DA Krasner Blames NRA for South Street Massacre [More]

Yeah, well

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

The BBC changed the testimony of a rape victim after a debate over the pronouns of her transgender attacker, The Times has learnt. The woman referred to her alleged rapist as “him” but insiders said that her words were changed to avoid “misgendering” the abuser in an article on the corporation’s website. [More]

♫ It’s a mixed-up, muddled up, shook up world except for Lola… ♫

We don’t want to microaggress against macroaggressors, now, do we? That might result in retaliation from those who consider the truth condescending and discriminatory. Not to mention more confusion for the African tribesmen

[Via Michael G]

The Perfect Set-Up

So, we have two guys who started their career into the gun control lobbying “lobby”, that work tirelessly to create a whole new class of criminals (gun owners) if we don’t follow the laws they help get enacted, and they previously worked hard to get ACTUAL criminals breaks and treat them as victims themselves. [More]

It’s almost like they’re domestic enemies who want to destroy Western civilization or something…

[Via President Non_Fudd]

The Rest of the Story

“You know who didn’t have due process? You know who didn’t have their constitutional right to life respected? The kids at Parkland and Sandy Hook and Uvalde and Buffalo and the list goes on and on.” “So spare me the bulls**t about constitutional rights-” [More]

So “Billy’s mom lets him do it”?

And how did denying others their rights work out for him?

Consider the source.

We’re the Only Ones Incommunicado Enough

The state agency investigating the mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde has determined that the commander facing criticism for the slow police response was not carrying a radio as the massacre unfolded, a Texas state senator said Friday. [More]

This meme sums things up more accurately than any “news” account I’ve seen.

[Via Jess]

We’re Off to See the Wizard

McCormick concedes to Oz in Pennsylvania GOP Senate primary [More]

With racist anti-you-being-armed gun abuser Fetterman carrying the Team Tyranny standard, I don’t see where gun owners are left with much of a political choice — but will predict that when Oz assumes the mantle, we’ll finally see for ourselves the man behind the curtain.

[Via Jess]

Adventures in Baselessness

Forensic Examination Proves Vote Manipulation and Illegal Destruction of Records on Dominion Voting Machines [More]

There’s plenty more.

Baseless,” right?

The trick is getting anyone with reach to notice and care. Instead, when citizen investigators get too close, they’re attacked, “discredited,” and threatened with prosecution.

An Ounce of Prevention

As war drags on, Ukrainians start to ask: could we have prepared better? Some are looking back at weeks before invasion and asking if more could have been done [More]

Ya think?

And they seem bound and determined to keep f-ing up. Funny how only the Russians and no Western media (or gun groups, that had initially celebrated the arming of citizens) are interested in following up on this.

And no, I didn’t “fall for Russian propaganda.” Ukraine media has admitted it.

The Clear Choice

“On behalf of our five million members, the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) endorses Chris Jacobs’ candidacy for U.S. House of Representatives,” said NRA-PVF Chairman Jason Ouimet. “Chris is the clear choice in this race when it comes to defending our Second Amendment freedoms in NY-27.” [More]

Yeah, about that

Where do they find so many lying whores?

USDA Using Tax Dollars to Pressure Employees on Citizen Disarmament

Might such overt pressure from the very top be construed as creating a hostile working environment for employees who hold different political views? Might expressing those views be reasonably considered career and advancement-limiting, and might not expressing any political views on the taxpayers’ dime, by either side, be considered inappropriate and unethical, especially when coming from management that controls employee reviews? [More]

It’s the moral equivalent of requiring a “bullet fee” from the family of the condemned, and those imposing it get off on that.


Why did the USDA buy submachine guns? [More]

“Weapons of war”? The better to kill you with, my dear!

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