Ultimate Fudd Walz Represents Worst of ‘Enemies Inside the Gates’

Also unexplored is what Walz told NRA to get their endorsement. People with sincere, core knowledge-based freedom principles don’t abandon them in favor of emotion-based demands for coercive prohibitions against allies they’d pledged allegiance to. A release of his questionnaire would be instrumental in showing just how much the guy is willing to lie for political power. [More]

It’s not the first time Walz campaigned in a camo hat. Any Fudd kapo dumb enough to vote for this fraud deserves to have his guns taken away.

(lev radin / Shutterstock photo)

Hopes and Praise for Vance Mustn’t Cloud Gun Owner Expectations

I don’t do this to subvert election chances or to get people mad at me. I do it because by viewing politicians with realistic expectations, gun owners will be in a better position to understand where, when and how they may disappoint us once we help them win power, and to insist the “gun rights leaders” endorsing them do everything they can to make sure it’s understood our rights are non-negotiable. [More]

I’m voting for Donald Trump and JD Vance. I want you to vote for Donald Trump and JD Vance. I just think we’ll all be better positioned for whatever happens after they win if we don’t vote for them blindly.

Trump Assassination Attempt Brings New Urgency for RNC to Affirm Support for 2nd Amendment

Giving Trump and the Republicans all the ammo they need to defeat gun grabber arguments is well within the skill set of the newly formed Gun Owners for Trump coalition… [More]

We’ve got to do more than hope his resolve is strengthened. There are people who can help him not just repel attacks on our rights, but promote and advance them with the independents both sides are competing for — if he will let them.

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