Pockets of Resistance

Despite the influx of left leaning migrants to Happy Valley the last decade or so, Custer County is still solid red with a big time Republican turnout in Tuesday’s Colorado primary election. The Custer County Republican vote turnout was FOUR TIMES higher than the Democrat turnout with 1,957 voting Republican and only 477 voting Democrat. (Note results are unofficial as of this date.) [More]

We’ve talked before, for years, about the Sangre de Cristo Sentinel, how even in a Democrat state like Colorado there are communities where the citizens will not surrender their heritage and their rights, and how important it is to have a strong voice countering media lies with the truth.

Publisher George Gramlich has set the template that other communities could follow. Here’s how those with a stake in local happenings can keep up, hard copy or online.

We’re the Only Ones Entrapping Enough

The Informant at the Heart of the Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Plot Was a Liability. So Federal Agents Shut Him Up [More]

Low-hanging fruit meet a managed provocateur in the quest for heroic headlines and to further conflate and smear traditional Americans as “the greatest threat.”

I really have no use for ignorant morons who have appropriated and exploit “Three Percent” without acknowledging the man who conceived of the concept or having a clue as to what he intended. And I’m disappointed that I don’t see more of Mike’s friends calling them on it.

[Via WiscoDave]

ATF Doing What It Does Best

I guess it’s safer than going after bad guys…

Super safeties are now designated by ATF as machineguns.

The old website says:

As of 03/01/2024 No Warrants have been served to TwinBros LLC principals or employees. No searches or seizures have been performed on TwinBros LLC assets.

I expect that’s changed, and note the new website isn’t connected yet.

[Via Jess]

A Weapon of War

I confess that when I was looking into the contention that the Founders would be horrified, I was unaware of the Kalthoff repeater.

On the one hand it looks like this would really help Bruen-based arguments. On the other hand, with the way “common use” is being distorted, including by “our side,” I can see the antis muddying the waters.

[Via Jess]

What’s in an Acronym? RATS

After Lara Trump’s election, campaign group Republicans Against Trump, which has over 610,000 X followers… [More]

What dihonest “reporting”!

Without even trying I see a Biden/Obama campaign chair, Occupy Democrats, a Gen Z Democrat, and “anti-fascist,” the “youngest Biden delegate”…

So Democrats and a Handful of Vichycons and Kristol Meth Heads Against Trump…

And, of course, the Swamp

Tales of the Bizarro World

  1. Woman goes to Haiti to write about r*pe in Haiti being exaggerated.
  2. Gets r*ped repeatedly by Haitian man.
  3. Blames it on misdirected “Black rage” against “white world.”
  4. Says she is “grateful for the experience.”

White liberal women are not well. [More]

See, it depends on who’s being raped and who’s doing the raping

They’re the ones demanding Haitian gun laws here, and their vote may be what results in a “surrender or else” ultimatum from the Democrats.

Long Walks On the Beach and TROs

Restraining Order Based on Unwanted Online Contact Upheld, but Weapons Restriction Struck Down [More]

Since when is any conflict not made better by adding “Only Ones” into the mix?

It actually sounds like they both deserve each other, but the legal hurdles, penalties, and expenses raise a question as to just how far “the law” could go, depending on the jurisdiction.

A Matter of Democrat Priorities

Biden says he regrets using ‘illegal’ to describe Laken Riley murder suspect during State of the Union – Biden received criticism from members of his own party for using the term, ‘illegal’ [More]

Made possible by useful idiots.

And here are more Democrat priorities:

Top red state official demands answers on Biden executive order ‘attempting to register’ illegals to vote

Demand answers all you like. You won’t get them if Republicans manage to blow the election — and even if they don’t they’ll need to do something almost unheard of: Act on campaign rhetoric.

Related UPDATE

California Introduces Bill to Provide Free Legal Assistance to Illegals Who Are Violent Felons [More]

That’s why I call the Demestic enemies.

[Via Michael G]

Paved with Good Intentions

The brief recalls how Congress enacted the Gun Control Act of 1968 pursuant to the Commerce Clause with no intention of discouraging or eliminating the private ownership or use of firearms by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes. [More]

That’s not how the bill’s author felt:

ALL “gun control” is just another incremental step to the end goal– citizen disarmament. We don’t do ourselves any favors by believing otherwise and arguing that in court.

We’re the Only Ones in Evidence Enough

Police officer in Wisconsin allegedly takes man’s money during a search, officially charged [More]

And two other wallets turning up in a search of his car tell us Officer Sticky Fingers is (allegedly) as stupid as he is corrupt.

17 years on the force and guilty of a felony– way to blow your retirement and your RKBA over peanuts, moron.

[Via bondmen]

A Cost/Benefit Analysis

Study Destroys Economic Arguments In Favor Of Mass Immigration [More]

They could tell us but then they’d have to kill us.

But first they need to take our guns.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

The government is scared crapless the Social Security Ponzi scheme is going to implode.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Diagnosing Enough

A police officer who visited Russo’s home to investigate allegedly reported that the dog was stiff, barely breathing, and appeared to be uncomfortable. The officer obtained a warrant and had Tipper euthanized. [More]

In Massachussetts, “Only Ones” are also “qualified” to file an ERPO petition.

Hey, take the dogs first, due process later, right?

It’s for the greater good

[Via Edmund M]

Insurrection 2.0

Gold Star Father Put in Handcuffs for Protesting Biden During State of the Union Over Deadly Abbey Gate Terror Attack in Afghanistan [More]

Doesn’t he know his kind isn’t wanted here anymore?

Just ask Rob Reiner.

And yeah, I saw it last night. He basically had the commies cheering for plans to exacerbate inflation, pile onto the debt, play chicken with Putin and China, further open the pathway to citizenship floodgates, disarm me and you, draw and quarter more babies, and meet the “river to the sea” people going from the sea to the river.

I will give him this: He slurred some words, but getting through the speech as well as he did surprised me. IKt’s an indicaiton he doewsn’t mean to be replaced, and I’m hoping that works in our favor.

Still, and I’ve said this before, the issue this election is abortion, and masses of women voters will ignore everything else and burn the house down to get it.

Change my mind.

[Via Michael G]

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

AI drone that could hunt and kill people built in just hours by scientist ‘for a game’… Wenus said his experiment showed that society urgently needs to build anti-drone systems for civilian spaces where large crowds could gather. [More]

Ol’ Wenus don’t get outta the lab much, does he?

I’m envisioning the birth of a sport that could make millions and bring all kinds of new people to the range…

[News tip and image concept via WiscoDave]

We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us

The key to all of this is the involvement of state association leaders, and the key to getting those leaders involved is your advocacy. This can only happen if large numbers of NRA members begin pushing the idea at their local gun clubs and directly petition their state associations. Begin by sharing this article with your gun-owning friends and the leadership of your local clubs, Friends of NRA committees, and state association leaders. Follow that with calls and emails asking those leaders to take immediate action. [More]

Ay, there’s the rub.

A common excuse for letting others carry the load and limiting involvement to anonymous comments of dissatisfaction is that unlike Democrat activists, “we” have jobs and families and don’t have time.

Personal experience tells me that’s just bullsh!+. I had demanding jobs and raised a family, and I still always made time to get involved in all kinds of advocacy and skill improvement/preparation activities while doing so.

Some of you have, too, but far too many in “our ranks” have not.

[Via Jess]

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