A Confluence of Factors

The father of a man accused of fatally shooting a professor at the University of Arizona on Wednesday said his son is “disturbed” and has a violent criminal history. [More]

So why was this known danger out free to stalk among us?

And why was the professor such an easy victim?

Arizona Board of Regents Policies 5-302 and 5-303 prohibit the use, possession, display, or storage of any weapons, explosive device, or fireworks on the University of Arizona campus and on all land and in all buildings owned or under the control of the University of Arizona on behalf of the Arizona Board of Regents, except as provided in ARS §12-781. No concealed carry permit exempts a person from this policy.

Now there’s a group that looks like they’d make a monster think twice!

[Via bondmen]

A Lestering Sore

Dr. Phil guest claims ‘White supremacy is embedded in everything’ in segment on cultural appropriation  [More]

“Cultural appropriation” like hair straightening?

Here’s Lester cautioning us about racial slurs. What the hell does he think calling everyone who’s not a Marxist a “white supremacist” is?

At least those who know him best aren’t fooled. You can’t even graduate with a GPA like that. Figures they’d hire him to teach.

Yalla Don’t Come Back Now, Y’Hear?

Berkeley Develops Jewish-Free Zones [More]

But Hillary says we’re the Nazis

I wonder if that bagel brain Chemerinsky now wringing his hands over this might have pause to reconsider his position on 2A, but no, he hasn’t connected the dots to realize the cowardly Judenrat and kapos are ever essential components of establishing judenfrei zones.

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Gaslighting…

Princeton University Marks Constitution Day With Event Deeming Founding Document ‘A Form of Geopolitical Gaslighting’ [More]

Well, if we can’t trust the conclusions of foreign-born Marxist ingrates including a Mexican moderator and a Filipina professor of gender and sexuality studies taken into this country as a refugee, whose judgment can we trust?

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Turning Enough

Campus police detain Turning Point USA protesters during Cultural Resource Center altercation … Turning Point USA called campus police for assistance… [More]

What did we learn?

Those privileged commie kids sure have hostile victim attitudes instilled in them by the cultural Marxists, don’t they? I kind of wonder if you got one of them alone and asked them to flesh out what specific overt acts of white racism have been committed against them personally, you’d get a lot of this:

[Via Michael G]

So the Problem is ‘Structural Racism’

New UC-Davis Study: Gun Violence Increased Substantial In Pandemic’s Early Months [Watch]

It’s actually more about ERPOs, and I can see why comments are turned off.  This irritating leftwing (but I repeat myself) UC Davis agenda “researcher” believes her own talking point s*** as the newsprops nod in solemn agreement.

Is it just me or is anyone else getting a Fauci-in-a-wig vibe?

[Via Rough and Ready]

And We’re the Haters

How Blatant Anti-White Racism Won Acceptance in Elite America [More]

The useful idiots will be encouraged until such time as they’re redesignated useless eaters.

In the meantime, don’t delude yourself that such as these don’t hate you and want you dead, because what more do they have to say to convince you they do?

What gets me is how anyone can be surprised, especially since they told us years ago in no uncertain terms what their plans were.

[Via Michael G]

None Dare Call It Treason

The op-ed advocates doing away entirely with the Constitution. Why? The authors don’t quite put it this way, but the reason is that the Constitution fails to establish a pure democracy by plebiscite, and makes it difficult to use a transient majority to effect radical change. [More]

Then those who would rule us and who control all major means of communication wouldn’t need to just ignore it anymore.

It figures The New York Times would publish such a subversive screed. As for the ivory tower Harvard and Yale apparatchiks, when useful idiots are no longer needed, that which they’re helping bring into being generally finds a suitable place for “new people.”

[Via Michael G]

It’s in the Bag

“By instituting the clear bag policy here at the University of Akron we are aligning more with the safety policies across the NCAA, NFL, NHL and most MLB ballparks,” said Markus Jennings, Deputy Director of Athletic/COO. “The fan experience and safety are always at the forefront of every decision we make.” [More]

A lot sure has changed since Dad played there and such concerns were unheard of:

Shortly thereafter he was in the Marines taking Guam.

America’s Cultural Revolution

America is in a state of revolution. It’s not the kind of revolution with competing armies or a coup d’état. It’s an invisible revolution along the axes of race, gender, and identity that is shaking the foundations of our country. I’ll show you exactly how we got here and what we can do to push back. [Watch]

Recall that Marcuse was wholly enabled by our government and academic elites.

Sorry, but “we’re” so far gone, the “push back” seems way too little, way too late, and way too demanding of a culture steeped in ignorance, laziness, and apathy. Course reversal like what is needed doesn’t happen without a more “hands-on” approach, and for that, expect only a small segment of the populace, maybe three percent, to actively participate at any given time.

[Via Agustin B]

Great Expectations

In a long Twitter thread on Thursday, a Marquette University assistant professor of journalism suggested young reporters may fabricate stories because newspaper journalism standards are too high and because minority reporters might feel racism on the job. [More]

So it’s OK for minorities to be corrupt and incompetent in whatever job they undertake because “white supremacy”…? Matter of fact, that calls for hiring and promotion preferences!

No racism there.

[Via Michael G]

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