You Paid For It

Former St. Louis Health Commissioner Dr. Frederick Echols is taking over as the CEO of Cure Violence Global. Taxpayers in St. Louis City are spending millions of dollars on the program that’s supposed to curb violence. [More]

The trough-feeders just hop from tax cow-financed failure to tax cow-financed failure. Might as well flush it down the toilet as give it to the utter incompetent in the Peewee Herman costume…

[Via bondmen]

A Preemptive Strike

Never mind that his focus is on gun control, when he never even asks the question, “How could John Adams carry his “peece” to school with him and there was no violence, and we can’t get a handle on gangland?” He never asks root cause questions such as, “Have we created this problem ourselves by government programs eviscerating the family unit? Will we ever end the violence with gun control if access to firearms isn’t the cause of the problems?” [More]

That’s something Adams was well aware of:

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

I wonder if Blocher has read Pynchon

Sanctimonious F***s

We are cognizant of the fact that many hold a contested belief that carrying concealed guns provides a sense of confidence in their ability to manage actual threats or perceived risks of violence, injury, and death around themselves, and, therefore, reduces their sense of vulnerability while offering protection and defense for themselves and others. However, experience informs us that there are others within the human family who hide their possession of guns not out of concern for their vulnerability but to render those around them as vulnerable. People in this category are not seeking to protect and defend humanity but instead, assault it. [More]

As long as the latter exists, you have to wonder about the type of sheep who counsels willingly exposing throats to the latter.

Time was, pastors knew better than to endorse self murder:

“He that suffers his life to be taken from him by one who has no authority for that purpose, when he might preserve it by defense, incurs the Guilt of self murder since God has enjoined him to seek the continuance of his life, and Nature itself teaches every creature to defend [it]self.”

[Via Remarks]

Musical ‘Gun-Free Zones’

A quarrel over policy between Nye County commissioners and judges with the Fifth Judicial District Court has now led to a unanimous vote by the board to move the district courts and relocate them to their own dedicated buildings. The decision stems from an order … that states no weapons are allowed in any courthouse facility. [More]

Yeah, it’s a “win,” but without addressing security to and from, it seems like they’re just relocating the gauntlet…

[Via Jess]

Speaking of ‘Unity and Healing’…

Report confirms White House had advance knowledge of the NSBA’s ‘domestic terrorism’ letter and promised ‘we have your back’ [More]

And you know what we do to domestic terrorists

Remember, with “progressives,” every day is Opposite Day!

[Via Michael G]


National School Boards Association Draft Letter Requested Military Deployment to Quell Parent Protests [More]

The insane, genocidal tough-feeders want to unleash the military to make literal war on Normal America

[Via Mack H]

CPRC Update

Evidence on how badly informed people are about guns and how that leads to support for gun control, Media bias after the Buffalo shooting, we were the statistical expert in a 9th Circuit win, Report on Concealed handguns saving police, and much more [More]

John Lott has been busy separating the truth from the lies. The least we can do is help share it.

As a Rule

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone made the announcement of the decision on Friday in a written message to Speaker Pelosi that has since been published on the San Francisco Archdiocese’s website. [More]

What, the one that resulted in this over the weekend when I tried to access it?

I see Legion is adding its voices into the mix

[Via Michael G]

Senate Republicans Can Resist Emotion-Fueled Rush on ATF Nominee

Will they treat the Dettelbach nomination like the existential threat that it is, or will they play politics as usual and make just enough comments to claim plausible deniability on opposing him, without really doing anything concrete to upset a foregone conclusion? [More]

Will even one doer declare “You shall not pass!” and separate himself from the talkers? If he does, who will join him?

We’re the Only Ones Extorting Enough

After seizing the 13,000 square foot building, which was formerly a church until it closed, city attorney Terry Ford said Highland Park would return it if the Kozbials bought the city two new Ford vehicles totaling nearly $70,000 for its police department. The couple would also have to stop growing marijuana in the building. [More]

Sure glad the parasites behind the naked shakedown took an oath to a document that, among other things, exists “to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

[Via Michael G]

Can We All Get Along?

At a recent conference on Critical Race Theory, professors discussed how “there is no virtue in whiteness,” with some saying “whiteness” is “inherently violent.” Other conference-goers reportedly called the concept of intellectual diversity “white supremacist bullshit,” while another said “research” is a “colonial, white supremacist, elite process.” [More]

Sorry, Rodney. But thank you for trying.

[Via Michael G]

Great Expectations

On May 22-28, 2022, ultimate control over America’s healthcare system, and hence its national sovereignty, will be delivered for a vote to the World Health Organization’s governing legislative body, the World Health Assembly (WHA). [More]

Well, how else are we going to usher in the “Great Reset“?

And how soon will criticizing that be condemned as a white supremacist conspiracy meme every bit as hate-inspired as references to “Great Replacement”?

[Via bondmen]

Better Not Call Saul

The easily modified semi-automatic AR-15 used by the white supremacist shooter who killed ten people in Buffalo on Saturday was two hundred times more lethal than the revolutionary muskets that helped win the American Revolution. [More]

Dude, take a breath. Or a Midol.

More hysteria from the Slippin’ Jimmy of the revisionist history movement…

[Via bondmen]

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