♫The Scum on the Bus Goes Bang Bang Bang♫

The North County Police Cooperative is asking for the public to help identify a suspect who opened fire on a MetroBus earlier this month, striking another passenger. [More]

Well, we know “Ride & Abide” isn’t high on his list of priorities…

I wonder if the “law abiding” who vote Democrat are ever going to realize they’re being played for saps. To think that this worthless and cowardly piece of $h!+’s conduct should have any bearing on our rights…

[Via bondmen]

Two Wolves and a Sheep

If you wish to understand how democracy ended in the United States and the European Union… [More]

I wish it would.

Why don’t these prominent influencers?

As for the military trying to take over, it would be the biggest mistake the rulers ever made.

Unless we’re talking Blue zones like NYC and Philly because Democrats, who demand to rule us, can’t rule themselves.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones For the Children Enough

Cervantes had been the chief of police for Rio Bravo, near Laredo, but he left his post after he filed a lawsuit in 2017 alleging that then-City Administrator Miguel Berry ordered him “to shoot the children of illegal immigrants (he) and his officers might arrest so it would be easier to send the parents back to Mexico,” according to the Laredo Morning Times. [More]

Not a whole lot out there about what happened with this. In the absence of evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, the accused are presumed innocent.

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of Elections…

This guy won. [More]

At least this flake didn’t. Interesting that he was endorsed by DeSwine. Looks like he’s on again.

LaRose continues to demonstrate the uninspiring flaccidity that characterizes an Ohio GOP establishment that seems dead set on turning the state blue. He’s the reason I stopped working the polls.

ATF Given an Inch, Takes a Mile

NSSF Complains There’s Not Enough ‘Gun Control’

Simply put, “gun control” doesn’t work, and it’s astounding that the head of the firearms manufacturer trade association is publicly insisting that it does. [More]

Industry CYA at the expense of our rights is unacceptable.

Does #BelieveWomen Apply to Gungrabbers?

Eric Adams accuser shares graphic details of alleged sexual assault in new suit, calls mayor a ‘predator’ [More]

Sure, he SAYS he’s innocent, but he doesn’t trust us, so why should we trust him?

I wonder if Marx for Our Lives still has confidence in their former bourough president walkout supporter

Forbidden Speaker

A second petition, posted on Change.org by KSU student Ally Grecco, urges the university and Turning Point to reconsider the decision to host Rittenhouse. Grecco points out KSU’s “painful history with gun violence” on May 4, 1970, which had profound impacts on national politics. [More]

My alma mater‘s right down the road– I may try to see if I can meet him.

You’d think knowing who committed that “gun violence,” their indignant sympathies woudln’t be with the “Only Ones,” but no-o-o

[Via Michael G]

The Land of Opportunity

[N]o cash or low bail law[s] allow the repeat offenders endless opportunities to continue to the brazen heists, even after being caught. After entering the country, they reportedly carry out strings of break-ins and other crimes, bringing home up to hundreds of millions of dollars in stolen goods, the FBI estimates. [More]

Something about this place brings out the entrepreneurial spirit.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Unable Enough

This won’t end up increasing police shootings of “overrepresented” suspects, will it?

[Via Michael G]

The Right of Invaders to Victimize Citizens Shall Not Be Infringed

Reggie & Co. tell us they’re useful idiots without telling us they’re useful idiots.

Migrants Convicted of Violent Crimes Get Free Lawyer Under California Bill [More]

It’s been pulled — for now.

And yes, of course Reggie Jones-Sawyer wants to use force to disarm you, and uses flat-out gaslighting lies to do it:

“Poll after poll shows a majority of Americans want action taken to have gun safety laws in place,” Jones-Sawyer said. “A Right to Safety Amendment to the U.S. Constitution will do exactly that without impeding on the Second Amendment.”

Tell us again how a con-con is just the ticket to restore freedom…

News in Brief

GOA Petition to SCOTUS for Writ of Certiorari Against Illinois Categorical Ban on AR-15s… Friends of The Captain’s Journal Stephen Stamboulieh and Oliver Krawczyk wrote this brief, along with Rob Olson. A better constructed and more direct and honest one you will never find. [More]

This covers some essential points that can’t be raised enough. I intend to write an article soon explaining why.

Your ‘Gun Sense’ Judge

The AWCA is constitutional because either: (1) assault rifles are dangerous and unusual and, therefore, not protected by the Second Amendment at all; (2) assault rifles may be banned in accordance with this nation’s regulatory tradition of placing severe restrictions on dangerous and unusual weaponry, including a tradition of outright possession bans that proliferated during Reconstruction when states first became subject to the Second Amendment; or (3) mass shootings with assault rifles pose such an unprecedented societal concern, engendered by dramatic technological development, that California is constitutionally permitted to use a slightly different regulatory method that is still consistent with a general tradition of limiting offensive and unlawful use of dangerous and unusual weapons. [More]

A+ rated by Giffords and Moms Demand!

An Obama nominee

[Via Jess]

Not Over by a Long Shot

The city of Gary, Indiana’s long-running lawsuit against major firearm manufacturers has been shot down by Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb, just a few days after the legislature gave its final stamp of approval to a bill that prohibits any cities or other political subdivisions from suing a firearm or ammunition manufacturer, trade association, seller, or dealer over the design, manufacture, importing or exporting, distribution, advertising, marketing, sale; or criminal, unlawful, or unintentional use of their products. [More]

Lawsuit challenging this in 3…2…1…

[Via Jess]

Not the Only Ones


I see they cited Silveira v. Lockyer, an effort I was proud to have a central hand in promoting despite being undermined by the “Second Amendment establishment.”

[Via Jess]

Life in Sensitive Places

A 36-year-old man was shot with his own gun on a New York City subway Thursday as terrified riders took cover, screamed that there were babies onboard and begged for someone to open the train doors so they could get to safety. [More]

And everyone who was terrorized, pleading, and helpless will vote to stay that way.

[Via Jess]

Missing the Point

If you are mentally and physically healthy, taxpayers should not pay you to retire at 65. [More]

Yes, of COURSE it’s a Ponzi scheme, which is another reason the government is so desperate to bring in foreigners to keep it going, and of COURSE it’s better for them if people have something productive and fulfulling to do.

But no taxpayer is paying me to retire. This is what I have had taken out of my paychecks since 1969, when I started earning “reportable” income, and not just what was robbed from me, but it shows what my employers had to cough up as a cost of my employment. That’s money I never saw.

That’s money I earned and money that’s owed me.

Should there be a better way going forward? Absolutely, because it can’t be sustained forever, and when it goes it will be catastrophic.

That’s another reason the elites are building bunkers.

The Enemy Within

Associate Director in the Office of the Secretary of Defense says, “Why not just have an open border?” “Tear down the wall.” “I think we should repeal the Second Amendment and take the guns all away!” says Jason Beck, who has a classified security clearance and works for the Department of Defense. [More]

Any more questions on why unelected bureaucrats writing the rules is a bad idea?

The Tip of the Iceberg

But Bellows, who was elected in 2022, cited a 2008 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that there is a “strong presumption that the Second Amendment right is exercised individually and belongs to all Americans.”… Bellows also ruled the prosecutors did not present evidence of a historical tradition of disarming felons after the Second Amendment was ratified in 1791. [More]

There oughta be a law!

Bruen terrifies the Deep State Swamp. What other areas of “law” would fail its test?

[Via Jesse J]

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