About That New Democrat Rush on ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban

I’m seeing an increase in commentators warning about this, what with Biden trolling for headlines.

Back when Rhode Island Red David Cicilline introduced it, the prognosis was a 6% chance of passing.

In its HB 1808 reincarnation, it’s 12%.

Note all 212 cosponsors are Democrats.

Anyone who says that’s not an issue is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

[Via Jess]

‘Active Shooter Alert’ Bill, Designed to Scare, Draws in GOP Traitors and Suckers

You can find out who the GOP turncoats are via the House Clerk’s recorded votes tally to see if your representative made the Dishonor Roll, either because he’s negligently ignorant, because he’s a proven embedded enemy (like the 15 Republican co-sponsors who have betrayed us before), or because he’s a pandering coward dumb enough to believe this will earn him media props and kudos from “our friends across the aisle” for being reasonable. [More]

With Republicans like these, who needs Democrats?

Meanwhile, Over at the Department of Shoulder Things That Go Up

Rep Cicilline on stabilizing braces: “When attached here, it turns this weapon into an automatic weapon. It becomes a bump stock, and so it will allow that to essentially be fired like an automatic weapon. That’s the danger.” [More]

And you could cook a deer from the inside!

[Via Michael G]

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