Where There’s a Will

Mexico disperses migrant caravans heading to US ahead of Trump inauguration – President-elect Trump has threatened Mexico with a 25% tariffs on goods — unless it stops illegal crossings [More]

What more does anyone need to see to know what treasonous frauds the Democrats have been on this?

Now threaten to prosecute illegal employers and watch the exodus begin.

Just When You Thought You’d Read the Stupidest Thing on the Internet…

Just I thought Mazie Hirono had claimed the prize

You overprivileged lefties are free to leave any time you want — but you keep breaking your promises.

Since all she does is lie, why wouldn’t we believe she lied for Monsanto?

Messin’ with Texas

Two illegal aliens told Texas National Guard soldiers that the reported “International Migrants Day” crossing rumors were being pushed all throughout Mexico via television and social media. [Watch]

Please announce immediate repercussions to be implemented after Inauguration Day, President-elect Trump.


None dare call it treason…? It oughta be.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

None Dare Call It Treason

The Biden administration is using its final weeks to haul a massive amount of border wall materials away from the southern border to be sold off in a government auction, an apparent effort to hinder President-elect Donald Trump’s effort to secure the border, The Daily Wire has learned. [More]

The same people who want our guns want more illegal aliens. Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

Let’s hope “The Scouring of the Shire” really happens.

[Via Michael G]

With Malice Aforethought

Mexico understands that an open border, the destruction of U.S. immigration law, illegal immigration, and emigration of millions of its own citizens to America are entirely in its own interests. [More]

So do the Democrats.

I wonder what obstacles they’re going to throw in Trump’s and Homan’s way, and which treasonous Republicans will help them…

[Via Michael G]

None Dare Call It Treason

Iranian Nationals Apprehended at Texas Border – Special interest illegal aliens from Middle Eastern countries continue to swarm the southwest land border. [More]

Brought to you by “pathway to citizenship” traitors.

If they succeed in acting out, watch their Democrat enablers blame lax gun laws and the racist fascists who oppose them.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Welcome the Strangers!

[R]eleased inmates from Venezuelan prisons have been directed to travel to the United States alongside Venezuelan intelligence officers to track down former Venezuelan military members, politicians, and law enforcement officials within the United States and “neutralize” them. [More]

And just how do they propose to get onto this country?


OK then, what gun laws can stop them?

[Via bondmen]

Much Ado About What, Exactly?

Sheriffs, Governors, and Attorneys General possess legitimate authority and jurisdiction where violations have occurred. In fact, Sheriff Mark Lamb, one of our nation’s most dedicated sheriffs, has already completed a criminal investigation on Homeland Security Director Alejandro Mayorkas. The case has been referred to the County Attorney for prosecution. [More]

And he has the inclination and authority to do what? Especially since he was defeated in the June Primary

Am I wrong in feeling their timing is as impressive as Ken Paxton’s?

[Via bondmen]

If You See Something Say Something

Nine surface to air missiles, of possibly Iranian origin … have crossed into the United States at a New Mexico p0int of entry … It appears that, based upon this reporting, that the intended target is the former president’s, Trump’s plane… [Watch]

I can’t speak to the credibility of this information.

What I can speak to is this is very similar to how, from the onset, Mike and I tested Fast and Furious gunwalking allegations, and here we have claims that different whistleblowers have independently corroborated each other.

Does that make it true?

Of course not. This could be conspiracy misinformation/disinformation. We don’t know if motivation is the truth or an agenda. People could have said the same about us — and did.

What it does is justify bringing it to the attention of those with the resources to investigate further, in government, law enforcement, and the media, and I expect about the same reactions/nonreactions we got when we were banging pots and pans to get noticed.

Let’s hope Trump and his people have the capability to get to the bottom of this before anything happens. And if it does, let’s make sure no one who could have done something can deny knowing anything about it.

[Via WiscoDave]


More here.

Guerillas in the Mist

Packs of “Fighting Age Males” in Military Uniforms Entering U.S. through Remote Arizona Town [More]

Brought to you by the same people who want your guns and smear anyone who opposes their subversion as “the greatest threat.”

Only embedded domestic enemies bent on the downfall of the Republic and the destruction/subjugation of its people would enable this.

[Via bondmen]

Welcoming the Stranger

Feds ID 400 migrants smuggled into US by ISIS-affiliated network —with the whereabouts of 50 unknown [More]

Who created the conditions inviting them in?

What makes them think that’s the only network?

Who was “rigorously” admitted to set up the safe houses?

And what are their plans for ratcheting down on you and me after the plan comes together?

History Repeats Itself

Border Patrol in California Seizes 25 AK-Style Rifles Destined for Mexican Cartel [More]

So if Californians got the rifles in Arizona, how did they get around this?

Federal law does permit rifles or shotguns (not handguns) to be sold to non-resident buyers in other states. However, this does not apply to Californians. The thorn is that federal law requires FFLs to only sell in compliance with the buyer’s state laws.

And you’ll note no one is talking about the obvious solution…

[Via bondmen]

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